Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today, on the Feast of My daughter Saint Águeda, I come from Heaven to tell you again: Love is Jesus, Love is God, God is Love, Love is God, Love is Jesus!
Love the Love that is not loved! Love the Love that is despised by men and that is trampled on by the ungrateful feet of so many children, who though created with such love for their Father and Creator, these children despise the love of the Father every day, filling Him with offenses, ingratitude, sins and sacrileges.
Love Love, the Love that came here to meet you, to save you all. The Love that Here has revealed Himself through Me, has revealed His sweet, tender, gentle face, His loving face that wants to save all of His children, that wants to save you all.
Love Love, the Love that Here has spared no effort to come to you, to reveal Himself to you, to give Himself to you, to pluck you out of the mire of sin, to pluck you out of the mire, out of spiritual confusion, out of apostasy, out of the indifference you were in. The Love that Here has not measured sacrifices or efforts to save you and to enrich you with His Graces and His gifts of Love.
Love the Love that Here sent Me to be the Messenger of Love and Peace, to be a sign of God's Love among you, to be the door to this Love and the way that leads you to this Love.
Love the Love that Here through Me with simple words, with clear and luminous words made Himself known to you, made Himself felt for you, made Himself seen for you, let Himself be found for you.
Love this Love that is God, that is Jesus and that I bring with Me in My Apparitions Here, open your hearts to Him and let Him enter into your hearts and reign as He entered and reigned in the heart of My daughter Ágatha, Agueda.
If you open your hearts to Jesus, to Love like her, God will give you an unshakable fortress against which neither the demon nor a thousand demons can do anything to bring you down and steal from you the crown of eternal life.
If you open your hearts to this Love, which is Jesus himself, who is God, who is the Holy Spirit and whom you know here as the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This Love will transform you into the great Saints that the world has never seen.
You will be courageous witnesses like My Daughter Agueda and through your word, example, merits and also your sufferings with a small daily martyrdom millions of souls will be saved. And then, the mystical light of my Immaculate Heart will radiate to the whole world, transforming it into the Kingdom of Love of my Heart and of the Lord.
This Love is so close to you, it is my Flame of Love! Extend your hand, touch it, feel it, receive it, put it on, light it in your hearts.
My Flame of Love will then light up your inner self by dispelling all the darkness of sin, all the darkness of spiritual confusion and give you the strength and inner energy you need to throw yourself into the arms of Jesus. And you love Jesus as He was never loved on the face of the earth.
Then My enemy will have lost the greatest of all battles, the battle of your heart, because that is what he wants. As a usurper he wants to take from My Son the place that belongs to Him in your hearts. And if you give your hearts to Jesus who is Love, Satan will be defeated, he will lose the battle of your heart. And then, his final defeat in the final war, between Me, the Woman dressed in the Sun, and him, between My Son and him, will happen in a very short period of time.
Oh, my children! Spread My Flame of Love all over the Earth! See the desolation in which humanity finds itself, look at the whole world sunk into the mire of sin.
Look at the whole world torn by wars, discord, fratricidal struggles, abortion, the perdition of youth, families without prayer, without faith, living like pagans. And raising children not for God, but to get lost in worldly things. Look at my pain, look at my heart that is pure pain for the loss of so many souls.
Light My Flame of Love in souls and hearts by doing My Cenacles of prayer everywhere, giving everyone a luminous example of love, of prayer, of faithfulness to God by courageously witnessing to the Catholic faith like My daughter Agueda.
And if because of this the cross of persecution, of misunderstanding, or even of martyrdom comes to you, embrace it courageously for the salvation of so many millions of souls attributed to you. And that without your prayers and sacrifices, without your love you cannot save yourselves.
Dark, dense clouds cover all the earth, it is the cloud of apostasy, it is the cloud of the loss of the true Catholic faith, it is the cloud of spiritual confusion. Help me to dispel these dense clouds with the light of your faith, prayer and love.
If you, My children, put your love in collaboration with My Flame of Love, this mystical light in Our Hearts pulsing together will drive away the darkness and again shine the Sun of salvation and peace for all humanity.
Red clouds cover the whole earth, it is the cloud of Protestantism, socialism, revolution against God. Help me children, with the mystical light of My Flame of Love united to the light of your prayers, generous and luminous sacrifices offered to Me every day we will be able to drive away that cloud, that pestilent and deadly cloud that still hovers over Brazil, Latin America and so many places in the world.
See the world covered My children with the grey cloud of Protestantism and sects. With the light of My Flame of Love united to the light of the Rosaries, fasts and sacrifices that you offer to Me, I can drive away the gray cloud of Protestantism from Brazil and the whole world.
