Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
From here I will triumph! From here I will make my glory shine in the whole world!

Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
(Marcos): "Yes, I will! Yes, I will, Mommy, I will."
(Mary Most Holy):" Dear children, I invite you to meditate on the greatness and value of my apparitions in Lourdes once again. I appeared in Lourdes, with my messages given there, to convert the hearts of my children and bring them all back to the Lord. With my apparition at Lourdes, I raised a great number of souls who were fallen into sin and I certainly sent them all to Heaven, to Paradise! And with this, too, I increased the number of the elect who will populate Paradise filling the heart of the Heavenly Father with joy and happiness. Yes! Thanks to my apparitions in Lourdes, that number of the elect that the apostle John saw in Revelation, this number has been increased! Yes! And also thanks to my apparitions here, one day this number will also increase in Heaven! Yes! Because with my apparitions here, a great number of souls who are part of those elect will be given to the Lord, will be offered to the Lord through me, through my messages, and also through all the Rosaries and meditated rosaries that my little son Marcos made for me here. Yes! His work will complete the number of the elect! And that is why the greatness of my apparitions will be understood perfectly and totally in my Son's return. Then you will see how many souls have been saved, how much the number of the elect has increased in Heaven thanks to each apparition of mine on the face of the earth! Then everyone will understand how admirably my plan of love was realized in every place I appeared, in spite of my enemies and my Immaculate Heart in the lives of the elect triumphed and realized the Father's plan. Yes! Thanks to my apparitions at Lourdes, a great number of souls who were even destined to eternal damnation had their eternal destiny changed and transformed by my apparition, for they were converted, prayed, did penance, and with this they turned away from damnation and became worthy of the crown of eternal life. Oh, how many souls you will know at the return of my Son, who only because of my apparitions managed to save himself! Therefore, I wish that they may be known even more, so that more of my children's souls may be converted, may be uprooted from the path of perdition and placed on the path of eternal salvation. So, work hard to make my apparitions better known and help my little son Marcos to make all my apparitions and also the lives of the saints he spreads in the wonderful movies he made for me, known to everyone. So that more and more souls can save themselves. May the life of my little son Gabriel of Sorrows be even more divulged and known, because I wish that many other 'Gabriels' get up from everywhere to love me, to comfort me, to take the swords of pain from my heart, and to with their perfumed lives of prayer, sacrifice, giving and love, help me every day to save more and more souls for the Lord and conquer more and more, nations and nations for the Lord! Yes! May many new 'Gabriels' arise everywhere with the Rosary in hand, the Rosary of Sorrows in hand and the flame of love in the heart for me and for souls. May many Gabriels stand up who, with their lives of humility, sacrifice and self-giving, every day giving their 'yes' together with my 'yes', may obtain from the Eternal Father the grace of salvation, the grace of conversion for so many of my children who need so much. May many 'Gabriels' stand up proclaiming my pains and my glories loudly, so that my children may feel the need to love me, to console me, to thank me with their lives for all that I have suffered for their salvation by collaborating in the work of redemption.
And that, as they contemplate my glories, they recognize my power as Mother of God, Queen of the whole Universe, and for this reason, they give themselves to me with trust and love, letting themselves be guided, guided and formed by me every day on the path of holiness and love. Yes! Go! And make my Lourdes apparitions and all the others known to as many of my children as possible. For this, give five films of my apparitions in Lourdes to the children who do not know and three of my son Gabriel of my pains; so that we can bring down to the ground, all the plans of the wicked, of Satan's followers, who, united with each other and making reconciliation of evil, want to destroy the Catholic Faith on Earth, want to make disappear the name of my Son, my name, and make disappear all the sign of love, of love for God, for me, of love for prayer and transform the Earth into the kingdom of darkness of Satan. Yes! With these films that my little son Marcos has made, we can defeat these plans and once again make the Faith triumph. So, my children, go ahead! Help the righteous and God will help you! Keep praying my Rosary every day; keep giving my meditated Rosaries so that all my children can pray them and be saved. Keep fighting for the salvation of humanity as my true soldiers and keep showing everyone the greatness of my apparitions at Lourdes. For there the woman dressed in the sun, the Immaculate Conception, I, your heavenly Mother, have already preached my victory, presenting myself as the only one who has never been under the power of Satan and sin, and for this reason she has already conquered him from the first instant of her Conception, my Immaculate Conception, and for this reason, in the end my Immaculate Heart will surely triumph. Therefore go, my children, and announce the sign of my victory which is Lourdes, for the consolation and comfort of my children all over the world! Here, my new Lourdes, where I will finish what I started in Lourdes and where I have made resounding graces as I have done there, to show my power as Queen and sovereign victor of all darkness, from here, from this my blessed Shrine, to all I bless with love: from Lourdes, from Pellevoisin and from Jacareí. From here I will triumph! From here I will make my glory shine in the whole world!"
(01.03.2020 | Apparition and Message of Our Lady | Marcos Tadeu Teixeira)