Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, today I invite you all to remember my appearance at Heede and the messages I gave to my beloved and chosen daughters.
Prayer and penance, more prayer of the Rosary, less hobbies and entertainment, more prayer and penance! The world is going badly for lack of prayer.
If humanity does not heed my requests the Father will send a great punishment to all humanity.
As the world continues along the path of perdition, of sin, despising God's love, the Father will send a great punishment on the whole world. And there is no doubt, it will be the most terrible punishment since the origins of human history.
Humanity will have to drink the cup of divine justice to the last drop, to its very end.
I come as Mediatrix of all Graces and Queen of the Universe, Mother of souls to save the souls of my children, and here in Jacareí I will finish what I began in Heede.
Yes, at Heede I came as Mother of Souls, Queen of the Universe, to call all humanity to prayer and penance.
How many times have I appeared crying at Heede, how many messages have I given there to my privileged little children to communicate to my children.
How many messages also my own divine son Jesus Christ gave at Heede.
And what has humanity done with our messages? It has debated, laughed, mocked, mocked our messages, scoffed at our pain, and followed the path of perdition, evil, violence, wars, immorality, in short, denial of God. That is why I come my children, to call them again to conversion as in Heede.
Open your hearts to God today and return to him through prayer and penance.
See that life is brief and in comparison with eternity this life lasts little. If you, my children, knew that a person is condemned to be imprisoned forever in prison, tomorrow and today he goes to dances, to parties, laughs, has fun.
What would you say about such a person? Wouldn't you say she's crazy? Wouldn't you say she's insane? Wouldn't you say she's insane? Wouldn't you say she's a fool?
Well, the same I would say of you my children, that even knowing that life is brief, that death can come at any moment without warning. That at any moment you can leave this world and if you are not in the holiness and grace of God you can be thrown into the perpetual prison of Hell.
And yet, you continue to think only of amusements, of enjoying life, of pleasures, of material things without taking care of your souls.
Every day your souls get worse and weaker, your souls cover themselves with more and more souls, with sins and pleasures. And like a leper your soul is rotting more and more and you don't care about the calamitous state of your soul.
Soon my children, the day will end and the night will come and no one will be able to work anymore. Soon the time God gave you to save your souls and gain merit for Heaven will come to an end and you, my children, will not be able to do anything for the salvation of your soul.
Wake up, therefore, from this sleep of illusion in which the enemy has cast you all thinking that you are eternal and that you will live here in this world forever, because this is not true.
Remember your relatives who have left this world.
Their death proves to you that life is short, very short. And how many are those who leave it without any merit in order to reach Heaven.
Oh! How terrible at the hour of death is the dread that seizes the souls of those who have wasted 50, 60.70 80 years of their lives on useless things alone. And at that moment of death they see themselves with empty hands with nothing to carry to eternity, in fact, nothing at all, only sins to carry.
At the hour of death these people, these souls, already see the demons there ready with the chains to bind them and take the soul with them to Hell.
The soul sees the whole of its life pass before its eyes, the whole trajectory of its life. And she sees how many thousands of days the Lord gave her so that she could pray, do good deeds, do penance, seek holiness and she did nothing.
She sees every day with a dark spot, the spot of sin, and each day she sees engraved a number, the number of my enemy: 666. Then the soul already knows that it is condemned.
Oh! How terrible are the cries of terror of the souls my children!
Don't be of their number, sanctify time, sanctify each day of yourselves with holy works, so that you may acquire merits for one day entering Heaven.
And never forget: My son Jesus will come to you like a thief, without warning. So watch and pray, because you know neither the day nor the hour.
Pray, pray, pray!
Let all my children know my apparitions in Heede.
And while my son Marcos is still not making the video of my apparition, release my children, the record he recorded, containing the story of my apparitions and my messages given with my son Jesus in Heede, to my beloved daughters and through them to all humanity.
