Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace communicated to Seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
I Will Give Peace to the World if It Attends to Me, if It Obeys Me and if It Fulfills My Messages.

Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"Dear children, I am the Queen of Peace. I came in Medjugorje as Queen of Peace to call all humanity to peace, to divine peace that only God can give: through prayer, fasting, conversion and the total surrender of your hearts to Him.
I am the Queen of Peace and for the world to have peace, it must return to God through prayer, penance, deep conversion of heart and life, the only way to achieve peace.
I am the Queen of Peace and only I can give peace to the world, because only I, after God, possess the divine gift of peace.
I will give peace to the world if it attends to me, if it obeys me and if it fulfills my messages. I cannot give peace to a heart where Satan, the prince of darkness, of war, the prince of all confusion and disturbance, reigns.
Put him out of your hearts for conversion and, through prayer, accept the gift of peace that I want to give you.
Put the enemy out of your hearts through conversion, and through prayer I will come into your hearts and give you peace.
Pray the Rosary so that you can have peace in your hearts. Only through the Rosary I can give peace to you, I can give peace to the world, I can give peace to families and nations.
It is impossible for a family that does not pray the Rosary to have peace, because in it Satan is causing disturbances and all kinds of confusion and disturbances.
Pray my Rosary and then I can enter your families and finally give them the gift of my peace.
Pray for the conversion of all those who have not yet accepted me, because these people have no peace and will die without peace until they give their hearts to me and let me give peace to their souls, their hearts, their lives.
Pray the Rosary for the conversion of nations, because until the nations pray my Rosary I will not be able to give them the gift of my peace.
Pray for the leaders of nations, because many of them do not pray and therefore do not know how to govern and lead their people, their nations, along the path of peace. And because they do not pray, many of them go the wrong way and lead their nations with them along the path of war, the path of perdition.
Pray, therefore, that they may pray and through prayer lead their nations, their peoples, along the path of salvation, holiness and peace.
I came to Medjugorje as Queen of Peace and also here, as Queen and Messenger of Peace, to tell all of you that peace without God is impossible! And until man returns with confidence and completely converted to the Lord, he will never, never have peace.
And remember, little children, all life in God is peace! When you put your lives in the service of the Lord, at last you will feel, possess and enjoy true peace!
Peace is threatened in a special way now! Therefore, I wish you to pray the Rosary and to pray as much as possible for peace. Make more sacrifices for peace and tell all my children about my apparitions in Medjugorje, so that more and more people will pray and so my Heart will triumph and with it also the triumph of peace!
The new Pentecost is coming, but only those who now renounce everything for Him will be worthy to receive the Holy Spirit. Therefore, renounce everything so that on the day of the second descent of the Holy Spirit, you can finally win everything!
First lose everything, then win! Lose to win! Happy the man who has divine wisdom and has eyes and ears to understand this!
Pray the Rosary of Tears every day and give five Rosaries of Meditated Tears 34, for my children who do not know him. Also, give three films of my Apparition in Lourdes number 8, which my son Marcos made for me and which so many thorns he draws from my Heart.
Give also four films of Lourdes number 6 to my children who don't know me, so that they know all my immense goodness revealed and manifested in Lourdes and, finally, their hearts open to me, accept my love and give me their yes.
Also, give two Meditated Rosaries 236 to my children who do not know me. So that they can finally pray it and in the messages recorded in it my children can feel my concern for them, my affliction, my maternal pain and also the great love that I have for all my children. My great love that embraces all humanity!
Yes, I am here for love. It was a great love that brought me here! It is my great love that has kept me here for 29 years and it is a great love that has also brought me to Medjugorje and keeps me in Medjugorje giving my messages and all my love to all my children.
I never left them in this great tribulation. I have never stayed away, far away and insensitive to the suffering of you, my children, but I have stayed here, I am here and I will stay here until the great tribulation is over and I lead you all safely to the Triumph of my Heart.
I bless you all with love: from Lourdes, from Medjugorje and from Jacareí".
Our Lady after touching the Rosaries presented to her by the seer Marcos Tadeu:
"As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries arrives, there I will be alive carrying with me the great graces of the Lord. St. Liriel and St. Ariel will accompany with me all these rosaries and will go, wherever they are, showering graces from the Lord.
I bless you all and especially you, my little son Marcos. Because of the sacrifices of your great headache this week, supported with so much love for me and for souls, I give you 102 graces today and for your father, Carlos Thaddeus, I give now 195,218 graces that he will receive over 4 years. Thus, I generously pay you and your favorite, your chosen one, so that he, at last, can be filled with the graces of my Heart and through him, can do wonders in the entire world and in the souls I so love and want to save.
On Wednesday I will come with my daughter Leah to visit you, to love you and again give you a message. Peace! Again I bless you all to be happy and I leave my peace!"
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