Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 11, 2018
Message of Our Lady and Blessed Amalia Aguirre

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today when you celebrate here the Anniversary of my Apparition to my little daughter Amalia Aguirre, when I gave her the Rosary of my Tears, I want to say to you: I AM THE LADY OF TEARS!
I am the Woman dressed in the terrible Sun like an army in battle order that came from Heaven to give you all the great treasure of the Rosary of my Tears.
I am the Lady of the Rosary of Tears, the Lady who gave the children the great power of the merits of Her Blessed Tears. So that with the merits of these tears children can obtain from the Lord all the Good and all the grace they need.
I am the Lady of the Rosary of Tears who came from Heaven to give the children this powerful weapon in these times of the great battle between the Woman dressed in the Sun and the great infernal dragon. This dragon wishes to devour all the children of the Woman dressed in the Sun, without letting one escape.
Therefore, the Woman dressed in the Sun, the Lady of Tears came to the world, in Brazil, in Campinas, in 1930 to give to all humanity through my little daughter Amália Aguirre the great treasure of the Rosary of my Tears. For him the Woman dressed in the Sun could save many souls, could prevent the great infernal dragon from devouring his children and to bring down all the works of perdition of the infernal dragon.
I am the Lady of the Rosary of Tears, who came into the world through my little daughter, Amalia Aguirre, to give to all my children the powerful weapon with which they will be able to banish all evil from their lives, they will be able to achieve all the graces that are from the Will of the Lord. And above all, they will be able to keep in their souls the Flame of the true Catholic Faith.
Yes, with the Rosary of Tears heresies are finally extirpated, mistakes are banished, sin is overcome and the soul lives in God's grace. That is why I want all my children to pray the Rosary of my Tears every day, so that they may keep in their souls the Flame of true love for God and may overcome in themselves, in their lives: the devil, sin and the world.
True wonder are the Rosary of Meditated Tears engraved by my son Marcos who obediently made these Meditated Rosaries of my wonderful Tears, to console me and to make me more loved and known by my children.
To all those who pray these Rosaries I promise my grace, my protection and also all my help to one day reach Heaven.
I wish you to give 10 Rosaries of my Meditated Tears 22 and 10 Rosaries of my Meditated Tears 21 for all my children. So that they may know my great maternal pain and be converted and saved!
I also wish them to give 20. 20 of these Videos, which my son Marcos made for me, with my illustrated messages, with my Voice and with my Maternal Face.
I want you to give 20 from number 1 and 20 from number 2 to my children. I cannot tell you how much these Videos have comforted my Maternal Heart. How many thorns they took from my Heart.
Yes! my little son Marcos, with these Videos you have removed 800,000 thorns from my Heart, which my sons had driven hard into my Heart these days and for so many years also refusing my Messages.
You removed these thorns and gave great consolation to my Immaculate Heart!
Continue, my son, continue doing all this! Continue making these videos so that my children feel my love, feel my pain, feel the need: to love, console and make amends.
And may they finally understand the great love with which the Mother of Heaven came here in Jacareí to save them all. And so my children will all come to my Immaculate Heart where they will be happy forever.
I also desire that you meditate more on the virtue of obedience to my Heart. That virtue that pleases God so much, that has saved humanity.
The sin of disobedience caused the first parents Adam and Eve to sin against the Lord, to commit original sin and to introduce into the world all sorts of pains, sorrows, sins and evils. With the sin of disobedience, Hell was opened to all men by Adam and Eve.
With the virtue of obedience the world was saved. By my Son's obedience until the death of the Cross, by his obedience to the Father, by my obedience that led me to say "YES" to the Father's Will at the Annunciation, the world was saved.
The virtue of obedience saves the world my children! And the sin of disobedience leads the world, each of you to perdition.
Flee from the sin of disobedience, turn away from the great evil that is disobedience my children! And live the virtue of Obedience, first to God, then to your heavenly Mother, and finally to those whom God has placed in your lives to guide you along the path of goodness, prayer and holiness: your superiors.
Yes, obey docilely everything they tell you to do that is right, because there is the Will of God for you and the path you must follow to reach Heaven.
With the virtue of obedience you will save your souls and the souls of others.
Do not be my children, disobedient, because when you disobey the Will of God known as such, you resemble Lucifer, Satan. That even having seen the Truth, even knowing God, even seeing God face to face, even being endowed with many lights, did not fulfill the will of God, did not obey God and therefore became a demon and was condemned forever.
