Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, July 19, 2021
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace communicated to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
Continue to spread the Scapular of the Passion of My Son Jesus

(Marcos Tadeu:) "Since the Lady is leaving me, I would like to ask for a special blessing for My father, Carlos Tadeu, and a special blessing for another soul in particular."
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"My dear son Marcos, I come today to say to you:
Thank you, My ray of light, thank you for lifting the apparitions of My Son to My daughter Apolline, from the oblivion and contempt of humanity.
Yes, I waited more than 120 years for you to be born, so that finally the apparitions, the messages of My Son Jesus to Sister Apolline, and the revelation of the Red Scapular of the Passion would be taken from oblivion, from the contempt of mankind, from the ignorance of most men, and this very rich treasure that came out of the Heart of My Son Jesus, from the safe of the Heart of My Son Jesus, would be known and loved by all men.
And today, thanks to you, this treasure is known, is loved. And every Friday, My children who wear the Scapular of the Passion with love receive forgiveness of all their faults, and thus become beautiful, pleasing before My Son. The punishments deserved for their sins are also removed, and they become worthy of new graces.
All this thanks to you! Continue, My son, continue to spread the Scapular of My Son's Passion, as you have done for so many, many years.
And so, more and more of My children can use this rich treasure of the Heart of My Son Jesus and receive, not only the grace of forgiveness of sins, but also the copious graces that the Heart of My Son Jesus and My Sorrowful Heart wants to pour over you through this most sacred Scapular.
While so many were seeking only the fulfillment of their personal desires, seeking only pleasures and entertainment, you devoted your days to translating and recording the history of this Scapular to make it better known, loved and used by My children.
Yes, how many hours you stayed there: working, recording, translating, so that My children would know this very rich treasure. Yes, and how much you also struggled to make this treasure and give it to all My children.
Thank you! For all this, thank you! For your fatigue translating and recording, thank you!
For your superhuman effort to make these recordings of this beautiful story and to make known to the whole world this very rich treasure of My Son Jesus, thank you!
For your effort to make this Scapular and for your constancy in continuing to make and spread this Scapular, even seeing the disinterest and coldness of people, thank you!
I now pour 39 blessings on you, fruit of the merits of these CDs of the Red Scapular of the Passion of My Son that you have made, and also fruit of the merits of all the Scapulars that you have made and spread throughout the world.
And over your father Carlos Tadeu, I now pour 57 thousand blessings that he will receive every year on Good Friday, and also on September 15, the day of My Sorrows. And over those who are here, I pour 8 special blessings, and over all those who come here to pray. And I ask you all again: pray My Rosary every day!
Today I also make a great promise to you, My children: all those who wear My Grey Scapular of Peace with love and trust, will have every 7th day of every month, also, the forgiveness of all their faults.
I bless you all with love: from Pellevoisin, from Lourdes and from Jacareí."