Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace communicated to Seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
These Are the Times of the Great Test

(Marcos Thaddeus) Forever be praised: Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
"My children, I am the Mystical Rose and I call you again to prayer and love for God. In these times when apostasy like a deadly plague kills in souls the life of sanctifying grace, faith and love of God, I call you to return to the path of prayer, love of God, sacrifice and penance, which is the only one that will lead you to salvation. These are the times of the great trial and everyone who gives in to the temptation of sin has the name erased from the Book of Life. So watch your souls continually and never allow yourselves to give in to the temptation of the enemy to fall into sin. Only with prayer, much fasting, sacrifices and rigorous penance will you be able to remain faithful to my son Jesus in these times when even the elect almost succumb to the weight of the great temptation, the great trial that now all will have to go through. Only the strong, the truly faithful, will inherit the crown of eternal life. Be of this number for a holy life completely dedicated to God and away from earthly things, from worldly things. Give a total cut to everything that separates you from God, takes you away from me and makes you lose God's grace in sin. In those times great punishments will come for humanity. The whole earth will groan and suffer like a condemned man, but those who are with me on the path of prayer, holiness and love for God have nothing to fear because I will always be close to my children, taking care of them and bringing them all the blessings and graces of God. And all the crosses they have to carry will only serve to sanctify them even more and make them more worthy of eternal life. May each one, every day, give to God the most pure and perfect love of the heart, for a life dedicated to him and full of works of love. Yes, three countries on earth will soon be punished because they do not hear my anguished call to conversion. My apparitions so many years ago no longer touch the hearts, so justice will come. Pray, pray a lot! I bless you all with love: from Montichiari, Lourdes and Jacareí". (Marcos): "Yes, dear Mother, I will. As soon as I can, I will.
Comments by the seer Marcos Tadeu:
"Today Our Lady spoke to me about the Second Secret, obviously I can't talk about what we talked about, but we must pray a lot because, this secret, Our Lady said, is very close to happening. Today I felt Our Lady was very worried about the Apparition, she had a serious face, she only smiled at the time she blessed us, most of the time at the rest of the Apparition, she was sweet, but she was serious!
We must increase our prayers to help Our Lady save more souls, because we have really seen how many souls have been lost lately.
As many souls have lost the grace of God, they have lost their salvation, throwing it in the trash can for temptations, filthy temptations, dirty of Satan, to exchange Jesus for the world, Jesus and Our Lady for the sins, for the pleasures, for the creatures, in short, for the things of this earth that in comparison with the beauty of Jesus, with the beauty of Our Lady, are only trash.
We have seen how many people who have been very loved by Our Lady, by God chosen, elected and called, have lost their crown, have lost that reward so great that God and Our Lady have prepared for them, exchanging everything for worldly things, for earthly things. So we must increase our prayers and watch over our souls more, watch over our life more and be more careful with temptations, turn away from occasions of sin and try to live in that light, in that sign of the flame of love that I spoke here Sunday, I explained to you an analysis of our dear Rafaella Bonpiani, that flame of love that exploded from my breast at the time of a procession here, on the day of my birthday two years ago, 2018, that beautiful sign that scientifically analyzed by our dear Rafaella Bonpiani, was proven to be a mystical sign, a supernatural sign, that light is a light of a temperature, of such great intensity that here on earth there is nothing like it. There is nothing like it.
So it can only be a mystical supernatural light. It is a supernatural light! It is in that light that we must live: in the light of God's grace, of Our Lady, of God's love, of Our Lady's love, praying, living in the way she taught us that is the only certain that leads us to eternal life: the way of prayer, sacrifice, penance, contempt for the world, renouncing our will by doing what Jesus said:
"Whoever wants to follow me renounces himself, take up his cross and follow me! It is the only way that leads to eternal life. There is no other way.
Anyone else who is presented to us outside of this is false and it is Satan who presents us. The way of pleasures is the wide way that leads to Hell. The one from heaven is narrow and as Jesus said, "There are few who enter through it.
But Our Lady chose us and called us to enter through him, revealed to us the right way here. Let us follow him and on the 30th anniversary of her apparition, let us give her as a gift a heart truly turned toward heaven, in love with Jesus, with her, a heart that at every moment says with its life: I prefer paradise and despise the world!
Video of the Apparition and Message: