Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 9, 2021
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace communicated to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
A heart as optimistic as yours everyone should have!

(Marcos): "Forever be praised, Jesus, Mary and Joseph!"
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today I come with my children: Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta, the Little Shepherds of Fatima, to tell you all:
I am the Lady of the Rosary! My Immaculate Heart will triumph!
My Immaculate Heart will triumph through the power of my Rosary! This is why I manifested myself in Fatima as the Lady of the Rosary, to call the whole world to pray this prayer that can do anything before God, because it is a prayer that is always made with me and through me.
My Immaculate Heart will triumph through my Rosary! Therefore, I ask you to continue praying it every day!
My Immaculate Heart will triumph through the Rosary, which is the contemplation of the mysteries of my life and the life of my son Jesus. Which is the presentation of my merits and the merits of the life, passion and death of my son Jesus to the Father, for the expiation of the sins of all mankind.
My Immaculate Heart will triumph through the Rosary, where in the first Joyful Mystery you contemplate the Annunciation of the Angel Gabriel to me, who greeted me with the words with which God himself at that moment greeted me, and you also contemplate the moment when I scorched with the flame of love for the Lord to the highest degree, I gave my fiat, my "may it be done", my "yes" to the Father, allowing the incarnation of the Word in my virginal womb, thus ending the night of sin and the old law, and making the dawn of redemption, of salvation, dawn.
Each time you pray the Rosary meditating and contemplating this and praying the angelic salutation, the Eternal Father remembers that moment when I said the yes. The whole Holy Trinity exults in love and joy, and therefore gives copious graces to the earth through me, who, being a daughter of the human race, finally gave the Holy Trinity the greatest act of love, of obedience, I gave the greatest satisfaction, I gave the greatest act of docility and submission to His Most Holy will.
So the world is blessed because of me, the world receives graces because of my yes. And because of Mary, the Corredemptrix, the whole Holy Trinity pours out on the whole earth the immense stream and torrent of its graces.
Yes, Mary, the Corredemptrix, the Mediatrix, began to suffer even before Christ was born.
Yes, the Corredemptrix had to precede Jesus in suffering. The Corredemptrix had to begin to suffer before the Redeemer. So, already there I began to suffer first with St. Joseph's doubts, then with people's slanders, and finally with Bethlehem's poverty, Herod's persecution, the flight to Egypt, and all the other pains I suffered.
Yes, Mary, Miriam, the Co-redemptrix, had to suffer, to suffer before Christ and then with Christ, for the salvation of humanity.
Therefore, in the Sorrowful mysteries, the Father remembers all that I suffered and because of my pains and tears, my love for the Redeemer, suffering with him for the salvation of humanity, the Father blesses the whole earth, the Father withholds the punishments and pours out the graces of his mercy.
And finally, in the Glorious Mysteries, the Father contemplates all my perseverance in his love until the end of my life, of my Assumption, and for my fidelity and obedience, he blesses and pours graces of love over all nations!
Therefore, the Lady of all Peoples, the Corredemptrix, the Messenger of Peace, through the Rosary will triumph.
Yes, I will triumph! And all nations will recognize me as their Queen, their Mediatrix, their Co-redemptrix and Mistress. And when this happens, the Lady, the Mediatrix, the Co-redemptrix will give peace to the world, the Messenger of Peace will bless the world with peace.
And then Satan will be crushed, the nations will be freed from his tyrannical power, from slavery to him and to evil, and all of humanity will be reborn, will blossom into a new springtime of holiness, love of God, and beauty.
So, my children, keep praying my Rosary every day, so that all my maternal intentions and purposes will be fulfilled. And as soon as possible my Immaculate Heart will triumph through my Rosary, which is the prayer that the proud despise, but the pure and humble of heart love as my Little Shepherds of Fatima did.
And you too are raised to great holiness as I raised my little Shepherds by the Rosary, and these souls give God the most perfect glorification, praise and love that he desires from his children.
Beloved little son Marcos, my apostle of the Rosary, angel of my Rosary, angel who has a fatimistic heart, keep bringing my love, my Fatima messages to all my children, making myself known and loved by all my children.
Keep striving to transform all people into new little shepherds of love from my Heart.
Keep fighting to make all people have a Fatimist heart like yours, because when this happens I will triumph in them, in their families, in Brazil and in the world.
A optimistic heart everyone should have, praying my Rosary every day, obeying and living my message of Fatima and making it known to the whole world.
A Fatimist heart like yours everyone should have, by living the perfect consecration to my Immaculate Heart, which is a consecration of love, of obedience to me, of total slavery to my will, of total dependence on my love and maternal sustenance, and of total and unlimited trust in me and boundless docility to my voice.
A fatimistic heart like yours everyone must have, living continually in the spirit of prayer, sacrifice and penance as mystical roses white of prayer, red of sacrifice, yellow of penance and reparation, for all the sins of the whole world and for the salvation of sinners.
A fatimistic heart like yours everyone must have, accepting with patience and love the sufferings of each day and offering as you do, my son Marcos, as my little shepherds did, for the salvation of so many souls who without these sacrifices will never, never reach Heaven and will be eternally lost.
