Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, February 7, 2020
29th Anniversary of the Apparitions of Jacareí

Message of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
" Dear children of mine, I, Jesus, your Lord, your God, come today with my Most Holy Mother to tell you:
Great is the love and mercy of our Hearts for all of you here, my chosen and chosen children.
Yes, I chose you from your mothers' wombs to be here in my Mother's apparitions, in my apparitions with her and all heaven, to enrich you here with the great treasures of my Sacred Heart and her Heart, to make you immensely rich in my grace and my love.
Our Hearts loved you, choosing you and taking you away from this lost, evil world that has become pagan again and rebelled against me. You could now be lost, victims of the malice of the world and of Satan, but Our Hearts loved you so much that they chose you, that they took you out of this world that is mortal to the good and brought you here to protect you, to teach you, to form you, to nourish you with the wisdom of Our Hearts and with the water of grace that flows from the fountain of Our Hearts to you, thus making you strong in faith, strong in prayer, strong in love, strong in penance, strong in the desire for holiness.
Our Hearts have loved you, and therefore I have drawn you with my loving graces and with the graces of my Mother here to reveal to you all how great is the love of this Heart that has loved men so much, but which is only paid for with blasphemies, indifference, ingratitude and forgetfulness.
And so too, the Heart of my Mother, this Corredemptor Heart who embraced the life of poverty, suffering, humiliation and persecution together with me to accomplish the work of your redemption and salvation.
Yes, my Mother has the right to this title of Corredemptor that so many want to deny her, because she suffered as much as I did for your salvation, because the same sword that wounded my Heart also pierced her Heart and in all my sufferings and torments she participated, suffering lovingly for love of you and offering everything for your salvation.
This Heart that has loved you so much continues to love you intensely and it is this Heart that has asked so much of you from me, asking me, saying: "My Son, if I have found grace before your Heart grant me life, save my people, allow me to go once again to earth and call my children again to the path of salvation, to the path of love.
I promise you, I will show them my love, I will speak to them of your great goodness, of your great love, of how much we have suffered for the salvation of all of them.
I will give them the most beautiful and precious treasures of our Hearts, I will give them the best, the best that our grace can provide and I am sure they will come back to you, I will bring them to you, my Son, I will lead them all back to the fold of your Heart and they will love you, adore you and serve you as their only and true God"
Yes, my Mother asked me, she asked for mercy, she offered her Sorrows and Tears to me for you. And then, I who cannot deny my Mother anything, gave her what she asked of me, gave her permission to come.
And then here, on February 7, 1991, she began the greatest work of our Hearts' love for you, she began the greatest manifestation not only of her love, but also of my love for men, after the Redemption.
So all of you who are here are immensely loved and happy!
How have you given back so much love?
How have you returned so much grace?
How have you paid so much love that our Hearts have had for you?
My children, be converted without delay and love more, open your heart to love, let our Flame of Love enter and completely transform your heart so that you can then understand the greatness of this great work, this supreme work of love of our Hearts for all of you who are our Apparitions here.
Then, truly, your hearts will feel a joy, a happiness and a love from my Heart such as you have never felt and truly will exclaim: "Oh! never have you seen so many graces and such love from God for me and for men after the Word became flesh!
And your hearts will then be burnt with my love, they will burn with my love and truly open to the rays of my love and I will transform each one of you, my children, into wonderful works of perfection, grace, beauty and love of my Sacred Heart!
Our Hearts have loved you and have therefore prepared the best for you here. Yes, what our beloved Marcos said is true: our Hearts have prepared the best for you, they have given you the best because they love you so much, they love you with an infinite love.
So welcome all those gifts of our love and give us love, give us your souls, because that is what we desire and nothing else!
Open your hearts to my grace. Pray, do penance, pray the Rosary of my Mother every day, because I have never condemned a soul who has prayed the Rosary to the fire of hell.
Whoever prays my Mother's Rosary is saved, whoever does not pray it is condemned.
Pray, pray, pray the Rosary of my Mercy every day, because for those souls who pray it, at the hour of death I will not be a severe judge, but a friend, lawyer, defender and loving savior.
Pray the Rosary of my Mother, never Satan took from my presence to hell a soul who had prayed the Rosary of my Mother. I promise salvation to all those who pray it with love every day.
Our Apparitions here are the greatest gift of love from our Hearts to you, open your hearts to this love, give us your 'yes'. And then, our Hearts will finally pour out our Flame of love into you, into your hearts, into their hearts, and then, finally, the Kingdom of love will take place and will be established everywhere on earth.
To all I bless you with love, especially you, my little son Carlos Thaddeus. Thank you so much for being here once again, pulling out the thorns that the world sticks to my Heart and the Heart of my Blessed Mother.
With your presence here you have already removed 5,000 thorns, continue praying all these days, to console us even more.
We will pour graces on your soul in an extraordinary way during these days of grace, when you are here, truly, on my second Throne, on my Throne on Earth, in my Garden of Grace of love and beauty, and with the soul most loved and dearest to me and to my Blessed Mother, the most obedient and most diligent servant of our Sacred Hearts, whom we gave you as a son and through whom you receive from us: all love, all good and all grace.
Unite yourself more and much more you will receive!
I bless you with love and all of you, my children! Your names are written with love in my Sacred Heart!
