Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
Satan Can't Stand Prayer Made with Love and Runs Away from Where It is Made

Dear children, today I invite you again to pray with love.
Help me! Help me defeat Satan with loving prayer. Satan cannot stand prayer with love and runs away from where it is prayed.
Help me destroy Satan's plans with prayer. Satan is strong and desires to destroy my plans, the places where I have appeared, my seers, and all my work of salvation.
But with prayer, especially the Rosary and the Rosary of power that I have given to you here, we can neutralize him completely and make him totally powerless and inoperative.
So help me with your prayers, my children, to annihilate Satan ever more. Now that his time is truly coming at the last mark, he is more angry than ever and desires more than ever to carry out his evil plans, to lead all of humanity away from the Lord, to rebellion against him, to total loss of faith in hearts, and to transform the whole world into his kingdom of darkness and evil.
Help me to stop him, because with prayer we can destroy and annihilate many of Satan's plans and make my motherly plans come true more quickly by bringing all humanity to the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
Despite the present sufferings, the present difficulties, you need to pray more. You must all pray much more rosaries, because what you have been praying is not yet enough to stop Satan once and for all, annihilate him and thus free the whole earth from his satanic yoke.
So less hobbies and conversations and more prayer. Pray more so that then, my children, I too may pour more graces upon you.
Give all my children the wonderful films that my son Marcos makes, especially those of Lourdes. So that my children may understand not only the greatness of my love, but also of the suffering accepted and lovingly offered as my little daughter Bernadette did, for the salvation of all souls, of all humanity.
Yes, how souls must learn to suffer with love and offer their sufferings with love, because suffering has an immense mystical power before the Lord, to achieve for so many souls the grace of conversion and salvation.
So, spread the films that my son Marcos makes for all my children, so that they truly live the message I gave in Beauraing and here:'Love My Child? Do they love me? Then, sacrifice yourself for me'.
The person who does not sacrifice for me and my son, who does not want to suffer anything for us, who does not want to do anything for us, has a false love for us.
So tell my children all about these films of my Apparitions so that they will learn once and for all to have true love for my son and for me, which is a love of sacrifice, of acceptance of suffering, of love of the cross, and above all, of self-denial and conformity to my holy will.
Pray my Rosary every day so that I may give peace to the world and peace to your hearts.
Never, never has a true devotee of my Rosary been condemned, nor has he remained in purgatory for long. Therefore, the more you pray my Rosary, the more merits you will have and with the gold coins of these merits you will be able to acquire the entrance, the passage of you to Heaven directly.
So pray, pray the Rosary which is the greatest power of all humanity.
I bless you all with love: from Lourdes, Pontmain and Jacareí".
(Mary Most Holy): "As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries arrives there I will be alive carrying with me the great graces of the Lord, together with my daughter Catherine of Bologna and Catherine of Alexandria.
I bless you all with love once again, so that you may be happy, and I leave my peace!
(Marcos): "Dearest Mother in Heaven, my father sent me to ask the Lady what is the cross that the Lady wants to be placed there on the altar, in the chapel that they are building.
If it is the cross of Dozulé, or another cross that the Lady wants you to place. And he asked me for the Lady's answer to him.
I will say yes.
Yes, I will say yes, Mama.
Yes, I will, my Queen.
See you soon. Thank you for all the blessings that the Lady will shower on Brazil.
Thank you for loving my land so much".