Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 24, 2021
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace and Saint Geraldo Majella communicated to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
Put holiness first, desire it!

"Dear children, today I call all of you again to holiness. As long as you do not desire holiness with all your heart and do not put it first in your life as your goal and your ideal, you will always be poor and miserable inwardly and always relapsing into the same faults, the same evils. Put holiness first, desire it! And then, you will truly move towards it, and God will help you with His grace, and you will achieve holy perfection.
In order to be holy avoid, as much as possible, the hustle and bustle of the world, the contact with worldly things, because nobody can pass through a pigsty without leaving with dirty feet. In the same way, no one can mix with worldly things without coming out contaminated or tainted with some guilt. Just as a person who walks through the cold freezes, everyone who walks too much with worldly things will have his soul parched and scoured by the apostasy and faithlessness of the world. Therefore, avoid contact with this as much as you can, so that your souls remain always ardent, always fervent in the love of God and in the service of God.
When charity commands you to speak to people, speak. When it doesn't, always, my children, stay in the retreat of your heart, of your soul, alone with God. In this way, your souls will be strong in trials, and you will overcome everything and walk surely on the road to sanctity.
Keep praying my Rosary every day. With my Rosary you will win all the battles against Satan. You talk a lot, but you pray the Rosary little! That is why Satan beats you, and that is why in the smallest of trials you lose peace and collapse. Pray! Never has praying the Rosary been so necessary as now. If you want to win, pray and propagate my Rosary.
Give six of my children who don't know me, six Meditated Rosaries, any one of them. So that they can then truly know my messages, and thus come to my heart which will be the refuge and dwelling place of them all.
Also give to seven of my children who do not know me, the film of my apparition in Lichen, which my little son Marcos made. How many of my children do not know the messages that I gave in Lichen, and how many souls will become fervent in my love if they know them. Especially the mothers! They will hear my message of Lichen, and following the example of so many holy mothers, like the mother of my son Antonio Galvão, the mother of my son Geraldo, or the mother of my son Maximilian Kolbe, they will educate their children in the love of God, in my love, and they will give Brazil and the world so many holy children who will break the plans of Satan and all his henchmen.
I bless you all with love: from Lichen, from Lourdes and from Jacareí."
(After a brief pause, Our Lady continues)
"My most beloved son Marcos, once again I thank you for making the film of my apparition in Lichen. Thanks to you, so many of my children who never imagined that this apparition of mine existed, now know my message from Lichen, pray the Rosary, pray the Stations of the Cross on Fridays, contemplating the sufferings of my son and mine. And the mothers, now, truly, are trying to raise their children for God, for Heaven, educating them to be saints and not to be worldly. And all this thanks to you.
This is why I give you 438 blessings today, and to your father, Carlos Tadeu, for whom you have offered the merits of this film, of this holy work that you have done, I now give 596,231 special blessings that he will receive every year on the anniversary of my apparitions in Lichen, and also on November 17th of each year.
Thus I pour the streams of my graces upon you and upon the one you love most.
You have also offered the merits of this holy work that you have done for my children who are here, for my pilgrim children. I give them now also 394 blessings that they will receive today and also on the 23rd of next month.
So I pour upon these my children also, copiously, my graces of love.
Rejoice! Because the merit of this holy work is all yours. And while people were only looking for the fulfillment of their personal desires, you dedicated so many days, weeks and months, to do this good and holy work for me. For my glory, to spread to the whole world my glory for the good and the salvation of souls. And as many souls as are touched by the Lord's grace through this holy work, there will be as many crowns of glory that I will give you in Heaven.
Rejoice, then, and let no one and nothing take away your joy.
Peace, my ray of light! Keep working to make my glory known to the whole world!"
Message of St. Gerard Majella
"Beloved brethren of mine, I, Geraldo, come again from Heaven to say to you:
Peace to your hearts! Let nothing disturb your peace! Pray the Rosary every day to preserve and increase peace, for the peace of the world is threatened.
Pray! Only through prayer can you desire holiness, seek holiness, and persevere in holiness. Holiness is that pearl that Our Lord spoke of in the Gospel, for which it is worth selling everything, leaving everything, renouncing everything, to buy it, to possess it! So, renounce now everything, everything that prevents you from being completely the Lord's. Give yourself completely to Him, and He will then reward you with the treasures of His Sacred Heart, of His love and of His grace.
The Lord only waits for your decision, so that He can shower you with His riches.
Get off the fence! Decide for God! And God will decide for you with His great graces.
I, Geraldo, love you all and bless you all: from Muro Lucano, from Mater Domini and from Jacareí."
Our Lady after touching the religious objects presented by the seer Marcos Tadeu:
"As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries arrives, there I will be alive taking with me the great graces of the Lord, accompanied by my son Geraldo and also, my son Roberto. We will carry the great graces of the Lord. Peace, my children, go in the peace of the Lord."