I bless you all and you, my most obedient son, my servant Marcos. Today I give you 327 special graces as a reward for the many merits that you have gathered by recording my Mercy Rosaries and also by serving me and my Blessed Mother with love during all these years.
And for your father, who is the one you love the most and spent the whole day asking me to pour on him the graces of the Mercy Rosaries that you recorded for me and, above all, the film of my Apparitions with my daughter Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres I now pour on him: 358,000 graces from my Sacred Heart.
To all I bless: from Dozulé, from Paray-Le-Monial and from Jacareí".
Message of our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"Dear children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! Today, when you celebrate here the monthly anniversary of my Apparitions and also the 29th anniversary of my Apparitions to my little son Marcos, transmitting my messages of love to you, I come to tell you:
I have loved you in every way I could have loved during those 29 years! And to all my children who sought me here I gave my love, I gave my grace, I gave my motherly blessing, I gave my mercy and for all I was mother, refuge, comfort, I was shelter, I was love, I was protection.
I loved you in every way I could have loved and through signs, tears, messages, calls of love, I sought in every way to touch your hearts, to open them to God's grace, to bring my maternal light into them so that all of you could feel God's love, feel my love and receive the full life in abundance that the Lord sent me here to pour out on all.
I have loved you in every way I could have loved you and so, through messages full of love and pain, I have sought to call you all to conversion and holiness since my first message to my little son Marcos on the same day so many years ago.
That is why today I call you all to give me the definitive 'yes' to my love, so that my Flame of Love may enter your hearts, act powerfully in you and realize in all of you the wonders of grace of my Immaculate Heart.
I am love and only through love and in love can you find me, can you feel me, can you unite with me and become one with me in my Flame of Love.
So open your hearts to me, little children, let me in, let me transform your hearts.
Open your hearts to my Flame of Love, so that then, your hearts will definitely turn to me and forget worldly things. And finally, may they unite more and more with me until we become one Flame of Love.
Cast out from your hearts every distrust of my love, every fear of my love and throw yourselves entirely into my arms, let yourselves be guided and led by me along the path of true love for God, peace, grace, holiness and true happiness that only in my love and the love of the Lord can you find.
Surrender to my love and let me lead, guide the boat of your lives as I wish. The soul is the boat and love is the sails, then I will be able to blow into your souls the wind of my love and then you will truly advance towards the safe harbor of holiness and salvation.
Pray! Pray! Pray! For only through prayer can you have the strength to fast. Only by fasting will you have the strength to renounce worldly attachments and throw yourselves, to surrender to my love and only by surrendering to my love can you possess my Flame of Love and possess God and unite with God.
Pray my Rosary every day, because whoever prays it certainly saves himself and whoever does not prays it condemns himself.
To everyone and especially to you, my little son Marcos, I bless you today on the Anniversary of my Apparitions!
Today I give you 10,000 special graces from my Heart for all the years that you have served me with such obedience, effort and love.
Don't be surprised that there are so many, because during all these years you have loved me so much, served me so much, suffered so much for me, worked so much for me, and for this reason you have gathered many merits before me.
I give you all these graces and for your Father Carlos Thaddeus, for whom you asked me today all day, I now give 687,000 graces from my Heart.
Yes, my Heart also rejoices in yours for favoring you so much! So, not only you, but also me, can make him feel my love for him. Then, love triumphs and then, the Lord triumphs!
I bless you my most obedient servant! Keep working for me and doing these works of love for me, even if the blind world does not see the value and hidden treasure that exists in your works, words, actions and in your heart.
One day all of humanity will see this wealth and treasure hidden in your works as my little daughter Mother Ines did. But until then, you will have to suffer greatly from the insensitivity, coldness, blindness, hardness of heart and ungratefulness of men.
If men prayed, if men loved me as much as my little daughter, Mother Ines, they would have the light in their souls to see all the wealth of your works, all the wealth that is in their soul and in their heart, and then they too would be rich in grace, in God's wisdom and in my wisdom, I who am the Seat of Wisdom.
Only with many prayers, with many Rosaries, sacrifices and humility, only with much renunciation of one's own pride, pride and self, can the human being come out of this blindness and see the great wealth that there is in his works, in his heart and in his soul, my son.
Until then they suffer with patience, they suffer for themselves. Ignoring some, hard of heart others, of ill will so many others!
Because only their silent martyrdom of each day, of each night, can they reach for this grace: the grace of pure vision, so that they can see beyond the reach of the carnal eyes and see all the wealth that there is in their works, all the wealth that I have deposited in your heart and that you yourself have increased over the years with many prayers, sacrifices, meditations, study of my messages, acts, works and sacrifices of love.
Only then can they see this and finally see the truth, be freed by the truth and saved by the truth.
Pray, trust, wait for me!
Calm, trust, peace!
I bless you and I bless all those my children whom I have loved in an extraordinary way, reserving for them the best: the best messages, the best Meditated Rosaries and Hours of Prayer _______(missed the sound)preaching and words of my little son Marcos.
And so, truly, I gave them the best of the best of my heart _______(missed the sound).
To all I bless again with love: from Fatima, from Pellevoisin and from Jacareí".
(Mary Most Holy after blessing and touching the holy objects): "As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries and images arrives, I will be alive carrying with me the great graces of the Lord.
I bless you all with love once again, so that you may be happy, and I give you my peace".
(Marcos): "Yes I will, Mama, I will.
See you soon."