Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Message of Our Lady

(Our Lady): Dear children, today I invite you all once again to increase your love for My Rosary. May the Rosary My children, be always in your hands.
If the people would pray the Rosary again as they used to, how many saints, how many new saints would come out of families, how many souls burning with the fire of the Holy Spirit would not exist burning the face of the whole earth with love for the Lord, for Me.
Transforming the whole world into the true Kingdom of God's Love on earth. When you all return to My Rosary then peace, peace will return to you humanity, wars will cease and families will be holy families that will produce many saints like the family of My servant Antonio de Santana Galvão.
Look at Him, how much He loved Me, look at His examples of prayer, of penance, of a life completely consecrated and given to God.
Yes, He loved Me with more ardent, purer, more filial love and because of this I have distinguished Him not only with temporal graces, but especially with many gifts and spiritual graces, making Him truly one of My greatest apostles and children whom I have had on earth and who have loved God and loved Me also in Heaven.
Likewise, imitate the example of my most beloved servant and son Judas Thaddeus, who loved My son Jesus and Me so much and for Us even gave His life and shed His blood dying for the truth, dying to witness the love of Us.
Imitate the example of these two sons of Mine, following them by His life of obedience to God, faithfulness to grace, of His pure and ardent love, of His virtues that are so great and eminent.
Then, truly your life will be a true rose garden, where the mystical roses of prayer, love, sacrifice and penance will sprout, grow and give their sweet, heavenly fragrance to banish from the face of the earth the nauseating stench of sin and the dominance of Satan.
Put the Rosary and prayer first in your lives My children, and then God will begin to do great things in you. Try it and you will see that I am right and that what I say to you is right, where my Rosary is prayed there I will be alive performing the greatest wonders and graces of God. And truly growing in holiness burning souls of my Flame of Love and filled with the Holy Spirit of God.
Here in Jacareí, in this Sacred Place of my Apparitions where my Rosary is so loved and prayed, where it has been recorded more than 330 times by my little son Marcos, together with my Messages. Here, truly, I am loved, consoled by this My son who loves My Rosary so much, who made My Rosary his treasure, his best friend, his greatest good.
And that's why, in the life of My little son Marcos, I accomplish so many prodigies and wonders as never before. And much more I will accomplish, I'm only at the beginning of My great work, much more I still have to accomplish in him and for him.
And that's why I say: Blessed are the souls who welcome with love the Meditated Rosary of my son Marcos, who help him to spread it, to make it better known, prayed and loved by all. For in the lives of these My children I too will perform great wonders that will culminate in the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
Marcos, My unceasing flame of love, My apostle of the Rosary, angel of My Rosary. To you, the one you love so much, who has spread My Rosary so much to all My children, making it prayed by millions of people throughout the world over these years.
I bless you now with all the Love of my Immaculate Heart and also all these My children who love My Rosary, who love and obey My Messages of Lourdes, Fatima and Jacareí".
(Saint Anthony of Santana Galvão): "Dear brothers My, I, Anthony of Santana Galvão, rejoice in coming once again today with My Most Holy Queen to bless you and to give you this Message.
The last time I came was on the birthday of our beloved Marcos, as a birthday present for him, who loves Me so much and wanted to see Me.
Today I return to him, to this My most beloved brother and also to you, to say: Love the Mother of Love, who is the Mother of God. Let yourselves be loved by her and love her with all your heart as I have loved you. For that was the great secret of my holiness. It was my true devotion to Mary that led me to consecrate myself to her as her slave of Love, that made me truly climb the great mountain of perfection and holiness and become a saint in a short time.
If you want to become saints quickly too, live this true devotion not only with your mouths, with your words, but with your deeds day by day and every hour. Be like true slaves of Her by living true servitude to Her, obeying her in everything, renouncing your will, vanities, worldly things.
And by cultivating in your soul and in your heart the inner life of the soul, that is, the life of union with God, so that her sanctifying grace may live in your souls and may lead you to complete holiness. may lead you to achieve complete holiness. To have this true inner life of the soul, you must pray a lot with your heart, you must do at least 20 minutes of meditation, of spiritual reading a day.
For the soul that does not meditate, that does not do spiritual reading does not know itself, does not know God, does not know Our Holy Queen Mary, does not know what is wrong with itself. They do not know what must change and because of this they do not convert, they do not improve, they do not progress on their way to Heaven, in the growth of holiness.
That is why they must often meditate, they must also do a little mortification every day of something they like, in dressing, in eating, in listening, in seeing, in speaking.
Every day they must also try to combat a defect, be it laziness, pride, gluttony, vanity or any other sin by exercising the virtue contrary to the defect that is to be eliminated.
As our beloved Marcos said, in a very closed house there is no wind. In a soul that is closed by prayer, meditation and the cultivation of the interior life there are no temptations or bad thoughts. So cultivate the inner life and the bad thoughts of worldly temptations will begin to weaken in you.
The love of God, of Our Holy Queen, divine love, the flame of love will begin to become stronger in your hearts and then it will be easy for you to overcome all temptation and all carnal illusion.
I, Antonio de Santana Galvão, am close to you, I want and can help you a lot. So come to me always, praying to me, making me novenas and I promise that I will truly fulfill all your requests that are holy, just and that are according to the will of the Lord.