My children need to know my messages from Heede urgently, because the salvation of many souls depends on knowing them.
Forward my soldiers! Don't be discouraged now, multiply the cenacles of prayer everywhere!
May you hold a cenacle every 10th of every month in displeasure at my appearance at Heede, praying the rosary of my bloody tears and speaking of my messages from Heede to all my beloved children.
So that finally, the sword of pain that humanity has pierced in my heart for not obeying my messages given at Heed, may come out of my heart. And finally, may I triumph throughout the world bringing to all a new time of grace, love and peace.
My beloved little son Marcos, my soul of reparation and expiator of the sins of the world.
Thank you for the headaches that you have patiently and lovingly endured and offered for me every day!
Yes, my son, last night you saved 279,000 souls and the other night, Friday night to Saturday you saved 309,000 souls.
Yes, sacrifice is never in vain! The sacrifice offered with love becomes an abundant shower of mercy and graces for all humanity, for so many souls in need!
Rejoice your heart, because souls of many dying have been saved by their suffering and others of sinners who are still on earth will be touched by divine grace in time to be saved before the deadline for the conversion of the world ends.
May all my children accept the works and crosses of each day and offer them as a sacrifice to the Lord for the salvation of so many souls in need.
To you my reparatory soul, to you my little red mystical rose of loving sacrifice I give thanks and say:
Continue to suffer my son. Thanks to your sufferings, to your pains offered to me, especially in these last 4 years. Thanks to the meditated rosaries, the hours of prayer, the movies and all that you have done for me.
I gave the victory to you, I gave the victory to the good over communism in Brazil.
Yes, my children, they were prepared to begin a persecution similar to that of China to Christians, to the true and good children of God. But I intervened, I have saved you.
And I will continue saving my children if you continue praying, making the sieges of Jericho, the cenacles everywhere, obeying my messages. and especially if you Marcos, continue offering the generous and loving sacrifice to me.
Yes, I will transform Brazil into a garden of holiness, beauty, peace and love for God, as never seen in any history of humanity in any nation, if you continue to offer the sacrifice.
Continue to offer, so that the good will continue to persevere in this struggle until finally the victory of good against evil in this final war is definitive. And finally, all of Satan's work, all of Satan's satanic doctrine, of my enemy is banished, not only from Brazil but from all the nations of the earth.
If it were not for you, if it were not for your suffering, if it were not for your life totally consecrated to me 27 years ago, if it were not for the meditated rosaries, the hours of prayer and everything you have done for me, there would be no more Brazil now.
You saved your land and you have fulfilled your destiny my son, for this you were predestined. Now you must continue to suffer, you must continue to work for me, offering your merits so that I can continue saving the Land of the Holy Cross, which one day will also be called Land of my Immaculate Heart, Land of love, Land of grace, Land of peace.
Keep praying my Rosary every day, whoever prays it with love will be saved. Whoever puts complete trust in Me, even though he has more sins than the sea, has drops of water. Even if he has more sins than all the grains of sand on earth. Even if I have more sins than the earth has trees, plants and herbs, it doesn't matter, I will be saved by the power of my most holy Rosary. And I will deliver not only the fire of Hell, but also the fire of Purgatory.
Rejoice, my children, because I am with you, I have saved you, I have saved the nation from you. And soon I will fulfill my promise made in Fatima and reiterated here: 'At last my Immaculate Heart will triumph!' Do not be afraid.
I bless you all and especially you, my beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, Mama is very happy with your cenacles.
Keep going my son and don't ever stop, because through these scenarios a part of my plan will be accomplished and many souls will be saved!
I, love you as the most intimate fiber of my heart and I bless you all today from Heede, Fatima and Jacareí".
(Mary Most Holy after touching the sacramentals): "As I have already said, wherever one of these books, medals, all the objects you bring with you today are there I will be alive carrying the great graces of the Lord".
I bless you all again and keep you all with love in my Immaculate Heart".