Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 1, 2018
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Lady

(Sacred Heart): Dear children, today, I, the Sacred Heart, come with my holy Mother again to tell you: I am your God, I have risen to be with you. I have risen to stay with you until the end of the world!
I have risen to be your life, your strength and your light every day of your life. I have risen to prove to you that love is stronger than all the sin in the world, that love is stronger than evil, that light is stronger than darkness, and that good will always overcome evil.
I have risen to prove to you ever more the love of my SACRED HEART filling all the days of your life, of your pilgrimage on Earth: of Light, grace and Love!
I have risen to always be your Good Shepherd who leads you along the paths of Salvation to the Heavenly Pasture.
I have risen to always be your Friend, your Brother, to love you with the infinite love of my Divine and Sacred Heart, and to fill your life every day: with Light, grace and Mercy.
Yes, I have risen to be the life of your life. And today I only desire your 'Yes' from you my children so that I can enter your heart and your life and realize in you my Wonders of Love.
Yes, I only want your 'Yes'! If you only knew how much I love you! If you only knew how much love I died for you on that Cross my children.
Yes, until you suffer for being loved this love cannot be called true. I died for you on that Cross with so much love to tell you and show you how much I love you and how much I want your Salvation.
Yes my children, I shed all my Blood to the last drop for you. I could have redeemed you with a Prayer, with a simple Act of Love. But I decided to save you in the most painful way, in the way that cost me the most. To show you not only the great desire I had to redeem you and save you, but also to show you how great, burning and infinite my love for you was.
Yes, I let my whole Body be torn apart for love of you my children, to prove to you how much love I have for you and how much my Heart burned in desires to have you all with me.
'When I am lifted up from the earth I will draw all to myself,' I said. Yes, on my Cross I will show you all my love and draw all your hearts to me.
The Cross is the great proof of my Love. There, my Heart was pierced by the spear and out of it came Blood and Water as an inexhaustible source of love and Mercy for you.
Love that wants to purify you. Love that wants to transform you. Love that wants to change your life. But my love until now has been paralyzed by your hardness of heart my children.
Without your 'Yes', without the opening of your hearts to my love, I cannot realize my graces in your life, because I respect your freedom, the freedom that my own heavenly Father gave you.
Therefore, I ask your 'Yes' so that I can act in your life and so that I can realize the wonders of my love and grace in your life.
All I ask of you is Faith, Faith and Trust! These are the only two things I ask of you so that I can truly enter your life and change it completely.
To all those who came to me asking for Me or a healing, or a Grace, or a miracle, or any favor. I always said, 'Be done according to your Faith.
Yes, if you have Faith and Trust in me, if you give me your 'Yes' and let me act in you, then my children, I will do my wonders in you.
Otherwise, the Flame of my love will always be reconcentrated in my Heart, dammed in my Divine Heart and will not be able to realize in you my great Graces.
Give Me your 'Yes', and give it to me quickly, because I am coming back to you soon! The Signs announcing my Return are all happening before you: wars, rumors of wars, diseases, pestilences, epidemics, famines, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and many other things that I have announced in my Gospel that would be a sign to you.
The great apostasy, the loss of the true Faith, the smoke of my Enemy that penetrated inside the Church obscuring its holiness and filling it with errors that the Shepherds teach my sheep, killing them with the deadly poison of errors and apostasy.
These are all the signs that announce to you that my return is near!
Give me your 'Yes' quickly, my children, for without that 'Yes' you cannot enter Heaven. And the longer you delay in giving that 'Yes', the longer you delay the 'Yes', the worse it will be for you. For your holiness will always be delayed, and those who are not sanctified will not be able to enter the kingdom of my Father.
Open your hearts quickly, for the hours are passing and you are already in the last half hour of my day. Soon I will return and do the math with the workers of the first hour, the third hour, the sixth hour, the ninth hour and the workers of the last hour, who are you. And also, I will do the math with the lazy and evil workers, who did not want to work in my vineyard to give me fruits of conversions, souls and holiness. To these I will give orders to my ministers to bind them and throw them into the fire that will never be extinguished.
I gave everyone many opportunities, many chances! I am giving every opportunity to you my children, but unfortunately you are still blinded by your pleasures and sins and you do not want to see or do my Will.
