Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Marcos): For ever be praised, Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Yes. Yes, very happy that he is here. Yes, I feel as if I am being reborn. I feel as if God the Father is close to me, taking care of me. I feel as if I have the strength to do everything and no suffering, no trial could ever, ever bring me down.
I feel full, I feel that I have everything, that I lack nothing, I have everything, fullness.
Yes, I know. Yes, I have. He said to wait!
Thank you Madam, I will say yes. I will also say.
Ah! I can see that! When he is here you are much happier, you don't know how to disguise it! Yes, I will. Yes, I saw it, I believed in the moment that it was a sign from the Lady, I did not doubt it.
Is that the meaning? Yes, I also saw the Lady. I believed at the time that it was a sign of the Lady! I never doubt it.
Yes, I understood. Yes, Madam, I will tell the people.
I remember. Ah! Are you coming back tomorrow? With you and with Jesus? Then what time will you come?
Yes, yes, perfect! Did he ask you to come? What love! Thank him in advance for me, I love him so much and I admire him so much too. I wish I were only one percent of what he was and what he did for you. I want to be like him when one day I grow in holiness.
(Blessed Mary): "Dear children, on this holy night I come again to invite all of you to look at me, the woman dressed in the sun, crowned with 12 stars with the moon on her feet, who crushes the head of the infernal serpent, terrible as an army in battle order.
I am the terrible woman as an army in battle order! I am terrible to the demons, who cannot stand my presence, cannot stand the pronunciation of my Name, cannot stand my Rosary when my children greet me 150 times reciting the angelic greeting, which God himself composed.
I am the terrible Woman who wherever she appears destroys the forces of evil, the works of Satan, of sin and makes the works of good triumph, of grace to the greater glory of the Lord.
I am the terrible Woman, terrible for obstinate and ungodly sinners who insist on rebelling against the Lord, who insist on living offending and crucifying My Son. Who insist on living by persecuting Me and My seers, trying to destroy My works of salvation in the world.
I am terrible to these wicked ones because I always destroy their perfidy, even though they often seem humanly to win. But, I am still the terrible Virgin, the same one who with a severe gesture made the Muslims in the Battle of Lepanto lose the war.
And so too, at the end of this great war between Me and My hellish enemy, these wicked ones who spoil My plans, who spoil and persecute My works of salvation. All these wicked people will once again be defeated by Me, and this time their defeat will be final, because My Immaculate Heart will triumph, and the devil will never again be able to leave the abyss with his followers to try and do harm to the Earth.
I am terrible, terrible to all those who have rebelled against Christ, against those who follow the antichrist, the spirit of rebellion of these times in which you live. I am terrible to them, because with my apparitions and manifestations I destroy their perfidious works, I reduce to ashes the diabolical plans of Satan which they serve.
And ever more, I powerfully raise to God holy children, who with the holiness of their life, with their burning love for Me, with their total surrender and consecration to Me, again and again make the light of God's grace shine and triumph, the light of truth, love, holiness and peace.
I am the terrible Woman who 300 years ago made appear from the waters of the Paraíba do Sul River, My image of the Immaculate Conception. That is, the one who crushes Satan's head as described in Revelation 12, the Woman who fights against the infernal dragon, the Woman of Genesis.
So, I am that terrible Woman who in Brazilian Heaven again says to all My children: Trust and Hope, nothing is lost! What My little son Marcos said is true, a bad chapter is not the end of a whole story.
Therefore, My children, never lose hope in My Immaculate Heart, because after the bad chapters, the trials, the tribulations that you now have to go through, because this time is given to Satan.
After this time My Heart will triumph and you, My obedient children, who obey Me, who follow Me on the path of prayer, grace, penance and love, will triumph with Me.
I will make of you also terrible souls against hell, for the sanctity of life, of prayer, of consecration, and of your total self-giving to Me. I will make of you terrible souls against hell, you will destroy many works of Satan in Brazil and in the world with your prayers, sacrifices, with your work and total dedication to Me, as My little son Marcos has already done so much.
Yes, some time ago I promised Here, on the occasion of this same Feast, that I will save Brazil because of his faithfulness, of the Meditated Rosaries he made to Me, of the movies of My Apparitions he made to Me that so many swords of pain took from My Heart. So many tears dried from My eyes, so many thorns took from My Immaculate Heart and so many thousands and even millions of souls saved for God and for Me.
I have promised that I will save Brazil because of it and in spite of the infidelities, disappointments and betrayals of My children who do not fulfill their promises, who do not fulfill their vows to Me. I have always been faithful to My promise and I have already begun the great work of salvation of Brazil that you yourselves can see with your eyes and I will follow this work of salvation because of My little son Marcos.
Yes, truly I say: Even if all My children of Brazil disobeyed Me, betrayed Me or abandoned Me, I will still save Brazil. I will save Brazil because of My little son Marcos, who loves Me more than all, serves Me and obeys Me more than all and has for Me a flame of love more ardent and burning than all.
And now I have one more reason to save Brazil, which is my dearest and most beloved son Carlos Tadeu, to whom I gave the most beloved son, dearest of my heart, my treasure on earth. Yes, because of them I will save many souls, I will save Brazil and also because of My children who obey Me, who listen to Me, who love Me great graces I will accomplish in this land of the Holy Cruz.
The more holy you are the more graces there will be. The more you pray the more blessings I will shower from my Immaculate Heart. The more you give yourselves to Me, the more My Flame of Love will burst powerfully into your midst, converting sinners and transforming the land of Holy Cross into the Garden of grace, love and holiness of My Heart.
I am the Queen of Brazil, I am the Queen of the world! And in this time that is particularly marked by a very strong and extraordinary presence of My Here, especially in this jubilee year of so many manifestations of My. I will continue to realize in your midst the great graces of My Flame of Love.
To all of you now I bless with Love and especially my beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, who today with his presence here fills my Immaculate Heart with joy. Drying many tears of mine, closing many wounds that my children open in my Immaculate Heart with the thorns and swords of their sins.
To my little son Marcos whom I love and through whom I will save and save Brazil. And to you all, My beloved little children, I now generously bless you from Aparecida, Fatima and Jacari".