I also promise to intervene powerfully in your lives to help you grow in holiness. Therefore My brothers, come to Me and live the true devotion to Mary Most Holy, which is the Secret of holiness in recent times.
She is like a big furnace where hard and hard metals are thrown and there they are all melted and then re-founded into a beautiful piece, a beautiful trophy for the Lord.
In the same way whoever wants to be a saint throws himself into the furnace of her Immaculate Heart for true devotion to her. There the soul will be fused with Her Heart and will take its own shape of Her Most Holy Heart, thus becoming perfect in the eyes of the Lord, pleasant in the eyes of the Lord.
To all I bless with love now from Guaratinguetá, from My Monastery of Light and from Jacareí.
Peace Marcos, peace beloved and dearest brother of mine, I love you with all my heart and I always keep you under my cloak, always under the eyes of love that I have always upon you".
(St. Jude Thaddeus): "Dear brothers, I, Jude Thaddeus, apostle of the Lord, servant and son of Mary Most Holy, rejoice in coming to you here today, who are already celebrating my feast.
I come today to say: Give your hearts to Love, to the Love that is Jesus, to the Mother of Love that is Mary Most Holy. Give your hearts to the Love that loved you before you loved Him, that chose you before you chose Him, that preferred you before you could prefer Him.
This love has rescued many of you from the path of sin and perdition, it has preserved others from entering into it by calling you this way. Give the 'yes', therefore to this Love, be grateful to this Love, giving to this Love your life, your heart, your time, your strength, so that then, in you and through you He may accomplish great things for the salvation of the whole world.
Give your hearts to Love and love Love, the Love that is Jesus, who gave His life for all of you. You have not loved this Love and therefore this Love every day is filled more and more with sadness for the ungratefulness of your hearts.
Be converted and turn your hearts to this Love before it is too late, be converted because the time of conversion given to you is running out and soon a great punishment will come.
Yes, the three dark days will come, but those who love the Mother of God, who pray Her Rosary with their hearts, who obey Her Messages, those who love Me and also turn to Me, will be protected by Us in those days and no harm will come to them.
Love Love and give your hearts to Him, to Jesus, and to His Mother so that the Flame of Their Love may truly descend upon all of you and realize in you all His great wonders.
Marcos My unceasing flame of love, unceasing flame of God's love. Yes, you have loved Me with a very great, very intense love, you have worked hard to make the true devotion to Me grow and truly establish itself in all hearts, in all souls.
That is why you are also My incessant flame of love, to you who have loved Me so much and have worked to make Me known and loved. To your spiritual father Carlos Thaddeus, my most beloved brother whom I love, to you I truly desire to give great thanks in this year of the Mother of God.
So open your hearts to Me without limits, turn to Me with confidence and whatever you ask Me to do according to God's will, according to His will I will surely give you. Above all, Marcos, I promise to answer your prayers promptly, because I love you very much and I take great care of you and your spiritual father, with whom I am always at your side and everywhere.
I listen to his prayers, I also listen to his moans, his tears. And I promise, I promise to intervene powerfully in his life to accomplish great wonders of the Heart of the Mother of Mine and to raise him up with you to great holiness.
That is why, dear brother of mine, pray a lot because I have great things to give you, to do in your lives and I have great plans to accomplish in you.
Yes, dear brother Carlos Tadeu, I love you with all my heart, as I have told you in my Messages on the 28th of each month, I love you with all my strength, I protect you.
You, like my beloved Marcos, are a miracle of mine that walks, lives and speaks. And together with Antônio Galvão and the other Saints who have already said how much they love you and how much they defend and guard you, I will also continue defending you, guarding you and performing My wonders in you and in your life, don't be afraid of anything because I am with you.
And if I am for you, who can against you? Therefore, follow confidently your path living each day, leaving all your worries of tomorrow in My hands. I will think about them and solve these worries even better than you.
Fear nothing, do not think about what you should do, what you should talk about, give everything into My hands, ask for My inspiration and I will give it to you. Don't be afraid of anything, of anything that may seem bigger than you and that may prostrate you.
Because I will always be at your side to give you strength and with me at your side you have already won, because I enjoy a great favor with Jesus and Mary, My merits are very great and every day I offer these merits in your favor and in favor of my beloved Marcos, to grant you all the graces you ask for.
I will unite you two even more and with even stronger and more intense bonds of the flame of love. So open your heart, let yourself be formed, guide, lead by Me and you will see what great things I reserve for you.
Yes, truly I am Judas Thaddeus, apostle of the Lord and my mission Here, in this Place is to open you more and more with the true flame of love for the Lord and the Mother of God.
Come brothers, pray my Rosary always asking me for this grace in the mysteries and I promise to give you this blazing flame of love that will make you true furnaces of love.
To all now I bless you with love from Nazareth, Jerusalem and Jacari".
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, as I have already said: Wherever these Scapulars come, there I will be alive carrying my graces and my protection.
These Scapulars will be like the blood of the Lamb at the door of the Israelites in Egypt. Wherever these Scapulars are, the Punishments of the wrath of God, as well as the demons in the three days of darkness, will not be able to enter and will not be able to hurt the house that has them.
The Holy Angels and also My sons Antonio Galvão and Judas Thaddeus will protect those who have them".