Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Message of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

(Sacred Heart of Jesus): My beloved children, today my Sacred Heart rejoices to see you again Here in my house, in my Mother's house where I truly bless each one of you, I fill you with the graces of my Sacred Heart and give you Peace.
Live in Peace and open your hearts to Me, let My Sacred Heart enter your heart and completely transform your soul into My garden of delights, My second Paradise, My little Heaven.
I truly invite you today to let My Sacred Heart enter your heart so that My Heart in your heart can live, reign and do wonders.
My Heart in your heart must live every day. Therefore, you must open the doors of your hearts to Me, let Me in, let Me do My wonders in you, live and reign in you, and truly realize the great graces and great plans of love that I have for you.
Therefore, live a life of continuous union with Me, growing each day more in prayer, uniting your will with Mine, renouncing worldly things and your will, and opening your hearts to a great capacity to love Me.
My Heart in your heart must live each day, so you must live in Me and then I will live in you. Remain in Me and I will remain in you.
You cannot always remain without defects, but you can always remain in Me and that is what I want despite your defects and miseries, I want you to remain in Me, I want you to live in Me for true love.
And then, I too will live in you, I too will remain with you, and when I remain with a soul I make it produce much fruit of love and holiness. My Heart in your heart, so we must live each day.
You will be able to live with My Heart in yours if you put out of your hearts all that is mundane, all that which once separated you from Me, separated you from Me and prevented Me from communicating My Graces to you.
And if anyone still lives like this, bound to worldly things, bound to evil, to sin, preventing Me from communicating My Graces, let these things go today. And I will communicate My Graces to this heart, to the heart of this son of Mine, and I will make him rich, rich of My Grace, rich of My Love.
My Heart in your heart, thus, Our hearts will be one in My Flame of Love, which is the Holy Spirit. Then, truly, Our hearts will be one, Our will be one and the Father will come with me and We will make this son Our abode.
Together we will sup and be happy forever and all that is Mine will also be of the son who thus lives united to Me and I will communicate to him My riches, the riches of My Grace, My eternal happiness and finally My eternal glory in the Kingdom of Heaven.
My Heart in your heart, thus, Our hearts will no longer be two but one and will have the same feelings, the same love, will have the same joy, will have the same wealth. Because My Heart will share with your heart all the infinite riches it possesses and everything will be yours. And then, We will live together forever and nothing else can separate Us.
Then it will no longer be you who will live, but I who will live in you. Then your life will already be a beginning of Heaven, of Paradise Here on Earth and you will only continue it there in My Father's house.
If Our Hearts are one, there will truly be no more loneliness for you, no more sadness, and your life will have meaning, because the meaning of your life and the reason for your life will be Me.
And then that will be the light of your souls, the light of your eyes, and that light will illuminate you each day of your pilgrimage here in this world. And then, when you finally arrive at the Father's house you will see that your life was not yours, but it was my life, that your love was mine, that your joy was mine, that your pains were also mine and your victory, your eternal glory will also be mine.
Let us live this way, We, united, be one heart and My Heart in your heart will do wonders radiating My Holy Spirit and My Flame of Love for the conversion and salvation of the whole world.
To you my dear children whom I love so much and whom I have drawn here with your Mother I ask you all: Pray, pray more the Hour of my Sacred Heart, because through it I will always place my heart in your Heart and make my Heart live in you.
Pray also, the Rosary of Mercy, for through it I will give you great thanks, above all, that of a deep union with me.
To all of you, to my beloved son Marcos Thaddeus and to all my faithful servants, among them my beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, whom I and my Mother love with all our hearts.
And that we also want to unite with us and with our beloved Marcos in one heart until together they beat, together they radiate the light of love, together they suffer, together they cry and together they also triumph and rejoice.
We who want to make that wonderful son of Our Love together with Our little Marcos, so that the world finally feels Our Love, understands Our Love. And above all, understand the love of the Father, feel the love of the Father for His children and also know what the true filial love of a son for the Heavenly Father should be like.
To Him and to all of you whom We love so much, We now bless from Dozulé, from Fatima and from Jacari".
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today I invite you all to open your hearts to My son Jesus who is coming at His Second Christmas.
"Your second Christmas is near, so you must prepare your souls to be the new Bethlehem of my son Jesus.
Be the new Bethlehem of my son Jesus, but not the Bethlehem that did not give place to him and me. But the new Bethlehem, the one that welcomes its Savior who returns in glory.
The Bethlehem that welcomes its Messiah, its Redeemer and its King by giving him the honors of his love, his obedience, his adoration and, above all, the most tender and profound love of the soul.
Be the new Bethlehem of my son Jesus preparing for him a worthy dwelling place in your souls, living every day in prayer, fleeing from evil and sin, renouncing worldly things, giving your bodies to God, to my Son, for in giving bodies the spirit will also be given.
How many are those who delude themselves by saying that they have already given their hearts to My Son, but continue to give their bodies to worldly things. Give My children the body to My Son, and then the heart will go together, because, although you have spirit you are in the body and the spirit and the body walk together.
To that which the body is given the spirit is also given, so give the body to My Son and the spirit will also be His, the heart will be His.
Be the new Bethlehem of my Son Jesus preparing for him in your hearts, in your souls a dwelling worthy of King, placing for him:
The carpets of your humility, of your docility, of your obedience to His Law of Love.
The royal curtains of Fortitude, of Hope of Faith, of Charity.
The throne of your prayers, of your sacrifices. The scepter of filial obedience and your readiness to Him.
The crown of true love of your hearts for Him and the sincere desire to be completely His and never to part with Him again and to hurt Him with sin.
The cloak of perfect adoration of all of you to Him.
The incense, gold and myrrh of your life offered completely to Him out of love and with love.
Then truly you will be the new Bethlehem of my Son Jesus, the good land that welcomes its Savior with love and receives his Savior with adoration, humility, obedience and gratitude.
Then My Son will come and reign in you, do His wonders of love in you, and through you He will renew the whole face of the earth.
My Son's second Christmas is near, so begin to prepare now to be his new Bethlehem where I can recline him in your hearts. And in this way you will truly be the most beautiful, illuminated, fragrant and warm cradle for your Savior and his King who returns to you in glory.
Keep praying the Holy Rosary every day, because through it I transform you more and more into the new Bethlehem to give to my Son Jesus.
Keep spreading My apparitions in Bonate, because many punishments will come next year because almost nothing is done for Bonate, the Message of Bonate is not made known.
And with the exception of My little son Marcos, who made the Bonate video and spread it to everyone and some of My sons who fight little is spoken of Bonate, little is done in reparation to My Message of Bonate.
Give My Message to the world, it's the biggest repair I want. Spread Bonate in the prayer groups and cenacles, passing on to My children to see the video that My son Marcos made of My Apparition.
And even give this video to My children, so that truly the sword that is hanging over many countries, including Italy, may be removed, the punishment may be removed and a new harvest of grace from Heaven may come into the world.
I love you all and bless you all from Lourdes, Loreto and Jacareí.
On Christmas Eve I will return here with my Son Jesus, I hope all of you here to give you the blessing of the little Prince Jesus, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords.
I leave peace to you all, until soon. Good evening.