Come, come to Me! Come and give Me your hearts and then our beating hearts together will emit a light so strong that Satan and demons will be paralyzed like statues and can no longer seduce souls into error and sin.
I count on the 'yes' of your hearts and your generosity to accomplish all that my son Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit here told me to do.
I am Mary crusader of the infernal serpent, Lady of all peoples and Queen of all Saints. And here in the person of my little son Marcos, the most obedient of my servants I emanate my mystical light, which draws more and more hearts to my Flame of Love and to form here my invincible phalanx of ceaseless souls of love.
And in his person I raise Here ever more My Shrine, My invincible fortress of faith, love and prayer. And from here I will emanate my mystical light, together with the light of hearts that answered 'yes' to me. And then, in the moment marked by God, I will stop Satan forever.
And our light united with the brightness that the Holy Spirit will emit at the Second Pentecost will eventually cast and imprison Satan and the demons forever in the depths of hell. The world will be renewed, Satan will be defeated, evil and sin will be cast out from the earth.
And finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph, and God will again be served and adored forever!
Keep praying my Rosary every day, through it my Flame of Love will make you love more and more the love that is God, that is Jesus. And then, My children, the light will shine and the darkness of evil will finally be dispelled.
As for you My beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, my little soul hunter, who together with my little son Marcos, hunts souls for Me.
Yes, you are My Gusmão Sunday of recent times, as My little son Marcos said very well. You are my Duns Scoto, very devoted to my Immaculate Conception, knight of the Immaculate who is carrying my grace, my Love and my Rosary that saves, that enlightens souls, for all the world, for all my children.
My son, you cannot imagine how much love I have in my Heart for you, for you. This love will be given more and more to you, it will be poured out to you and it will be done through you and in you wonders.
My Son, know that in your state six punishments will fall next April. And because of the cenacles you have done for Me, the Rosaries you have prayed for Me with such love, My Son Jesus cancelled these punishments that men deserved for their sins.
And not only that, but also in the state of Alagoas a great misfortune should fall that was turned away thanks to your prayers, your cenacles and your love for Me.
So be very happy because you saved many souls with your love, your prayers and your sacrifices.
My son Jesus is very happy with you, very satisfied and has decided that soon he will give you a great grace from his Sacred Heart that in time you will know and see. So, my son, rejoice in joy, because great is the love of God, of my Son, and of mine for you.
My plan will follow with you and the wonders are just beginning. The perfume of roses that I have emanated from the image I have given you is a sign of my great love that will become stronger and stronger the greater the need and the denser the darkness becomes to envelop the world.
It is the sign of My contentment, of My joy for the prayers of so many of My children, who thanks to their 'yes' now know Me, seek Me, love Me and much more want to love Me. And much more son, I will do.
Soon I will send Bernadette to guide you along the path of true love and lead you to an even deeper and more intense knowledge of My love, the love of the Lord and His mission.
I bless you with great love now and I also bless all My children, especially you My little Benjamin, My little Ricardo Batalha.
Thank you for coming, thank you to My Portuguese, Mexican, Brazilian children, to all of you who came, you have given so much joy to My Heart.
When you are here My Heart rejoices. When My son Carlos Tadeu is here I forget the pains that My children give Me, I forget the sorrows that they give Me, I even forget the sorrows that they cause Me.
While My son Carlos Thaddeus is Here no sword of pain sticks to My Heart, no thorn sticks to My Heart and to the place roses of love, of joy, of contentment cover My heart and give Me unprecedented joy.
And to you too, my little Benjamin, I say the same: You gave great joy to my Heart by coming here. And today as it was a long time ago, I did not cry, I did not feel pain for the sins of the world and a great joy comforted My Heart.
To all I bless with love now from Lourdes, Fatima and Jacareí".
(Saint Agueda): "Dear Brothers My, I, Agueda of Catania, am very happy to come here today with the Mother of God once again to bless you and to say: I love you all! I love you with all my heart!
I love you and I have protected you from all the evils that now in the present moment make so many souls fall into the hands of Satan and lose their salvation. I love you, I have heard your prayers and I have left no one abandoned or helpless.
I love you and I ask you: Love the divine love that loved Me and that transformed Me into a very bright star in Heaven, that even today casts luminous rays in the midst of the darkness of humanity without God, to enlighten it and show it the right path of salvation.
Love Divine Love by opening the doors of your hearts to it. Do not be afraid of this love! Do not be afraid to experience this love! Give this love a chance and you will see what it will be able to do. Don't block it, don't stop it, don't keep it refocused on the Heart of Jesus and Mary. But first, let this Divine Love, this Flame of Love come down to you and transform you into incessant flames of love.
