Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Be Poor with Earthly Desires

Be poor of earthly desires, so that then, truly, your soul may live the perfect and holy peace of the Lord.
"Dear children, I am the Virgin of the Poor, I am the mother of the poor with earthly desires, of those who desire only God, only his love like myself while I was on earth, only desired the love of the Lord.
Be poor with earthly desires, so that then, truly, your soul may live the perfect and holy peace of the Lord.
The human heart will never be at peace until it desires only God. What my little son Marcos said is the most perfect truth: the human heart, when it does not have earthly desires, is troubled and restless for them and after they have them, it is restless for fear of losing them.
Only those who only want Jesus have true peace, who only want Jesus' love and nothing else. Therefore, have this heart poor with earthly desires.
Wish only my son Jesus and his love, and then your hearts will overflow with the fullest peace of the Lord.
Have a heart poor of honors and vainglory, my children, because the honors and glories of the world are like smoke that at the slightest breath of the wind is blown away, and just as the days follow one after another, so men change their minds and today he who praises you will speak ill of you.
So do not seek, my children, never, the honors, the esteem and the glories of men. Because just as the wind changes direction, so does their friendship, interest and false love, and today the one who kisses you and hugs you tomorrow will be the one who can stab you.
Seek only the love of the Lord, the love of my son Jesus, and the only glory and praise that you, my son, desire is only the praise of my son for the good and holy works that you have done, because the praise of God is the only true, it is the only real, it is the only one on which man should and can rely.
Have a poor heart, poor of the desire of esteem, of the desire to be loved and praised by men, so that then, seeking only the love and affection of the Lord, you may never turn away from Him by any illusory love of things and creatures.
Have a poor heart; poor so that truly my son can fill it with his treasures and his graces of love.
Don't even want to be 'nothing', because whoever wants to be 'nothing' already wants to be something. Want to be just what my son wants, because this is truth and humility.
Whoever God wants him to be, he does the will of my son and lives in truth and humility, neither hiding nor showing himself, but doing only what my son wants, then they fulfill all truth and all justice.
So you will have a poor heart, truly, and you will not want to be 'nothing' or have 'nothing' that my Son does not want. In this way you will truly be poor and free of spirit and you will have the true freedom of the children of God to do what God wants, how he wants, where he wants and the way he wants.
Make sacrifices of love for me and for my Son, because only in sacrifice, in suffering can the true children of God and my true children be proved.
Believe in me, believe in the Messages that I gave to my little daughter Mariette without having seen those words come out of my mouth. Believe, as my son Marcos always believed in the messages I gave her and did everything not only to live them, but to spread them to the whole world.
Believe firmly in me and I will also believe firmly in your faith and love and realize my graces in your lives.
Believe in me, believe in my messages even without seeing them coming out of my mouth, and then, one day, my Son and I will give you the prize and reward of faith.
Only for those who believe is the crown of eternal life reserved.
Believe in me, believe in my messages, obey them and I will believe in your prayers and realize in your lives the wonders of my Flame of Love.
Then I will transform your whole life into an ocean of graces so great that you will exclaim that you have never seen so many graces since the verb was incarnated in my bosom.
Believe firmly, pray the Rosary every day as if you were seeing me, so that truly your faith may draw mercy from the Lord to the whole earth.
I bless you all with love, especially you, my little son Marcos.
Thank you so much for this film by Banneux and Beauraing that you made for me so many years ago!
Yes, at that time, 16 punishments were about to fall on the world, four of them on Brazil, two on the United States and three on Portugal. With this film you have removed these punishments from these nations and also from so many other nations on earth.
Yes, millions and millions have been saved and have achieved Mercy from the Lord, more time to convert. My little son, go on and never stop doing all these good and holy works for me, because with them I always have what to present in the Court of the Lord to placate the just Divine Wrath inflamed by the sins of the world and achieve mercy.
Yes, because of the merits of the film that are so great I will give you 11 graces today and for your father Carlos Thaddeus, for whom you asked all day, I will give 94,111 special graces today.
Also, I will give you seven special blessings for the new Rosary of Tears you made and for your father Carlos Tadeu, for whom you offered the merits of this new record of the Rosary of My Tears 33, I will give 73,829 special graces.
I bless you with love and thank you!
Never let what the devil does and what people do to affect you, to take away your peace, prevent you from continuing to record these Meditated Rosaries. Let go of everything and everyone who takes away your peace, let go of the side. So that this doesn't stop you from continuing to do these powerful Rosaries, which are removing many punishments and converting, saving so many souls around the world.
Continue, my son, concentrate on me, only on me and never, never stop.
Go on! I count on you: my only and last hope.
Go on, saving my souls and making me reign in my hearts!
I bless you with love now and I also bless everyone who now here hears me with love and believes in me, Banneux, Beauraing and Jacareí.
(Mary Most Holy after touching the holy objects): "As I have already said, wherever one of these Rosaries, pictures and images arrives, there I will be alive with my son Saint Benedict and also with my son Saint Boniface, carrying the great graces of the Lord.
I bless you all again, that you may be happy, and I leave my peace".