Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Monthly Cenacle of the 13th in honor of Our Lady Mystical Rose
Go, never tire of doing my Cenacles!

(Marcos):Yes, Mamezinha. Yes, I will. Yes, I will do whatever you want, everything, everything!
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, I am the Mystical Rose! Prayer, Sacrifice and Penance! Do all this if you want to be saved. In these times when apostasy and darkness involve all things, only the mystical light of the Mystical Rose: Prayer, Sacrifice and Penance, can banish so much darkness, so much darkness of Satan scattered throughout the world. And like the Mystical Rose, how will I do this? Through you my children! So give me your 'yes' so that I can truly transform you into mystical roses of love, to spread the soft perfume of My Mother Grace all over the world. And then, to free all humanity and all nations from such a deep and cruel slavery to my enemy and sin. It is time to make My apparitions in Montichiari known to all My children! They go everywhere, every way. Do my prayer cenacles. Pray to My Thirteen. Pray the Rosary of Tears, speak of My Messages to everyone, and above all, make everyone see the video, the film that my little son Marcos made of My Apparitions in Montichiari and also this one of My Tears in Louveira. So that my children may truly be converted, my children may feel my maternal pain and feel the need to love me, to console me, to make my son Jesus happy and to lead a holy life for the greater glory of the Lord and the Triumph of His Love. Go! Talk about my daughter Pierina, talk about my maternal appeals in Montichiari, make my children wear the Medal I revealed to Pierina in Montichiari, so that I can pour out on them all the copious graces of my Heart. As well, give to all my children, My Medal of Peace, so that then, through these two Medals I can still perform miracles and resounding conversions in my children's lives. I converted my son Alphonso Ratisbone after a good servant and my son gave him a Miraculous Medal.
Go! Give these Medals to everyone to convert them! It is time, my soldiers, to go out and fight bravely for the Lord and for me, don't be cowardly now, because because of your cowardice many souls may get lost and my Son will ask you to account for those souls.
Reject and renounce all laziness that wants to prevent you from being my brave warriors, ardent in prayer and in the work of spreading My Messages.
Go, never tire of doing My Cenacles! If in one place you don't receive, shake the dust off your feet against that place and go somewhere else. There will be more mercy for Sodom and Gomorrah than for the place that does not receive My Messages through you. Go ahead! Seek the chosen souls! They exist and are waiting for you! Don't let tiredness overcome them and they will get tired of waiting and thus be lost in the world.
Go quickly to them! Because one more delay and it will be too late! Go my children, fight! I will be with you, with St. Raphael the Archangel and the Saints fighting together with you. I will never leave them!
Go! Teach my children to pray the Rosary of Tears like my son Marcos did in the beginning and it won so many hearts for me, especially the youth. And then teach them the Rosary of Peace like my little son Marcos did and won so many souls for me. In this way I will be able to free my children from the power of the devil and fill them with My Peace and My Motherly Love. Then I will triumph! I will triumph without delay in the hearts of My children.
And then teach them the Rosary of my Flame of Love as my little son Marcos did. Then I will burn them with My Motherly Love and they will be mine, entirely mine!
Spread Montichiari, because My Appearance in Montichiari and My Tears in Louveira cry vengeance to Heaven. And only when these two manifestations of mine are known and obeyed by all, will the punishments cease and there will be no more calamities or punishments of nature in the world. Go! And make these manifestations of mine known! My little son Marcos, I know that a sword of pain is continually driven into your heart by what happened to My miraculous and tearful Image in Louveira. Yes, my son, this pain is the pain I also feel for having been denied, ridiculed, trampled on, despised and finally taken away from that place where my Immaculate Heart did so many resounding conversions. Yes, My son consoles My Heart, making even more known My Tears of Louveira and making more and more that my children, love me, my children consolate My Heart, my children repent of all their life taken without God and return to the Lord and to me.
Yes, spread even more my Louveira Tears, so that more and more people feel the need to console me, to love me, to praise me, to make myself known, and so my Immaculate Heart triumphs in all my children and through me, my son Jesus triumphs.
Yes, great punishments have already come and will still come to Brazil, for what was done against me in Louveira. That sacrilege, all that evil done against My tears there cry out to Heaven for vengeance! And only you, my children, can stop these punishments of the Justice of God, with your prayers, your sacrifices and your diseases courageously accepted and lovingly offered to the Lord. And also, with the work of spreading My Tears. When My son Jesus sees you making My Tears known and also My Tears loved and finally wiped by many converted souls. Only in this way will My Son Jesus have mercy and the punishments of nature cease. Pray, pray a lot my children. Because only with the prayer of the Rosary can we make My Messages reach everyone and can we make the hard hearts open to My Love. I pray for you. and especially for you little son Marcos, so that you never get tired before the hardness of hearts. Thank you! For always making known My Tears of Louveira.
Thank you for the wonderful film you made of these apparitions of mine. As many as the souls who convert seeing this, as many crowns of glory I will give you in Heaven. And yes, my son, for this film you made for me that so comforts my Heart and takes swords of pain from it, I give you 13 Special Thanks today. To my son Carlos Tadeu I will give 13 thousand graces. And for those who are here today, because of this movie you made, I will give 42 graces from my heart. I love you, bless you and leave my peace! To all I bless Louveira. de Montichiari. e de Jacareí".
(Mary Most Holy after touching the holy objects):
"As I said before, wherever one of these images, thirds, arrives, there I will be alive carrying the great Graces of the Lord. I also bless these My Images as Mystical Roses. St. Raphael the Archangel will go with them to me carrying the great graces of the Lord wherever they go. May my children pray the Rosary of Tears with her in all the families, may they pray my Thirtieth, may they speak and meditate on my Messages of Montichiari. So that families may pray the Rosary again and get rid of immoral television programs, indecent fashions and all that the world offers. And then, families will go back to being gardens of holiness producing many saints for the church, for humanity, for the Kingdom of Heaven! I bless you all again to be happy and leave my peace".