Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, May 7, 2018
Message of Our Lady, Our Lord Jesus and Saint Joseph

(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today, when you contemplate another Anniversary of my Apparitions here in Jacareí to my little son Marcos, I invite you all again to the Conversion of Love.
Convert yourselves for love of GOD! Convert yourselves to the love of GOD! Convert to the love of GOD!
Leave the life of sin and return to the Arms of God who are still wide open to receive every son who wants to return to Him.
Pray my Rosary! Whoever prays the Rosary saves himself, whoever does not pray the Rosary condemns himself. The Rosary is the right and sure way of salvation.
I promise that whoever prays my Rosary with true love, even if it is only once in a lifetime. To him I will give the grace of a sincere, true conversion and penance for all his sins before death, which will guarantee him eternal salvation.
Pray my Rosary that achieves for you so many Graces. Oh, if only you could see how much light the Holy Rosary sheds! When you pray it the light of the Holy Rosary penetrates Purgatory, opens its doors and takes many souls to Heaven.
That light also spreads all over the Earth, dispelling the darkness of evil and sin, paralyzing and neutralizing Satan and making him completely powerless to try and lead many souls to Perdition.
When the Rosary is prayed, the light it releases penetrates Heaven, touches the Angels, produces a new and deep accidental joy in the Angels and Saints who deeply enjoy Love.
This light also touches TRINDADE, the Heart of my Son JESUS, giving TRINDADE great joy. Giving to the FATHER, to the SON and to the HOLY SPIRIT great contentment, great joy and satisfaction.
This light also touches my Immaculate Heart producing in me great joy, consolation and joy in the soul.
Pray my Rosary my children, for with it you will obtain all Graces. And be converted while there is still time, because the Great Punishment is approaching and my children continue blindly seeking only that which destroys their soul, which destroys the beauty of their soul, which destroys the Sanctifying grace in their souls and leads them to perdition.
Dedicate yourselves to GOD, dedicate your time and your life to GOD, so that together with me we may reach the Mercy of the Lord raising up to Him every day a great, intense force of Prayer, Reparation and Love.
Here, where my Immaculate Heart revealed my Goodness, my Love, my Mercy, my Maternal Tenderness as never before. I desire to do ever more wonders of love in the lives of my children.
But I want the 'YES' of all of you, 'YES' without which I cannot act in your life, because I respect your decision and your freedom to accept or reject me. Give me your 'YES' my children, and then I will do wonders in your lives.
Here, in these Apparitions where I am completely loved, obeyed, served and consoled, glorified and exalted by my little son Marcos. I want more and more in the person, in the work and in his life, to reflect my great and mystical maternal Light that will become all the more powerful, all the more luminous and refulgent the greater the darkness of Satan spread throughout the world.
Be you also mirrors, crystalline souls, very pure, completely obedient and docile to me where I can always more reflect my Mystical Light to illuminate all things.
I bless you all with the love of FATIMA, CARAVAGIO and JACAREÍ".
(Sacred Heart): "Dear children, I, JESUS, rejoice in coming today with my Blessed Mother on the Anniversary of the First Message that I gave here on May 7, 1994.
It is 24 years of the love of my Sacred Heart for all of you, my children! It is 24 years of the Mercy of my Sacred Heart for you, for so many sinners who have spent these years here and will still come here.
It is 24 years of loving that I have extended my Divine Hand to lift up everyone who wants to come out of the mire of their sins, who wants to rise from the dust and ashes of sin and who wants to rise up to me.
It is 24 years of endless Goodness, of my Divine Heart to the righteous too, the obedient and docile children to me and to my Most Holy Mother. To whom in these 24 years of my messages here, I have not ceased to cumulate grace upon grace, blessing upon blessing and reward upon reward for their obedience to me and to my Mother.
It is 24 years of a deep love of my Divine Heart for you my children! No creature can escape my Love, none... none! And none can escape from my Mercy.
Only I will not save the sinner who decisively rejects me until the last moment and rejects my Love. But my Mercy is so great, that it persecutes sinners, it persecutes my children, incessantly, even when you despise me.
I give proof of my love to all of you, by the graces I give you even when you are in sin, by the successes I allow in your lives, by the healings I give you through my Mother and my Saints.
I show you my love many times by making you miss me and also by making you feel the desire of prayer. I show you my Love, allowing you from time to time to feel my sweetness, to feel my help in your jobs, in your business and in your difficulties, in your problems.
In this way, I show you how much I love you. Also, when I allow you defeats, failures, illnesses, problems and afflictions. Through the pains I try to remind you of me, I try to draw you to me and bring you back to me.