Be obedient, my children, for obedience makes you like the Mother of Heaven, it makes you like my Son Jesus. And so you please the Father in heaven very much and give him honor and praise.
Learn to obey perfectly, not the way you want it, not the way you want it, wherever you want it and with whom you want it. But the way God wants, the way God commands and God waits.
I, the Lady of the Rosary of Tears, the Lady of Mighty Tears. Tears that brought down the power of the infernal empire at the foot of the Cross uniting these Blessed Tears to the Most Precious Blood of my Son. I, the Lady whose Tears crush the power of Hell.
Today I say it again: Pray the Rosary of my Tears, love my Tears and you will see in your lives how many wonders of grace I will do.
Give Me your "YES", renounce the world, worldly things, because the world is not for you and you are not for the world.
Imitate my son Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin who, hearing my voice telling him to leave the world because the world was not for him, immediately consecrated himself to God in consecrated religious life.
I desire that you, my children, leave the world, that you live a holy life, that many young people give their "YES" by consecrating themselves to me body and soul to live and only with me and through me.
And may the laity, those who are married, leave worldly things and live with their families in the love of God, in the grace of God, teaching and leading their children to Heaven and not to Hell through pleasures.
I wish that all today give the "YES", which will open for all the Door of many graces of God. For it is the "YES", fruit of the obedient love that saves, that liberates, that purifies and transforms the whole world!
To everyone, and especially to you, my beloved little son Marcos, who today has so comforted my Immaculate Heart with these videos of my messages.
To you who work so hard and struggle to make me better known and loved, to make my children love me always and more, understand my word and give the "YES" of their hearts to me.
To you my dear Angel I bless you abundantly now.
And I also bless you my beloved son Carlos Thaddeus. I promised you another Message today. For now is my second Message of this month to you:
"Beloved of my Heart, I rejoice to give you another Message.
I am very happy for the Cenacles you have done for me, everywhere, carrying my messages more and more and making my children pray to me with love and with their hearts.
Now, my son, you need to be even more like your son Marcos, the son I gave you. I want you to take special care of my apparition in La Salete and also of my apparition as Lady of Tears to my little daughter Amalia Aguirre.
I want you to talk about my Apparition in the Cenacles. May you make my little daughter Amalia Aguirre better known, for the more you know her, the more you will know me as Lady of Tears.
I want you to spread the meditation of my Sorrows and also the Way of the Cross of True Love that I gave to my little daughter Amalia Aguirre. So that souls may feel a greater need to love me and to love my Son Jesus who died to save everyone.
And I who was also with him mystically crucified and killed to redeem and save everyone.
Yes, my son, I want you to speak of the great power of my Tears, and how these Blessed Tears can change the hearts of so many of my children. If their power is duly invoked and applied every day by the Rosary of my Tears.
I wish, my son, that you speak of La Salete, speak of my Blessed Tears to all my children. And make them all understand how much you have made me cry today, you have made me suffer, you have hurt my Immaculate Heart, because they refuse to give me the "YES" of their hearts.
Some still give half of their hearts, but keep in a secret part of their heart their attachments which they do not want to renounce for love of me. And because of this I cannot accomplish anything or almost anything in their lives.
I need these children of mine to leave to the world the things that are of the world, because my son is already returning and the Angels with their trumpets are already announcing his return.
They announce that the time of harvest has come and every ear of wheat that is rotten, damaged will be cut and thrown into the fire.
And anyone who refuses to grow and become a golden ear in the sun to be transformed into bread of satisfaction, joy and glory for God, will also be thrown and burned into the fire that will never be extinguished.
I wish little children that you will truly all be these ears. And that is why my little son Carlos Tadeu, I wish that you more than ever speak of La Salete speak of my Tears.
And show how in Campinas I showed these Tears of Love again, even giving my children the power of the merits of these Tears with which they can obtain all the graces and virtues to come out of sin and to reach Heaven, Salvation.
Therefore, little son, take, take from time to time at least once a month my image as Lady of Tears in the Cenacles and the image of my little daughter Amalia Aguirre.
Leave these images in my children's homes for a while, so that they may know about my Apparition, love my Apparition and pray the Rosary of my Tears.
I will shower great graces on the homes that welcome me with my daughter Amalia and I promise to deliver them from all the evils that Satan wants to do to those families.
My son, you the day before yesterday with the Cenacle, pulled out of my Immaculate Heart so many thorns. With the Cenacles you have done this week you have removed so many thorns from my Heart, so many thorns.
Continue son, continue pulling out those thorns!