One day you will repent, but it will be too late for you. Listen to my Mother whom I have sent to you as Messenger. She cries, she appears, she gives you countless Signs like those she made the day before yesterday on the Day of my Passion in the Procession in this Shrine. It was she who was with you in that Procession unleashing Globes and Rays of Blessings on you. Yes, attend to my Mother who loves you so much and who gives you so many Graces. Do not waste these Graces, do not throw them away by refusing them with your sins. Waste them and make them vain for you because of the hardness and blindness of your hearts.
Open your hearts to her, my children, because I tell you: All the Words of my Mother must be taken very seriously. I will ask for an account of each of the messages that my Mother gave you and that you despised.
My Mother is what I love most after my Father, after myself. I cannot tolerate my Mother being treated like some piece of junk, being mocked and trampled on by your contempt.
And that is why, one day, I will justify my Mother, and cast those who despised Her, who persecuted Her, who denied Her Messages, who mocked and scoffed at Her Tears of Pain, Her messages of love and pain... I, will cast them into the Eternal Fire where my Justice will punish them, and even after a thousand years their Hell will be just beginning.
Yes, I will deliver them to the rage of the demons, who will tear them apart with their hatred for all eternity.
Do not be of the number of these unfortunate children of mine, open your hearts to my Mother, and welcome the Warnings, the Counsels, the Words of Love that she addresses to you in my Name.
Yes, you are much loved by my Heart, but you cause me great pain when you despise my Mother's warnings, when you close your hearts to her, to her messages, refusing my grace that she offers you.
Therefore I ask: Open your hearts to her and do not make her suffer anymore, nor do you make my Divine and poor Heart suffer, which even today is still pierced by the spear of your daily sins. And also, for your refusal to do my Will.
Be obedient my children, be docile! And then, my Divine Heart will pour an Ocean of grace into your life and make you holy.
May no one, too, present his miseries and faults before me as an excuse not to accept my Will, my Plan of Love and Holiness. Holiness is for all of you!
Healing, medicine is for the sick; blanket is for the cold; bread is for the hungry; water is for the thirsty; air is for the breather, and Holiness is for you my children!
You whom I have redeemed with the price of my Most Precious Blood, Holiness is for you! Heaven is for you! I have conquered that Heaven for you on my Cross and I want you to accept Holiness and seek Holiness to please me.
All of you must be saints, each one in his or her state of life.
Families have to be saints! Young people have to be saints! Religious have to be saints! Widowers have to be saints! All of you must be saints in my eyes, so that I may truly present you to my Heavenly Father as my true brothers and sisters and his true children.
Yes, my brothers and my children, whom I love with my Father's love, you must seek Holiness. You must pray the Rosary of Meditated Mercy every day, because through it I will sanctify you and make you great saints in my eyes.
You must listen to my Mother's messages that our beloved Marcos strives so hard to make for you in the most beautiful way, in these videos, in these Hours of Prayer. So that you can truly understand my Mother's Desires, console my Mother's Heart, dry my Mother's Tears and give love to my Mother's Heart. And in her Heart give love, praise and glory to my Heart.
In this way, your hearts will grow in holiness and come closer and closer to me.
Our Plans, mine and my Mother's, must now move forward. That is why I want my children, that once a month in the Cenacles that you do, that you take the Image of my Sacred Heart and that you do the Hour of my Sacred Heart in the place of the Hour of Peace, in the place of the Rosary.
My children should know my Heart full of Love, they should know my Heart full of Mercy towards them. Therefore I wish: That you do the Hour of my Sacred Heart urgently, to show my children how much I love them, how much I want to save them.
I also wish, that during this entire month of April you may make known to all my children my Apparitions to my Daughter Faustina Kowalska.
It is Mercy Month, and you must spread the messages I gave her and the Rosary of Mercy without delay! Because many souls can be saved through the Rosary of Mercy, and also through the Image that I gave to my Daughter and asked her to paint the Image as I appeared to her.
Yes, many souls will be touched by my Grace! Help souls to know how great my Goodness is to them.
And always remember what our beloved Marcos said to you yesterday: 'The greater your miseries, the greater the Mercies of my Mother will be for you. And the greater your sins, the greater will be my piety and my kindness toward you.
Therefore my children, all of you, give yourselves to my love and that love will save you.
