Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Love my Sacred Heart!


Jacareí, 07.01.2020 | Apparition and Message of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Our Lady | Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions of Jacareí

(Sacred Heart): "Dear children of mine, I, JESUS, come again today to tell you all:

"Love my Sacred Heart and live in it, because it is the refuge that I give to each one of you in these difficult times, so that you may take shelter in it, live in it and be preserved in the peace of my love.

Live in my Heart, living a life of intense union with me: through prayer, meditation, spiritual reading, especially of the books that my Mother and I ask of you so much: the Imitation of Christ, Glories of Mary, the life of my Mother Mary (Mystical City of God), so that more and more you can live a life of perfect union with me: in love, through love!

Live in my Heart, renouncing all the things that fill your heart with earth. Create in yourself a heart that is poor, poor with earthly desires, so that I can enrich you with the goods and treasures of my Sacred Heart.

Live in my Heart, by an unlimited and complete trust in my love and in my mercy.

When the father takes the hand of the little child to teach her how to walk, even though she fears to fall, she holds her father's hands, trusts him and knows that the father will not let her fall. This same unlimited trust I want from each of you to me.

And no one will fret if they stumble and fall yet. Imperfections you will have until the moment of death, do not worry about them, I will take care of them, they do not prevent my love in you, they do not prevent the influx of my grace. What impedes the influx of my grace on you is the hardening of the heart in worldly things, the hardening in the will itself, stubbornness, rebellion, disobedience, distrust in my love.

Therefore, I ask you: renounce all this and live in my Heart, by an unlimited trust in my love and in my goodness, in my grace and in my love, in my mercy. So that then, truly, I may pour out upon all of you the great streams of grace from my Heart.

And you, my son, the greatest sinner, do not be afraid to approach me, because it was precisely for you that I was born, it was for you that I accepted a life of humiliation, poverty, persecution, incomprehension. It was because of you that I let myself nailed to the cross and shed all my blood to the last drop to save you.

It was for you that I resurrected, so that I could always remain with you and never let you walk alone.

It was for love of you that I gave my Mother to you and to all men as the Universal Mother of all, of all my apostles and disciples. Yes, she is your Mother, so you must also trust her as you trust me.

And as the little child trusts her mother, holding her mother's hands, so she teaches her to walk, so you too must hold my mother's hands and trust her, for she will never abandon you, as she never abandoned me!

Long live my son, in my Heart, every day! Your imperfections are not obstacles to my love, they do not matter to me.

I will consume them all immediately in the burning flame of my Divine Heart. And every day more: I will purify you, raise you up, heal you, beautify you, perfect you, until I transform you into a beautiful and precious diamond to give to my Father.

Therefore, do not be afraid to approach me, because it was precisely for you, the greatest sinner, the most wounded and weakest little sheep that I descended from the heights and made myself a man to gather you into my arms, to heal you, to love you, to protect you, to save you and to bring you safely to my House.

So come to me and don't delay any longer, because my Heart is crushed and it is breaking with longing for you! Continue praying the Rosary of my Mother every day, say the prayers of intimacy that my little son Marcos has already said with you, so that you may grow in intimacy and union with me.

Pray the Meditated Rosary of Mercy every day and give 3 Meditated Rosaries of Mercy (#53) to my children who do not know this powerful Rosary, for which I promise to grant everything!

In truth, the soul who prays this Rosary at the hour of death will receive from me the grace of the outpouring of my Mercy and at that moment I will be for her: friend, father, lawyer and infallible companion.

I promise to all who have in their homes my image as Merciful, that this person and his family will not perish.

I will defend these souls as my own glory!

I lovingly bless you all from Dozulé, Paray-le-Monial and Jacareí".

(Mary Most Holy): " Dear children, I am the Queen and Messenger of peace!

Today when another month of my Apparitions is completed here, I come from Heaven to tell you:

Pray for peace, every day, my Rosary of peace!

Pray for peace, the Rosary meditated every day!

Pray for peace, all the powerful Rosaries that I have asked of you here!

Fasting and making sacrifices for peace, to obtain from the Lord for all the earth the gift of peace!

Men have turned away from God and now you can see in the nations and in the faces of all people how they have no peace, how they are troubled by great inner conflicts. And as for having exchanged God for the world, he has only destroyed peace in them and filled them with bitterness, suffering, disappointments and darkness.

Yes, only when everyone returns to God will they have peace. Therefore, pray for the return of all to peace for conversion to God.

I am the Messenger of Peace and that is why I came here not only to bring a message of peace, but to teach everyone: how to reach it, how to keep it and how to protect it.

Protect peace from yourselves with many prayers, sacrifices, fasting and turning away from all worldly things that destroy and take from you the divine gift of peace.

Then truly your hearts will be filled with peace, you will receive peace from the Lord and truly have His grace, His friendship and His continuous loving protection.

I wish you 6 Rosaries of Tears meditated for the peace of the world, which is urgent now.

May you also give 3 Rosaries of Tears meditated, 3 cds of these wonderful Rosaries that my little son Marcos made for my children who do not know me so that they too may pray for peace.

