Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace and of Saint Filomena to the Seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today I call you all again to holiness. Holiness is a difficult path, but its end is true, real, glorious.
Follow the path of holiness even if you suffer, even if you have crosses and also have to overcome many obstacles, because the reward that my son prepares for all those who, like my little daughter St. Philomena, persevere to the end, that reward will be eternal and will never end.
Live holiness with works of love! You don't need to go out and explain to people, just love God, love me with all your heart. Do works of love, pray love, make sacrifices of love and your own life will speak to everyone around you and then everyone will see in you the light of love, understand love and give the 'yes' to eternal love which is the Lord.
Live holiness every day doing good deeds for love of God and above all, patiently accepting the crosses that happen to you and offering God as my daughter St. Philomena did.
I will be with you, my children, and I will never, never leave you! When you suffer I am closer to you and I love you more.
Do not be afraid! In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph and I will bring to the world a time of peace. Until then pray, pray, pray the Rosary without ceasing, because only with prayer can you protect the peace of you and also of those around you.
Pray the Rosary of Tears every day, those who pray this rosary will not know the eternal flames and will have great glory in heaven.
Imitate my daughter St. Philomena and give six films of her life to my children who do not know her. This wonderful film that my son Marcos made has the power not only to make souls understand the examples of sanctity of my daughter Filomena that they must follow, but it also has the power to make everyone understand the great power that she has in Heaven with my Son Jesus and me.
I truly say: my daughter Filomena reigns in Heaven over my Heart and I cannot deny her anything. Whatever you ask through her, on her merits, I will grant!
May my children know her life, so that through her they may receive the great graces of my Immaculate Heart, and thus the love of my Son Jesus and his grace may triumph on earth.
To all I bless again: from Mugnano, Lourdes and Jacareí".
(St. Filomena): "Dear brothers and sisters of mine, I, Filomena, rejoice in coming today with the Mother of God to bless you and to tell you: Follow me on the path of love, following in my footsteps, opening your hearts to have a strong and great faith.
Pray hard for this! I prayed six hours a day to always keep the flame of faith and love in my heart burned, great and burning for the Lord.
Pray at least three hours a day that this flame may be kindled in your hearts and through your hearts radiate to all the hearts of those around you and also to the whole world.
Follow me along the road of love by renouncing yourself, your will and giving your 'yes' to the Lord and our Blessed Queen.
Follow me along the road of love by sacrificing your life for Jesus and Mary as I have sacrificed, giving your life to serve you, to love you, to console you and also to give them joy with your love.
Then truly you who will follow the road of love will be love, live in love and spread love to all.
Then you will all see love, it will be easy to believe in love, in the eternal love that is God and you will not even have to prove or explain anything, because by your own example of love, you will all believe. You will then be the best book where you can all learn true love, in your example you will all learn true love.
I love you all and I am close to you in all your sufferings, when you suffer I am closer to you than you can imagine. Come to me and I will give you my children, my brothers, many, many graces.
I bless you all and especially you, my beloved Marcos! Today, the day of my feast, which is a day of so many graces in my Shrine in Mugnano, the day when Our Lord pours out copious graces, miracles and cures in my Shrine in Mugnano, here that is my little Mugnano of Brazil, Our Lord also granted me great graces to pour out on you, my friend, brother, apostle who made me so much known and loved to these my brothers and so many brothers throughout the world with the film he made of my life.
You are worthy of these great graces! Therefore, today I pour out on you the copious graces of the Lord and on your father who is the soul you love most in the world, I pour out now 13,000 blessings that he will receive in the next four years.
Yes, he will receive all these graces and then, truly through him, I will also radiate my grace, my love and my light to all humanity.
Forward Filomeno! Son of light! Marcos, my beloved brother. go. continue taking the light of the Lord, the light of our Most Holy Queen, my light to all who are in darkness.
Bring them all out of the darkness of ignorance, out of the darkness of sin, out of the darkness of turning away from the Lord through your work and your daily prayers and more and more, my beloved brother, make everyone know me, know my life, for through me it will come to all of them: peace, grace and salvation from the Lord.
I bless you and I bless you too, my beloved brother Carlos Tadeu. As I told you before, I offered for you all the martyrdom I suffered, but especially, I also offered the martyrdom of being thrown into the Tiber River, where I was drowning there.
At that moment when I was drowning, I offered all my suffering for your intentions, so that the Lord would become a grace for you and for your great mission.
I love you and whatever you ask of me that is the will of the Lord, I will always, always reach for you, I will always help you and I will never leave you.
Ask, ask for my martyrdom the graces you need and like a shower of grace, they, the blessings, will come from Heaven!
I bless you with love now and all my brothers: from Mugnano, from Rome and from Jacareí".
(Mary Most Holy): "As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries arrives I will be alive with my daughter Filomena and also with St. Carthage Borromeo and St. Beatrice carrying the great graces of the Lord.
I bless you all with love once again to be happy, and I leave my peace".