Be Love! Live in Love! Live in Love, and Divine Love will save you, save all humanity!
Each one of you who is here is greatly loved by my Divine Heart, it was I myself who chose you and brought you here in my Work of Salvation, in my Mother's Work of Salvation. Say your 'Yes' so that today Our Flame of Love may begin to act powerfully in your life and fill you with wonder, fill you with Peace and Divine grace.
I, the Sacred Heart, also wish: That throughout this month you give 10 Scapulars of my Sacred Heart to 10 of my children who do not have it, who do not know me.
And also 10 Scapulars of my Passion. So that the graces of my copious Redemption may protect my children more from evil, from my Enemy, from temptations, and my copious Redemption may pour out more abundantly and effectively upon all our children.
I also wish that you may give 10 Medals of my Mother's Tears to my children. So that the power, the merits of my Mother's Sorrowful Tears may truly attract great graces upon all my children, filling them with the treasures of my Merciful Heart.
To all of you I bless and thank you for coming.
I especially bless you my beloved little son Marcos, who this week has worked so hard to give these little children the messages of my Mother. So beautifully placed, recorded in these Videos that touch my Sacred Heart and move my Sacred Heart.
Thank you, beloved son of mine, for so much effort, dedication and work. As many as there are souls who are touched and burned with these Videos, so many will be the Crowns of Glory that I myself will place in your head in Heaven, and so many will be the hugs of love that I will give you in Heaven.
I bless you too, my beloved son Carlos Tadeu. Be aware, son, that when I rose from the Sepulchre and left Gloriously, after my Most Holy Mother, the first person I thought of with love was you.
Yes, I saw you again, in supernatural vision and again I blessed you, loved you and prayed for you. I asked my Father to apply the fruits of my abundant Redemption abundantly to you and to your person.
You must know how much I have loved you, you must know how much, my son, I have desired, I have desired to rise to be with my Mother, with my Apostles, with all my children, but especially with you.
I have risen for you, I have risen because I love you!
And I bless you abundantly now, you who are the consoler of my Mother, you who are the consoler of my Sacred Heart.
Go ahead and continue to bring my love and the love of my Mother to all my children.
You must give them 50 Videos that your son made of my Apparition to my Daughter Faustina, so that my children may know the Rosary of Mercy, know the Image of my Mercy, know how great my Goodness is and the desire to save them all.
You are an Apostle of Mercy, together with the son that I gave you, and you must therefore announce to all my great Mercy towards all humanity.
I desire to save all sinners, I desire to gather them all in the Sacred Heart. I love my sheep, for them I gave my life and I do not want any of them to be lost.
The sicker, the more wounded a sheep, the greater is my desire to save it and to heal it.
Go then, my son, take to them my Divine Remedy which is my own Blessed Mother and the messages she gives through the son I gave you.
Go! And bring to all souls the Remedies that my Mother came here to offer: Prayer, Her Messages, Her Love, Our Apparitions, too, the water from Our Fountains, Our Medals and Scapulars. Finally, all the Gifts of Our Heart.
So that my son, my sheep may be healed and well fed with good pasture of my grace, which here is offered abundantly to all, to every sheep that wants to eat.
Go and continue to bring the Pasture of my Grace and my Salvation to my sheep. Take the most wounded sheep on your shoulder and bring it to me and to my Mother so that we may heal it and resurrect it.
This is your mission: to be the Apostle of my Love, of my Mother's love, of our Grace, until the end of your life, together with the son we have given you.
Yes, love him! Like all my saints, they were channels of my grace for their parents, for their relatives. And because of them I saved their parents, I flooded them with the graces of my Mercy, just as it is with you.
Just as I saved the parents of my Daughter Faustina, through the holiness and obedience of her daughter. Just as I have saved the parents of my daughter Faustina, by the holiness and obedience of her daughter. Just as I will always fill you with more graces because of the merits of the 'Yes' of the son I have given you, of his obedience to me and to my Mother throughout his life.
And the more he grows in love, in obedience, in merit and in grace before me, the more you too will receive from my Graces, from my love and from my Goodness that will always be poured out to you through him.
Oh yes son of mine! This is the work of my love for you. This is the work of my Kindness towards you. You cannot imagine how much, how much love I have for you!
