Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, August 7, 2020
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace to the Seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
Holiness is Love in the Highest State of Perfection

(Marcos): May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be praised forever!
(Marcos): (Yes)(Yes)(I will)
Three more? Yes, I will...
Yes, Mommy, I will...
I will, even if I have to do it with pain like I did this Lourdes movie, I will, I will!
Yes... Yes, I will!
I will do whatever the Lady wants".
(Mary Most Holy): "My children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace!
Today when another month of my presence here in your midst is completed, I invite you again to holiness.
Without holiness no one can go to Heaven. Therefore, seek holiness which is nothing more than doing God's will, fulfilling it and in everything, trying to please God.
Holiness is love in the highest state of perfection. That is why love! The more you love God, the more holy you will be.
Open your hearts and expand them to an unlimited capacity to love God through many and fervent prayers, meditations, sacrifices, fasting and, above all, through the effort of asceticism, your ascent to God, climbing the steps of the ladder of holiness that many years ago here I showed my little son Marcos.
Cultivate all the virtues: humility, innocence, goodness, purity, love, dedication, sacrifice. And then, you will climb this mystical ladder that will lead you to the Lord in Heaven.
I also wish that you spread and live peace on earth. And what is peace? It is what my son Jesus said two thousand years ago:'Love one another as I have loved you'
When all men love each other as my son Jesus loved them, then the world will have peace. Until men return to 'Love one another as I have loved you' there will never be peace and the world will be filled with more and more wars, hatred, evil and violence.
So teach all my children to love each other as Jesus and I love you and we will give our lives for you until the end, so that everyone can live forever.
Only when men learn that they are in this world to give themselves for one another, to give their lives for good, for salvation, for the happiness of others, only when they understand this will the world have peace!
Then teach all my children that without love there is no peace and without peace no one can pray, nor serve God, nor seek holiness and cannot reach Heaven.
Only then, with love will peace happen and with peace will everyone finally be able to love, serve God, find him and with him salvation.
Pray my Rosary every day for peace in the world, because only he can achieve this love from which true peace will be born.
Only when everyone prays the Rosary with their heart will they feel in their hearts my love, my flame of love. And with this love you will finally be able to fulfill the 'Love one another as I have loved you'
And then, peace will reign and with peace all men will surely come to holiness and through holiness to God.
I am with you every day and I will never abandon you! I am your Mother who always accompanies and guides you.
Today too, you celebrate the 25th anniversary of the arrival of this sacred image of mine that is here, through which I wept and manifested the signs of oil, supernatural lights and so many other graces.
This image truly carries within itself, all the grace of my Immaculate Heart. And whoever looks at it will be looked at by me.
Whoever prays to her will be heard by me.
Whoever honors me through her will receive from me all my blessings, all my graces.
As well as anyone who disrespects her, blasphemes or commits sacrilege against her, will commit against myself and will be a defendant of my son's justice.
Blessed are those who live here always before this image of me in the shadow of my cloak, for they will live under my own cloak every day of their lives. And everyone who does this will receive from me all the graces of my Heart.
Blessed is everyone who prays fervently before this image of mine, because I will look upon it with love and pour all the graces of my Heart upon this child.
Blessed is everyone who comes here to pray the Rosary before me every day and who greets me with the angelic greeting, because I too will greet him in heaven many, many times and I will pour rays of grace from my Immaculate Heart on him.
And blessed is everyone who praises me, observes me, and reveres me through this image of mine, because I will guide him on a sure and certain path that will lead him to Heaven, and one day on his head I will place a crown of imperishable glory.
And then, all the honors, all the acts of love that this son has done to me through this my venerable image, I will repay him with ecstasy and joy of eternal love in Heaven forever, with graces and revelations of light from my Heart that I will not give to others who have not praised me, obsequiously, revered through this my venerable image".
"Yes, those who pray before this image of mine will receive every time four graces from my Heart.
If they are over the demon's power, they will be released.
Many will be healed if they are sick and anyone who truly directs a loving gaze and a loving prayer to me through this image, will leave here accompanied by two Guardian Angels of my Immaculate Heart.
I, your mother, love you and will never abandon you!
Pray the Rosary of Peace meditated every Saturday and offer it for the conversion of sinners.
I bless you all and especially you, my beloved little son Carlos Thaddeus. Thank you so much for coming to console my Immaculate Heart. Since you arrived, I feel an indescribable joy in my Heart, and 82,000 thorns have come out of my heart, which the world has stuck with sins, offenses and ingratitude.
Continue, my beloved son, praising me and praying here. Know that today I told you many important things through the mouth of my son Marcos, while you talked with him.
Above all, while you watched with him the new movie he made of my apparition in Lourdes, I looked at you both through my image and poured out on you great lights, great graces to heal your heart, restore the strength of your heart, fill your soul with new light.
In time you will see the fruits of all those graces and lights I gave you.
Continue always firm, going forward, carrying out the prayers I asked of you and as far as possible, encouraging all my children on the path of prayer.
And as soon as you can return to my cenacles, do them and pray with my children the Rosary of my Flame of Love #2.
You must do 10 cenacles praying this meditated Rosary. And above all, telling my children how much I want to open them with my Flame of Love and how they must open their hearts to me, to open and expand their hearts to a capacity to love the Lord and me without limits.
So that then, through them, I can also carry out the other parts of my plan, so that finally, I can triumph in that land that I love so much, your land. And so, crush under my feet all the evil forces of my enemy and there really raise also my School of Love, Holiness and Grace.
Don't be afraid of anything! Because I am always with you and I will never leave you!
Know, my son, that three days before my Assumption into Heaven I had a very high vision that the Lord gave me of you and all that you would do for me now, and that vision deeply consoled my Heart!
Then the Lord told me that at the moment of my Assumption into Heaven many and many graces would be given to you for the merits of my faithfulness and my love for God, and also because of this most high mystery.
Therefore, whatever you ask of the Lord in the name of my Assumption into Heaven and that is the holy will of the Lord, will be given to you.
Pray this way:'Grace of the mystery of Mary's Assumption come down upon my soul and give me this grace.' And then, everything you ask for will be fulfilled.
I promise that whatever you ask for the mystery of my Immaculate Conception and my Assumption into Heaven will be granted to you.
Pray for this! Pray continually asking for the graces of the mysteries of my life, and then, much of it you will receive and gain.
I want you to pray for 3 Saturdays in a row the Rosary of Peace #7 and that you meditate on the great graces I have given you, especially because I have given you the best of the best, that is, my little son Marcos, in whom I showed the sign of the ray of light so many years ago, a sign that I did not show, I did not manifest, not even in the holiest sons who have ever stepped on earth and who have loved me so much.
To do this, to tell you that I have reserved the best for you because of the great love that I consecrate to you.
To you and to all my beloved children I bless with love now and also to you, little son Marcos.
Because of your headache that you offered so patiently during this night and also the pain that you were feeling on the right side of your body, you saved 112,318 souls.
And I also wish to say to you: With this sacrifice you achieved for your father Carlos Thaddeus 10,000 new graces. And with the new movie of my apparition in Lourdes that you made and offered to me, you got many and many new merits and achieved for your father, for whom you offered in the first place, you achieved for him 22,718 new blessings that he will receive over the years.
I, your mother, thus repay with great love everything you do for me.
Thank you, thank you, my angel, the most obedient, the most hard working and dedicated of my children.
To all I bless with love now: from Lourdes, Pontmain and Jacareí".
(Marcos): "See you soon Mama".
Video of the Cenacle on the official platform of the Shrine: