Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today I want to ask you to spread My Apparition more widely in Bonate.
Marcos, My incessant flame of love, you drew from My Heart a painful sword of pain that had been stuck in it for more than 60 years, because of the denial, the persecution, done against My Apparitions at Bonate.
But My Heart still bleeds with pain, because of the discrediting, forgetfulness and contempt for My Apparition at Bonate to My little daughter Adelaide Roncalli. Therefore, I ask you My incessant flame of love: Propagate even more intensely My Appearance at Bonate and that all My children help you in this great task to make My Message known.
When Bonate is known the Secrets given at Fatima, at La Salette and also here and my Immaculate Heart will triumph.
May all My children know My Message of Bonate and pray the Rosary, so that God may send the Angel of Peace to give peace to the world.
I desire My children, that truly all nations may know My apparition at Bonate. Through My Appearances in Jacareí Bonate will revive, Bonate will live in the hearts of My children, Bonate will triumph. And when Bonate triumphs my heart will also triumph and the kingdom of my son Jesus will be established in the world.
Keep praying My Meditated Rosary every day and all the prayers I gave you Here. For these prayers My Heart will always triumph more in My children.
May My children continue to thank God and rejoice in the great victory of My Immaculate Heart, for the many millions of My children who know My Messages of My Apparitions Here in Jacareí.
In this way I fulfill what I promised in the past: All the nations of the earth will know My apparitions Here in Jacareí, will be converted and will give glory to My Immaculate Heart.
There are only a few countries left so that all the nations of the earth will know My Apparitions Here. And then, My children, the Secrets of My Immaculate Heart will be fulfilled.
Continue to spread My Messages and then, My Heart will pour out Its Flame of Love powerfully in all the nations of the earth. And they will finally be transformed into one unceasing flame of love with my little son Marcos, for the greater glory of the Lord and my victory as well.
To this My beloved son, My unceasing flame of love, Marcos, and also to his spiritual father Carlos Thaddeus, My beloved son.
And to all of you I now bless you abundantly from Bonate, from Montichiari and from Jacareí".
(St. Lucy): "Dear brothers My, I, Lucy, Lucia, I rejoice again for coming from Heaven today, to bless you and to tell you: Be the ardent apostles of the Mother of God, carrying ever more of Her Messages and Her Word to all souls, to all hearts without fear.
Because She is with you and I am with you too, fighting to help you save many souls for Her.
Be the loving apostles of the Mother of God, spreading Her Word, spreading Her Messages: with the word, with example, with life, with a holy life.
That all who look at you may see in you the Messages translated into works. The life of the saints was the Gospel translated into works. Your life must be this: The messages of the Mother of God translated into works.
In this way, everyone will be able to understand what She wants and you will be able to follow Her along the path of prayer, sacrifice, penance, conversion and love.
God is Love, Love is God and the Mother of God is the Mother of Love, She is the Lady of Love, the living Tabernacle of Love. And what you must be in perfect imitation of Her is this: incessant flames of love.
When you are incessant flames of love in prayer, sacrifice, work for God and the Mother of God, work for the salvation of souls.
When you are unceasing flames of love in your families, at work, at school and with friends. Then Satan will be defeated and his kingdom of hatred, selfishness, violence and evil will fall at once and the kingdom of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will be established in the world.
And then a new time of peace will come for the whole face of the earth and there will no longer be anything to fear from Satan or his infernal hordes.
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be unceasing flames of love, apostles burning with the love of the Mother of God, so that through your lives the heart of her may finally triumph and the world be transformed into the Kingdom of perfect love.
Continue praying all the prayers Heaven has asked of you Here, because they will transform you into the unceasing flames of love of the Mother of God.
In order to conserve the Flame of Love and make it grow, you need to raise your souls to God each day: through continuous meditation, spiritual reading.
And, above all, by the continuous movement of asceticism of your souls to God, renouncing your own will, seeking and accepting God's and each day more trying to do the mental prayer that pleases God so much.
This mental prayer composed of deep contemplation, deep meditation of God, of His Person, His Glory, His Word. From the Glory and the Word of the Mother of God, it will take you higher and higher in the true flame of God's love.
This mental prayer also includes worship, the silent prayer of the soul, also praise. And above all the union of your will with that of God and His Mother by conforming your own will to theirs.
In this way, beloved brothers and sisters, you will grow more and more in the flame of love of the Mother of God. Do this so that truly now the flame of the Mother of God's love will reach fullness in you.
And may Your Immaculate Heart follow the plans begun according to the Secrets of La Salette of Fatima which will be completely completed Here.
I bless you all with the love of Syracuse, Catania and Jacari".