A fatimistic heart like yours everyone must have, caring as you do for everyone's eternal destiny. And therefore, they must fight like you, Marcos, for the salvation and conversion of all, no matter what it takes.
When everyone has such a fatimistic heart, similar to that of my little shepherds and yours, then my children will become the true ardent and fervent apostles that I came here to look for and that I found in you, in my little son Carlos Tadeu, who has a heart of a true apostle, of a true saint who dedicates himself, who gives and sacrifices himself for the salvation of souls as he learned from you and from my little shepherds.
Then, truly, my Marial Kingdom will extend over all nations and all the earth and all my rivals, my enemies, the demons, will be overthrown! Their infernal empire will be reduced to a heap of ashes and I will put the devil on my footstool.
A fatimistic heart like yours everyone must have, so that finally the new Heavens and the new Earth will come to mankind starting first inside each heart where the kingdom of God is, and then this kingdom will extend outside, in society, in the nations, and finally the world will enjoy a time of true peace, holiness and love for God.
Finally, a fatimistic heart like yours everyone should have, drying the tears that I shed even today through my images of Fatima, of Lourdes, of Montichiari, of my Apparition here.
And so, all my children will truly become my consoling and repairing angels, the thorns of pain that are driven into my Heart every moment by the sins and blasphemies of mankind will be taken away, and my son Jesus will stop all wars, all conflicts, all disorders in the world that are punishments for these sins committed against me. And then finally the world will have my peace, the peace of Jesus.
So, my son, continue to have this fatimistic heart that you have always had defending and spreading my message of Fatima, scorching the hearts of all my children by my message of Fatima and by the example of holiness of my little shepherds, of my three angels of love.
And then the whole world will know the greatest miracle of my Immaculate Heart which will be the greatest triumph of my Immaculate Heart, the absolute triumph of my Heart in all nations, in all peoples.
To you, my angel of a fatimistic heart, and also to your father Carlos Tadeu, to you my son whom I now look upon with love. Mama blesses you now with all her love! Mom is always close to you! Fear nothing because you are always on my lap and I never leave you.
Keep going, keep going hand in hand with the son I gave you, he will teach you to have a fatimistic heart. He will teach you more and more to love my message of Fatima, to live it and make it understood by all.
Walking hand in hand with him, you will be transformed more and more into the true likeness of him and my Little Shepherds. And you yourself will be transformed into my 5th Shepherd, who will rescue my little sheep, gather them and place them all together in the fold of my Immaculate Heart.
Then, my son, through you, too, a great part of my maternal plan for the salvation of humanity will be realized for Brazil, for the world, for the good of the nations.
And through you, too, I will make the glory of my Immaculate Heart shine forth, and then the Lady of all peoples, the Messenger of Peace, the Co-redemptrix, who in the beginning was Mary, will finally be recognized as Lady, Queen and Co-redemptrix of all men, of all nations.
To you, my son Carlos Tadeu, who propagates so much my message of Fatima, I now give 532 thousand blessings, fruit of the merits of your son, of the son I gave you, of the films he made of my apparition, of all the meditated Rosaries he made to console me, to dry my tears, the merits of the films of the tears he made and of my rosaries of tears.
I give you now all these graces that you will receive always on the 4th Saturday of every month, for 3 years. Thus, I bless you who are the one we love the most, me and the son we gave you. And so, I pour over you always more the streams of my heart.
For 3 months in a row speak more of my Fatima message to my children, teach them to live the true consecration to my Immaculate Heart in their personal lives. Teach them to imitate my little shepherds: in prayer, in sacrifice, in love of God, in penance!
And, also, propagate to them the Rosary of my flame of love #5 by praying this rosary with them for a month in a row. In this way, I will inflame the hearts of my children with my flame of love and make them more and more like you. And so also, they will attract not only my gaze of love, but also a gaze of love from the Sacred Heart of my son Jesus.
I now bless the image of my son that will go to your city, and also mine that I have already blessed, on which I already poured my graces of love years ago.
I bless you and I also bless you, Marcos, my 4th shepherd boy of love, and all my children here present: from Fatima, from Pontmain and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries arrives there I will be alive taking with me the copious graces of the Lord.
I am proud of you, my little son Carlos Tadeu. You have taken away 10,272 swords of pain, that the world has stuck in my Immaculate Heart, with your coming here.
Thank you, I bless you once again, and I also say to you: Keep going, keep walking and loving the son that I have given you, in whom I have manifested signs that not even in my most holy children have I manifested, so that in this way I may enrich you more and more with my graces, my lights, and my love.
Yes, let yourself be led meekly by me through the son I have given you. And so, through union, friendship, trust, holy complicity in my plans, the two of you will grow and soar like eagles to the highest and perfect holiness in the eyes of the Lord.
I bless you too, my son Marcos, and give you 59 thanks now for the merits of the Fatima movies and my tears that you have made. And to your father Carlos Tadeu I give all the blessings I have already said for the merits of his work of love for me.
I bless you and to all I leave my peace."
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