Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Our Lady's Birthday

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today, when you celebrate My Birthday here, I thank you for coming on the day of My Feast.
"Be a gift of love to Me by praying My Rosary every day, obeying My Messages and trying to be perfect mystical roses of prayer, sacrifice and penance.
Be a gift of love to Me by giving Me your 'yes' and true love. Open your hearts to supernatural love, AGAPE, to the true love that loves Me entirely, completely for Me, with nothing to desire or want in return.
Then your love will truly be a gift of love to Me and My Heart will rejoice in your lives, which to Me are precious and will double in value, the greater the love of your hearts.
I want pure, supernatural, true love, a love capable of doing everything for Me, suffering everything for Me, renouncing everything for Me, leaving everything for Me and giving yourself completely to Me.
Only in this way will My Flame of Love triumph in you and around you. And My Heart will finally rest happy to have all My children with Me attracted by My powerful Flame of Love that will be transmitted through the love of your hearts for Me.
Today is a day of great joy for Me for all My children who truly love Me, obey Me, listen to Me, serve Me, let themselves be led by Me as My little son Marcos, as My little son Carlos Thaddeus who is now doing His procession in My praise and the Cenacle of My Feast day at the feet of My venerable Image.
Yes, in these My children I am consoled, loved, glorified, obeyed and served. By them and in them truly I am praised and exalted. And for them I am happy, I am happy for all My children throughout the world, who thanks to My apparitions here said 'yes' and follow Me along the path of love, prayer, sacrifice and penance.
But it is also a day of sadness for Me because the number of those who abandon Me, those who betray My love, those who forget Me and despise Me is still very great.
How many souls, even souls chosen with the love of predilection for My son and for Me who abandon Me, who betray Me, who despise Me because of worldly loves and creatures, of their own will.
Oh, my children, that is why my pain is so great! Yes, the man who prefers his own will over God's will and mine, becomes a demon of himself and does not need demons to tempt him.
Yes, the very will of the man who does not want to renounce his will for love of God and Me, the very will of this man, of this person is already his own demon who tempts him and leads him to condemnation.
Therefore, my children, today, renounce your own will, give your will to me and to the Lord. And then they will give Me the most precious and beautiful gift that My Heart will receive joyfully and tastefully and offer to God to give to Him also: glory, praise and joy.
Continue praying the Holy Rosary every day, through it you will give Me a gift of love and you will transform yourself into other gifts of love.
Meditate more, seek recollection, silence to make love prayer, love meditation and spiritual reading of love there.
Give 10 films Voices from Heaven 16 of My Appearance in Quito to My little daughter Mother Mariana, for 10 My children who do not know those My Messages. And also give 10 films of My Appearance in Caravaggio to 10 more of My children so that they know My love, My goodness, the tenderness and mercy that I have for My children. And so, all My children finally give Me their hearts and I can radiate as never before My Flame of Love to the whole world.
The sign of my embracing of my son Marcos in the procession analyzed by my dearest daughter Rafaela, is truly the sign of how much I love this most beloved son of mine, how much I am with him wherever he goes at all times of the day.
And through this sign I want to say to all My children: Whoever wants to find Me look for My son Marcos, I live near him who loves Me, serves Me and blesses Me. Whoever wants to find Me look for him and find Me here beside him alive.
And in his words, in his work and in his person you will see My luminous and loving figure and by listening to Him, letting Yourself be taught by Him, correcting, forming and loving by Myself and then leading all My children to Heaven.
To all I bless with Love now from Fatima, Lourdes and Jacareí.
Peace My beloved children, remain in the peace of the Lord".
(Marcos): "Yes, the Lady wants to touch some? Yes. Yes, Mama".
(Mary Most Holy): "As I have already said: Wherever one of these Rosaries gets there I will be alive with the Angels and Saints pouring out the Lord's copious blessings.
Stay in the Peace of the Lord. Good night!"