Love Divine Love by renouncing the worldly things that prevent you from receiving and living this Love, giving the fruits of this Love. And also transfigure yourself into these flames of love becoming the perfect humanity realized in God as the Virgin Mary is.
Then you will be transformed into the image and likeness of God, you will have his Love, you will have his Grace, you will become heirs of eternal happiness. And the Father will reveal to you the secrets of His love, which He only reveals to those who open their hearts to Him by becoming His friends and close friends.
God sent Our Holy Queen Here to offer you this friendship with Him, the friendship of love. If you accept this Love, God will come to you, He will reveal to you the secrets of His Love, that is, He will make known to you what He wants, what He desires, what He feels for you, what He expects from you.
He will reveal to you His mysteries that are hidden from men, from the worldly people who do not want this love. And then your soul will be pierced with the rays of God's love. The arcane secrets of Heaven will be unveiled before you. And then you will see, but not with the eyes of the flesh, with the eyes of the soul you will see how much God has loved you, how much God has done for you.
You will see the glory of God, the beauty of God, and the infinite expanse of God's Love for you. This is what happened to Me, I opened My Heart to God's loving friendship in the afternoons I spent in uninterrupted prayer in My Garden.
And when I opened My heart to the Lord's friendship love He came to Me, He made Me feel His Love, He made Me experience His Love, He revealed to Me His loving Face, He unveiled before Me His Secrets, He made Me see what He wanted from Me, what He expected from Me.
And when I saw Him, when I saw the face of the Lord with the eyes of My soul, with the eyes of Love. Then My soul was bound to Him forever, My soul was cast into Him like iron in the oven.
And then, My soul merged with Him, became one with Him, and then, He came to live in Me, and it was no longer I who lived in Me.
If you open your hearts to this Love the same will happen to you. God has no friend, while you all have so many, only He and His Mother have no true friend who has friendship love for them and wants to unite with Him through the love of intimacy.
Be the souls who want to have that love with them while so many do not. And then I say to you: You too will be transformed into other Aguedas, other Aghatas who will illuminate the world with the light of Love, with the light of Divine Love.
And then all souls will know this Love and knowing this Love, knowing this Truth will be saved by this Truth.
I will help you with my prayers, continue praying my Rosary whenever you can, because through it I will give you many and copious graces.
And as for you My beloved brother Carlos Thaddeus, I have accompanied you in your Cenacles, I have gone with you even in your work and even while you sleep, I have stood by your bed. I am with you even if you do not see Me and I stop with the power of My merits and My martyrdom, I stop the demons and I keep them many miles away from you and all the people who come to you to pray with you.
While you do the Cenacles I am always there next to the Image of the Mother of God offering the merits of my martyrdom for you and for all the souls who are your friends who love you and help you. And I pour on you all many and copious graces.
Today, on the day of my feast, I was granted a special grace just for you by our Lord and our Blessed Queen. A blessing just for you so that she may accompany you throughout your life, make you happy and make you a great saint.
And I now give it to you, pour it on you and cover you now with My Cloak of Light.
You have received the privilege of Saint Agatha, My privilege, the privilege of Catania. So be happy, be very happy. I am always with you and when you pray my Rosary I immediately come from Heaven with Saint Agnes, with Barbara, with Perpetual, with Happiness, with Sophia, Sinforosa and many saints and martyrs and I pour on you many, many graces from the Lord.
Continue beloved Brother Mine without fear to do what the Mother of God asked of you. You cannot imagine how many souls you will send to Heaven. In fact, numerous abodes in Heaven will be filled with souls that you will save and this will give God honor and glory for ever and ever.
I bless you and once again I tell you: I love you and I am always with you.
Today your earthly mother tells you that you have never made her as happy as you are now, serving the Mother of God.
I bless you and I also bless you, beloved Richard, who brought to the Mother of God more than a crown, you brought your heart, you brought your life. I have been your protector for a long time, I have guarded you, I have protected you and I have kept away from you everything that wanted to divert you from the plan that the Mother of God made for you.
I have also seen your sufferings and I promise you: I will soon convert all of this into graces for you and for the souls of your family, who will only be saved thanks to your merits, prayers and love.
I promise you that every February 5th, the day of My Feast, I promise to save three souls from your family at your choice you want.
I give you only this great proof of my love and I say: Dear Brother Mine, I love you very much and I will always be at your side.
Beloved Carlos Thaddeus, every time you say My Rosary, I promise to take one soul from your family, from your ancestors in purgatory, and I promise to preserve another soul from your family who still lives from the same purging flames that souls suffer in the afterlife.
I lovingly bless you and all of you too, I bless you from Catania, Syracuse with Lucia, and Jacari.
(Marcos): "Beloved Mother, can you touch these postulant habits for your two sons Ricardo Batalha and Edgar?