Know that in my Passion, when I was seated in the nail chair that pierced my whole body, I thought of you, I saw you before me in vision, and I offered for you that terrible martyrdom, that terrible Pain that I suffered.
The nails went into my flesh, made my body bleed abundantly, and caused me such terrible pain that if I transferred to you, you would die.
I offered all this for you, because I love you so much and I want to make you a great work of grace, of love, beauty and holiness, to glorify my Father, my Heart, my Holy Spirit before all humanity, before all creation.
And in you to show how much my love is able to accomplish wonders in a heart that trusts me and gives its 'Yes' entirely to me.
I now bless you with my Mother, and I bless you all my beloved children whom I love so much and whom I want so much to save.
Here in this Sacred Place I live with my Blessed Mother unceasingly day and night. Come drink from the Fountain of Love, come drink from the Fountain of Grace. Come singing and praying in procession. Come praying the Rosary. Come and do Meditation. Come to do the Mental Prayer with my little son Marcos who touches my Sacred Heart so much.
Oh, yes! My Mother and I trembled with love during his Mental Prayer today. That Mental Prayer came out of the depths of his heart burned by the great Mystical Flame of Love, which my Mother and I put in his heart, there we lit and which you have even seen in the Signs given here.
Yes, it is from that very deep Flame of Love that this burning prayer came forth, that burned all your hearts, my children. And that if it had been fire it would have burned all of you and reduced this Place to ashes.
You must open your heart to this great Grace, for in these prayers you will grow much, you will advance much in Love. And if you are docile, my Flame of Love will enter your hearts with such strength that it will completely transform you and you will never be the same again.
Let yourselves be led by the Wind of the Immaculate, by the Wind of my Mother to her, bring it to me and you will find us.
Let yourselves be inflamed by my Mother's Flame of Love, by the unceasing Flame of Love of my Sacred Heart, which is my son Marcos.
Open your hearts in the Mental Prayer that he makes. Open the doors of your soul. Give me the 'Yes', give yourself to me. Pray with Faith together with him in that moment, with love. And then, truly, you will feel my visit and my Mother's visit in your hearts, and then we will come in, we will unite with you, we will sup with you, and we will be one with you in Love!
And you, my son Carlos Tadeu, are from that Burning Flame of Love that has been seen so often in the Signs here in Our son Marcos that the love he has for you comes out. Let yourself be warmed in this Love, receive this joyful, grateful and tasty love.
Open the doors of your heart to receive ever more of this Flame of Love, and you will see, you will know how infinite is the love of mine and mine for you, and how much Our love for you truly desires to do crazy things of Grace, crazy things of Mercy, crazy things of Love!
To you and to all Our children, I bless with great love now JERUSALÉM, DOZULÉ and JACAREÍ".
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, I am the joyful Mother of the Redemption! I am the joyful Mother of the Resurrection! I am the Corridor of humanity!
Today, on the Day that you celebrate the Victory of my Son Jesus and also mine over sin and death, I come to you to say: Hearts on high!
May your heart be always in my Son JESUS, victorious over death and sin, destroyer of the works of darkness and Satan, so that your heart with him may live in grace and soon triumph also in His grace.
Hearts on high! May your heart rise from worldly and earthly things and be fixed on the great love of my Son JESUS. love that conquered the world, love that conquered sin, love that conquered Hell. love that still today conqueres and resurrects the hearts that died for sin.
So that your hearts, my children, may also rise with my Son in Love, live with my Son JESUS in Love and also triumph with my Son JESUS in Love and for Love.
Hearts on high! May your hearts rise from this world, which today has become a swamp of sin, that every day swallows more and more the easy victims: of violence, impurity, prostitution, dishonesty, corruption, immorality.
So that truly, your hearts staying away from so much corruption and so much evil may remain pure as a sealed garden, as a closed garden, as a garden consecrated to the Divine Spouse of your souls who is my Son JESUS.
May your hearts be on high, on top of Love, on top of Heaven, of love in pure transformation. May it only be reached by deep prayer, made with the heart, by the mental prayer that my son Marcos taught you to do so well here.
Prayer that pulls you out of your spiritual blindness, prayer that pulls you out of the blindness caused by your ignorance. Prayer that pulls you out of your lukewarmness, out of your aridity. And that makes you see the Eternal Truths, that makes you see the greatness of God's love for you. That makes you see the beauty of holiness, the beauty of prayer, the beauty of Heaven, of JESUS and of your Heavenly Mother.