In any way I persecute you, I persecute you by sending my prophets to you, the Seers of my Mother, my son Marcos, to always call you back to my Heart, to the Heart of my Mother. I send you these Prophets to remind you of my love, to remind you how much we love you by appearing here and giving you these messages of love throughout all these years.
I call you back to my Heart through my prophet Marcos, who shows you the horror of your sins and at the same time the beauty of my Mother, the beauty of my love trying in every way to draw you to me.
Yes, in the person of my son Marcos, in the Videos of my Mother's messages that he makes to you, in the beautiful Meditated Rosaries, in the Rosaries of Mercy and everything else, I speak through him the Voice of my love my children.
Ah! I never tire of chasing you with my Love!
Let yourself be touched by my Love! Let yourselves be attracted by my Love! Let yourselves be overcome by my Love!
If you do this my children, my transforming grace will come into your lives today and transform you into Mystical Roses of Love, Burning Flames of Love, through which I will set the whole world on fire with the Flame of Love of my Holy Spirit and transform the world into my Kingdom of Love.
Pray the Rosary of Meditated Mercy every day, for through it I will transform you ever more into my Flames of Love.
Be converted without delay! For I am returning to you, and soon, suddenly, like a thief, or like lightning that suddenly falls, like thunder that suddenly rumbles, I will be among you.
As the wind blows suddenly, and you do not know where it came from, so will I return to you. Blessed are those whom the Son of Man finds watching and living in Love.
To all I bless with love now from TWELL, from NAZARÉ and from JACAREÍ".
(Mary Most Holy): "Beloved little son Carlos Thaddeus, today is the day of the month when I give you a special Message, here it is:
My little son, Mama loves you very much! Mommy is proud of the Cenacles you have done. Don't stop, because each Cenacle is pulling out many thorns that the world sticks to my Heart every day.
Mommy is closer to you than ever, when you suffer, when you pray, when the cross weighs on your shoulders.
Just as I stood beside my Son Jesus on the Way to Calvary and I did not leave Him, I will never leave you.
I cannot carry the cross in its place, just as I could not carry my Son's cross. It is not the Will of the Father. But I will carry it with you as I carried it with Him, as I accompanied Him. I will never leave you like this and I will always be at your side.
My son, know that when Joseph and I were in Egypt with my Son, Jesus, one day my Son collapsed, fell down, and the children who were with him came to call me quickly to help him.
When I got there, I found my Son Jesus falling into a pool of Blood. The children thought that he had fallen and was hurt, but when I looked at him, I saw that his whole body was full of deep wounds, especially on his hands, feet, back, and head.
For a moment I had the vision of the Blessed Trinity of what would happen to my Son JESUS in His most painful Passion. Above all, when I looked at his side I saw that he was open and bleeding abundantly.
Then I had the vision of the moment when the soldier would pass through the side of my Son Jesus on the Cross.
At that moment the pain I felt was so strong in my body and soul that if my Son Jesus had not helped me and sustained me with His Divine grace I would have died.
At that moment I knew that it was the Will of the Most High that I would offer that great Pain for you, my beloved and beloved Son. I offered it with all my love and the Most Holy Trinity welcomed my offer, grateful and joyful.
And then the merits of that Act of love and Generosity, of Sacrifice and Abnegation produced great merits that before the Trinity became superabundant graces for you, for your soul, for your sanctification.
All of this, I reveal to you, so that you know how much I love you and how much throughout my life I have suffered and offered my Sorrows for Love, for you.
I, who have loved you so much, can abandon you and may I ever fail you? Oh no, my son, never! Therefore, trust always more in my Motherly love.
Pray the Rosary and all the prayers I asked you for, because through it, I am transforming you into a Mystical Rose of love that together with the son I gave you will be the charm of the Holy Trinity.
Love the son I gave you more and more, because as well as the merits of my son Geraldo his Mother and his sisters were saved and also the soul of his Father. So too, by the merits of the 'YES' of my son Marcos' life of love, dedication and service, of the son I gave you, you will always and increasingly be filled with the great graces of the Lord and my Love.
To all, I bless with love now and especially to you my beloved son, of MONTICHIARI, of CARAVAGIO and of JACAREÍ".
(Mary Most Holy): "As I have already said, wherever one of these Rosaries arrives, I will be there alive, carrying the great graces of the Lord and of my Love.
To all, once again I bless and leave my Peace".
(St. Joseph): "My children, today, I, JOSEPH, give the Indulgence to all who wear my Medal with Love. Spread my Medal more!
(Marcos): "Yes, I will, Mama, I will.