I also wish, my children, to give 3 Peace Medals for my children who do not know me. So that through my medal I can bring them the gift of my Mother Peace.

Hurry up your conversion because time is passing quickly, the decisive events are unfolding and those who delay their conversion to the last moment will not have time to turn to God and learn the way of holiness.

The grace of my presence here is the greatest gift of God's love and my love for all humanity and for all my children.

I bless you all! Pray the Rosary every day, for whoever prays my Rosary will never, ever be struck by the rays of God's Wrath.

I bless you all with love and especially you, little son Marcos, thank you very much for the Setena No. 4 that you made for me. Thanks to that Setena I have been able to take many punishments away from the world, I have been able to bring many blessings from God to this world, I have been able to convert many souls of many sinners!

That Setena gave you many merits my son, and that is why, because of her and also because of the meditated Rosary of Peace that you made for me No. 7, I will pour on you today 19 special blessings.

And on your father Carlos Thaddeus, for whom you asked me today to pour out these graces, I will pour out 97,502 blessings.

Also, the Rosary of Tears that you made for me this morning pleased my heart very much, took many swords of pain from my Heart, many thorns from the Heart of my son Jesus that the world clings to with its sins and offenses. And for this my son, you have acquired many new merits.

And because of that Rosary you made for me today, I will pour out 27 new graces on you, and on your father Carlos Thaddeus, I will pour out 49,202 other blessings.

In this way I will benefit the one you love most and for whom you first offered the Rosary of Tears meditated on No. 30 this morning.

In this way I answer your prayer and answer the request that you made to me, that you turn the merits of that good and holy work into graces and pour on your father.

You can also offer any of the graces I give you now to anyone you want.

I bless you my most obedient servant, my most laborious bee, my son so worthy of my graces, for so much love, for so many services rendered with love to me, with so much affection, dedication and obedience.

And also, I bless you my little son Marcos Augusto, today is the anniversary of the first time you came here. I now shower on you 7 special graces, thank you for your 'yes', thank you for your loving service to me.

To all I bless Lourdes, Pellevoisin and Jacareí".


(Mary Most Holy): "Dear son Carlos Thaddeus, today I give you my special message:

"My son, don't be afraid of anything, I am always by your side and I will never leave you. Continue carrying my flame of love to all my children through the cenacles. I am always close to you, my dear son.

I wish you, just like the son I gave you, in this month of January:

Spread more and deepen with my children the meditated Rosary of Tears, through which my children will receive so many graces from my Immaculate Heart always. For all that is asked through my tears will always be granted if it is according to your will.

May my children help me to save the world and souls by offering to the Father the merits of my Tears of Blood that can do everything for my son, for the Father.

My dear son should know that when I was in the Temple in Jerusalem, I would get up at 2:00 in the morning to pray intensely to the Lord.

Yes, and in those moments of prayer the Lord gave me the mystical vision of your person, of your future love, of the loving services you would do for me and my son in the future.

And for you I prostrated myself, bowing my forehead to the ground and many times I prayed prostrate in the form of a cross, imploring the Lord to give thanks to that future apostle of yours and future servant, who in the future would give so much glory, so much joy to the Lord.

I prayed begging for graces, begging for strength, begging for perseverance and love for you.

Also, I made the sacrifice of every Saturday to give up something, some food that I loved the most and offered for your intentions. In this way I obtained so many graces from the Lord for you that in due time they would be given to you. Among them, the greatest of all: the son I gave you... the most hard-working, the most dedicated, the most hard-working for me and for the Lord, full of so many merits, through which you will receive so much good, every good and every grace from the Lord.

Yes, rejoice! For just as the parents of my son, St. Boniface, received the grace of salvation from their souls, you too received Heaven and many other graces you will receive through the son I gave you filled with so many merits, through so many years of burning works of love done for me.

And the more he works for me, the more merits he has, the more you too will profit and receive!

I have given you the best, prefer the best, praise God for the best and the best will not be taken away from you.

I love you and bless you, keep praying your Rosary, because it has held great punishments that should fall upon various nations, especially Brazil.

You have been holding my son's arm with the cenacles and his prayers.

Continue my son and never stop praying, because the eyes of the Lord continually look upon you with pleasure and my Immaculate Heart rests upon you.

I bless you with love now.

And also, I bless you my little son Leandro, congratulations on your birthday yesterday.

In Heaven I prayed for you, I offered the merits of my Tears for you united with the merits of my little son Marcos Tadeu, whom I gave you as father, friend, brother, companion and also your protector and aide.

And because of his merits, you yesterday received from the Lord and from me 8 special blessings. Rejoice, little son, because your name is written in my Heart and in the Heart of my son Jesus.

Rejoice! And continue praying, whatever you ask of me and what is my son's will, I will give it to you.

Let yourself be more and more loved and led by my son Marcos because he has a great affection and care for you.

His concern will always help and protect you and if you hold his hand firmly, he will lead you on the path of true love for my son and me.

Follow him on the path of prayer, love, obedience, faithfulness to me, giving yourself more and more to me and you too will become a ceaseless flame of love.

I love you! Mama is always close to you taking care of you.

I bless you all and leave you my peace".