That prayer that transforms you, that purifies you, that makes you more and more like your own heavenly Mother: in Love, in Holiness, in Goodness, in Purity, in Grace.
Yes, say this prayer continuously, say again the mental prayers that my son Marcos says in your homes. So that truly this Flame of love may never go out in you.
This Flame that I communicate powerfully to your souls during that sacred moment of that prayer. Then my Flame of Love will grow powerfully in your hearts, day after day, and it will become so strong, so intense that you will burn all the souls around you with this Flame of Love.
Hearts on high! May your hearts go out from yourselves, my children, and rise to God in Heaven. So that your soul, perfectly united to God by the mystical bonds of Love, of the prayer of Love, may unite you with the Lord more each day. May your soul become a very clear mirror of your own holiness, beauty and grace of the Blessed Trinity.
And then, may you reflect upon the earth as very clear mirrors of this Light that the Most Holy Trinity wishes to project through you to illuminate the earth and dispel the darkness of the world.
Beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, know that on the morning of the Resurrection, when my Son JESUS appeared before me risen, he showed me you and also the son I gave you, my son Marcos.
Yes! And that vision of your future fidelity to my Immaculate Heart, the vision of your future Love, of the Cenacles made for love of me, of all that you do for me, greatly consoled my Heart, which filled my soul with such joy that at that moment I shuddered.
And when I mystically united with my Divine Son, I became one Flame of love with Him. Yes, we both tremble with love as we contemplate your future fidelity and that of the son I gave you to our Sacred Hearts.
Yes, we feel an extreme joy of love at that moment, caused by the knowledge of your future goodness, your future fidelity, your future obedience to Our Hearts.
And at that moment Golden luminous tears came down from my Eyes for the joy I felt for the Resurrection of my Son and also for knowing that in the future your soul would faithfully enjoy the copious Redemption of my Son Jesus.
And that for you and for the Son I gave you and for many souls also who would be saved through the 'Yes' of the two, the Passion of my Son and my Sorrows would not be in vain.
Rejoice your heart, joy of God, joy of the Mother of God too. So I like to call you: joy of God, joy of the Mother of God!
Yes, that is what you are with your son, Our joy!
Rejoice! Because you have caused great joy to the Heart of your Risen God, you consoled your Sorrowful Mother on the Sabbath of His Soledad and also on the Friday of her greatest Sorrow with her Son.
And on Resurrection Sunday you went with the vision of my Risen Son my great consolation and joy.
Go ahead, my son! Take ever more of my Flame of love and pass it on to everyone!
Dedicate at least 20 minutes a day, to thinking and meditating on all that I tell you in my Messages. Never neglect this so that your heart never forgets the great love that I have for you, the great predilection that I have for you, and how much I and my Most Holy Son pray in your favor.
Yes, great is our love for you. It is so great that if you could feel it, see it, experience it all, truly your heart would be broken by the force and violence of Our Love.
Rejoice, joy of God and also my joy, because the more you walk, the more you pray, the more you advance on the road to holiness, the greater is my love for you.
The more you love me, the more I love you.
The more you love my Son JESUS, the more I love you too.
The more you love the son I gave you, the more my love doubles for you and the more I want to pray to make you happy and blessed.
All the blessings that my Son and I promise you every day and the days of the month fixed by us are proof of our love for you. These blessings are for you to be happy, My son, very happy!
And many more blessings I will give you to make you happy, happy, happy!
Therefore, every year on Easter Sunday, my Son JESUS and I will descend from Heaven upon you to give you a very special blessing from Our Divine Hearts. To reward you for all that you have done for us and above all, to confirm you once again in grace and also in Our Love!
Love always more the son that I gave you, because by loving, My son, you love myself and my Son JESUS who gave you this son, who for you will be the same as my Daughter LUZIA was for His Mother Eutiquia. The same as my Son Gabriel of Sorrows went to his father. The same as my Daughter Veronica Giulianni was also for her father.
He will always be the cause of your Salvation, the cause of the graces that I will always give you more, of the Blessings, the channel of my Love. Through him I will pour out more and more on your life: Light, Grace, Mercy, Love, Flame of Love and Peace. This is how my Son determined it and this is how it is done and this is how it will be.
