Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Hearts up! May your hearts and your faith not be in men, but in God

Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"Dear children, today on the Feast of the Resurrection, of the victory of my son Jesus over sin, the devil, over death, I invite all your hearts once again to rise above.
Hearts on high! Hearts together with God! Hearts in God! May all hearts be in my son alive and resurrected, winner of sin and death.
Hearts on high! May all hearts be in God, living only to love him, to please him, to serve him, finally giving him the true, total and complete love that he so much desires.
Hearts above! May your hearts and faith not be in men, but in God, in my son Jesus who has conquered all evil and who is alive and continues to be the master of history, the world and the universe.
Hearts above! May your hearts live on high every day, living a life of prayer, meditation, penance, obedience to my messages and not. May hearts not be below, not on earth, in the earthly and worldly things that keep them from my son Jesus.
May hearts be on high and every day, going higher and higher along the road of love and holiness.
My beloved little son Marcos, thank you so much for that beautiful Lourdes movie you made. I already thanked you on Good Friday for it, but again I thank you, I thank you with all my heart for doing it.
My children could feel my love today, they could understand how great my goodness is, how great my affection is for them and how truly in Lourdes I am the Mother of Love!
I am the Love who came from Heaven to love the children, to care for the children, to protect them, to relieve them and to give them a sign of hope, that I, the Immaculate One, the only creature over whom Satan and sin never had power, will ultimately be victorious! I will crush Satan, I will defeat him, I will defeat sin, and the world will finally know a new time of peace that will be the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart!
Thank you, little son, because in this film my children were able to understand what they must do to give me joy, to give me contentment: that it is to love me, to live a life of prayer, of total self-giving to myself and also to my son Jesus as my little daughter Bernadette did.
And then, truly, in the life of each one of them, my Heart will triumph as it has triumphed in the lives of so many of my children who come to me in Lourdes and give me their hearts.
Yes, with this film you will make many hearts go up, live on high and no, don't live down, don't live for earthly and worldly things.
Forward, my son! Continue, finish the one you have already begun so that then my Immaculate Heart may continue showing all my children all my glory manifested in Lourdes. And so, my children run to me giving me their hearts and giving me their 'yes'!
To you who fought so hard and endeavored to finish this film, working days and nights, under my sweet motherly gaze, smiling at me, struggling against weariness and fatigue and unfolding beyond strength for me.
To you today, my son, I give a thousand special graces that you can give to whomever you want, share, offer with whomever you want. And I promise you that I will always be by your side and through the merits of this film I will accomplish great graces for you in Brazil and in the world.
To all I bless again: from Lourdes, Pellevoisin and Jacareí.
"Pray my Rosary every day, keep obeying my messages, open your hearts to my love, live in love!
"As I have already said, wherever one of these thirds arrives there I will be alive carrying with me the great graces of the Lord.
I bless you all again to be happy, especially you, Marcos, my most obedient and dedicated servant of my children".
(04.12.2020 | Video - Message of Our Lady to the Seer Marcos Thaddeus on the Feast of the Resurrection)