Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 14, 2018
Message of Mary Most Holy

Dear children, today, when you are already celebrating here the Anniversary of My Appearances to My Little Daughter Mariette Becco I want to tell you that I am the Virgin of the Poor.
I am the Virgin of the Poor who comes from Heaven to call all My children to conversion and prayer.
Pray, pray a lot!
Only through prayer can you change people's hearts.
Only through prayer can you turn away evil.
Only through prayer can you achieve Graces.
Only through prayer can you please God and obtain the Graces to have a holy life.
I desire that you trust in Me, do what I say and then I will give My Graces to you. That is what I meant in Banneux when I said, 'Believe in Me and I will believe in you.
When you believe in Me, believe in My Messages, trust that what I say to you is the best for your Salvation, it is the only way to the Salvation of humanity and the Peace of the world.
Only in this way will the Graces of My Flame of Love descend upon you and upon all of humanity renewing it and transforming it. Then My Flame of Love will radiate from here, from nation to nation, transforming and converting all the hearts and souls of My children into ardent and incessant Flames of Love.
My Flame of Love must now act powerfully to save My children. Therefore, little children, open wide your hearts so that My Flame of Love can act, work in your souls and through you: convert, save and transform so many of My children who are wandering the world losing themselves and hardening their hearts each day more.
If I find here the ardent apostles that I need, may they renounce their will, may they renounce their comfort, may they renounce their will to help me save the souls of My children. Then truly My Flame of Love can act with power to save the souls of My children, and truly cause My Heart to triumph and the kingdom of Satan to be annihilated.
I need apostles! I need souls who have the heart of an apostle and a saint like my son Luis Maria Grignion de Montfort, my son Domingo de Gusmão and also my little son Marcos, who even though he was sick this week, made the Rosary of Mercy new* with these beautiful meditations to help save the souls of you My children.
That is what you must have: A flame of burning love in the soul, a burning zeal for the Salvation of souls and renounce your comfort and even your rest so that souls may be saved.
That is how truly My Heart will triumph, by the prompt, profound, true and ardent response of My apostles, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. And then it will transform the whole world into the Kingdom of Love of my Heart.
Pray the Rosary every day and be the poor in spirit, that is, those who do not have vanity, who do not thirst for the honors and glories of this world, who do not thirst for the pleasures of this world, who do not have the lust of the eyes and who have as their only treasure and their only everything: GOD, His Love and His Grace.
To all I bless with Love from BANNEUX, MONTICHIARI and JACAREÍ".
(Marcos): "Mother of Heaven, can you touch these holy Rosaries and objects for the prayer and protection of your children?
(Mary Most Holy): "As I have already said, wherever one of these images and rosaries arrives, there I will be alive, carrying the great graces of the Lord. To all again I bless and leave my peace".