And the more you grow in love for the Son that I have given you, the more you unite with him through the Mystical and Supernatural love of my Flame of Love, the more graces you will profit for yourself, for your lineage and for your whole life. Understand son, that just as I chose Bernadette to be the channel and mediator of the graces of my Immaculate Heart for Lourdes and the pilgrims to Lourdes, so my son Marcos was also chosen to be the channel of my graces for Brazil, for the world in these last times, but especially for you.
Yes, I can even say that he was born for you, to be for you the channel of my Grace, the Wind of my Immaculate Conception, which should blow into your life and draw you to me, as the wind attracted my Daughter Bernadette to me in the cave. And so, coming closer and closer to me, living more and more united to me, contemplating and receiving more and more the Rays of my grace and of my love, you will grow and become more and more a beautiful, precious and wonderful work of the Lord your God and also of your heavenly Mother, of whom you are: joy, consolation and hope.
To you and to all my children I truly say: THERE IS SAINTS! To the greatest joy of Jesus. May your hearts be in Him, on high always! To give him honor, praise and glory.
Advance my soldiers! Fighting ever harder for the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart. It is up to you to speak of my Apparitions, of my seers, especially my son Marcos, of the messages I give here, of my Graces, so that the world may be converted, and it is up to you to make me triumph on earth, to triumph in hearts and in families.
Go! Go and do Cenacles everywhere! Go on announcing my Word more and more. Give my messages to all my children so that as soon as possible, my Heart may defeat Satan in their lives and so I may establish my Kingdom of love in the souls and raise the Glorious Thrones of the Heart of Jesus, of my Heart, of my Spouse Joseph in all hearts and families, and so my Heart Flame of love may spread until it takes the whole world and leads it to the complete Victory of my Heart.
Hurry up your conversion! For my Son is coming back to you with love and in Love.
Pray my Rosary every day. Pray all the prayers I have given you here, above all pray the Rosary of Meditated Mercy, through it you will learn and be truly holy. Through it the graces of the Heart of my Son Jesus and mine will rain down on you, and more and more we ourselves will become reflections of the Divine Mercy of the Lord, to finally heal, free the earth from the domination of evil and Satan, and bring it all to the Victory of our Hearts.
I also desire, my children, that you give to all my children during this month 10 Films of the Life of my Son John Mary Vianney, so that all may imitate him in his great love for me, in his great holiness and love for Jesus my Son, and also give to all my children 10 Films of my Tears in Akita and Civitavecchia.
My Tears must be dried by my children! That is why I ask you, my children, to give to all my children the Film of my Tears No. 3 so that from everywhere my children may stand up to console and love me, and also to fight with me for the Salvation of all humanity!
I thank all of you, and also especially you, my little son David, thank you! Thank you very much! For having made for me that beautiful tribute to my Sorrows with the video you made. Thank you also for helping my son Marcos with my video messages. Thank you also to my little son Diego and all the others who helped. I saw each one of you. I collected the red mystic roses of Love that came out of your hearts while you were working with my son Marcos, and I took all these roses as a wonderful mystic bouquet to offer to the Most Holy Trinity, for his greatest praise, for his greatest joy, satisfaction and glory. And the Trinity was very pleased with that work of love you were doing with my little son Marcos.
This is how you must do it: fight for me, fight to make my messages known and loved, and always work harder to bring to souls and hearts my Flame of Love, my Mother love that can and will save so many of my little children who do not yet know me and who are in danger of being condemned.
Go, my soldiers! Work more with my little son Marcos! As many as you save by helping him, you will also be the Crowns of Glory that I will one day place on your heads in Heaven.
Forward my children! Forward! We must save what can still be saved! You must speak! You must walk! You must take my Messages! You must give them to all my children! Thus I will triumph, and so the Heart of my Son Jesus will finally renew and save the world in love and through Love.
To all, I bless with love now from FÁTIMA. from LA SALETTE and from JACAREÍ".
Our Lady after touching and blessing the rosaries:
(Mary Most Holy): "As I have already said: Wherever one of these Images, Rosaries, Scapulars, Holy Objects arrive, there I will be alive, carrying the great graces of the Lord.
I bless you all again, my children.
To all I embrace with love and leave my Peace".