My Heart, above all, rejoices when you come to the feet of my Image and there you open your heart to me, entrust everything to me, everything of you, everything of your life.
Your trust in me enchants me, my son. Mama loves you very much! Mommy is listening to everything you say to her.
And since everything you say is sincere I promise that I will accomplish in your life great graces from my Immaculate Heart and the Lord!
Don't be afraid! I am with you always and your life is already all written in the Motherly Book of love of my Heart and nothing, my son, nothing escapes the attentive gaze of your Mother in Heaven.
About my Cloak of Love I keep you and protect you. And on you I pour every day the drops of my Blessed Tears to fill you more and more with Grace, Peace and Love.
I bless you with love and I bless all my children. I give to all who wear the Medal that I revealed to my daughter Amalia Aguirre the Plenary Indulgence.
And also to everyone who prays the Rosary of my Tears every day. Above all now comes this Indulgence that puts out all the fire of Purgatory for you. The fire in which you should atone for your venial sins for many, many years.
And upon all of you now descends the Blessing of God Almighty and mine of FATIMA. of CAMPINAS and JACAREÍ".
Be obedient to her, for obedience was the virtue that saved the world in the Annunciation, in the Incarnation of the Word, in Redemption. And it is the virtue of obedience that will save you today, save your families and humanity. If you are obedient to the Mother of God, to Her Messages, you will be saved and the world will be transformed from a world of sin, of evil, into a world of Peace, Joy and Love. Be the true Apostles of the Tears of the Mother of God, living perfectly according to Her Heart. That is: loving God as She loved, serving God as She served, obeying the Lord as She obeyed. Doing everything to make Him known and loved as She did and living eternally the 'YES' She gave to God in your lives by becoming yourselves a continuation of Her 'YES', and Flames of love as She was. Be the true Apostles of the Tears of the Mother of God, giving your 'YES' every day to those Tears that ask of you: love, reparation, obedience, faithfulness. I, AMALIA, love all of you who pray the Rosary of Tears of the Mother of God and who love the messages she gave me in Campinas so much. Yes, truly, here in this Shrine where the messages she gave me are spread and spread by our beloved Marcos, through the Rosary of Tears and everything else he does. here my heart is comforted, since on earth I was so hindered and could not make these Blessed Tears so well known and loved.
Here, at last, my mission is completed in our beloved Marcos. Help him to make the Tears of the Mother of God more known and loved, so that these Tears may triumph in the world. And truly bring all souls and all humanity to the complete Triumph of your Immaculate Heart. I bless you all and especially you, my most beloved Marcos, Apostle of the Tears of the Mother of God par excellence, who has worked so hard to make those Tears known and loved, to dry those tears, and to comfort the Sorrowful Heart of the Mother of God. You, the first and greatest Apostle of the Tears of the Mother of God of Latter Times and to all my brothers. Above all, you, my beloved brother Carlos Tadeu, I bless with Love! I was very happy the day you and your son visited my tomb last month in Taubaté. I poured out great graces on you there at my tomb, I poured out great Blessings on you. I poured out on you the fruit of the merits of the Blessed Tears of the Mother of God, of which I am treasurer. I am treasurer of Tears, treasurer of the fruits, of the merits of these Tears. I have poured out the graces of the fruits of these Tears on you. My Heart was very comforted when you visited me and prayed the Rosary of Tears in my tomb. When you can come back to me, for there I will pour out many graces on you dear Brother Mine. I too am your protector, and always every 8th of every month I will give you a Special Blessing with which you will truly be inundated, filled with great graces from the Lord and the Mother of God. To you and to all I bless you now with love of CAMPINAS, TAUBATÉ and JACAREÍ".
(Marcos): "Dearest Mother of Heaven, can you touch these images, rosaries and holy objects that we have made for the prayer and protection of your children?
(Mary Most Holy): "As I have already said, wherever one of these images, rosaries, or pictures arrives, there I will be alive carrying the great graces of the Lord. Rejoice, my little son Marcos, Apostle of my Tears! Because every year on the Anniversary of my Apparition my little daughter Amalia, when I revealed the Rosary of Tears to her, you will receive a great Special grace from my Immaculate Heart, fruit of the merits of my Blessed Tears. Rejoice also, my beloved son Carlos Tadeu, for the son I gave you, because thanks to him you can know the great value of my Blessed Tears and the Rosary of my Tears. And through this very powerful prayer you will obtain graces simply immense and even almost impossible from the Lord, from the Heart of my Son. I bless you and I bless you all again and I leave you my Peace.