Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace, communicated to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
Yes, you are in My hands

Dear children, today I come again to tell you:
I am the Virgin of the Miraculous Medal! I am your Mother who came from Heaven to bring you all the Message of Hope, that 'She' holds the whole world in her hands.
Yes, the globe that I showed to my daughter Catherine meant the whole world and each of My children. Yes, you are in My hands.
In the palm of My hands are each one of you, each one of My children whom I love, and none of them will be lost if they trust in Me and are docile to My motherly word.
In the palm of My hands are all the families of this difficult time, who are in danger of being eternally lost with so many bad examples, vices and harmful things that enter our homes every day through the media.
If these families are docile to My Voice, if they pray My Rosary every day, then I will protect them, I will deliver them from evil and destruction, adultery, divorce, and addictions, and these families will be saved by Me and become gardens of holiness, peace, and love for God.
In the palm of My hands are all the nations, especially Brazil, and I will take care of all these nations with My motherly love, guiding them along the path of Holiness, salvation and peace, if they are docile and allow themselves to be led by Me.
In the palm of My hands is the Church, My beloved daughter, which I will save from apostasy by a miracle of My Immaculate Heart.
In the palm of My hands are each of the souls of My beloved children whom I will lead and guide along the path of goodness, salvation, and peace, if they are docile to My voice. Therefore, let no one ever be discouraged, because each one, the life of each one, and the life of each nation is in the palm of My hands.
In the palm of My hands is the life of each one of My seers, of My messengers, especially of my little son Marcos, whom I love, protect, and keep with an incomparable and particular love.
Thank you, little son, for making the film of my apparitions to my little daughter Catherine. I have already said it to you and I repeat it to you: while everyone else was seeking only the fulfillment of their personal desires and pursuing their own pleasures and the fulfillment of their own plans, you dedicated so many weeks and months to making this film of My Apparition to My little daughter, Catherine. You left your rest, you left the company of the people you loved, for me.
The merit of this good holy work is all yours, and because of it, I bless mankind, I bless Brazil, I bless the crops, the harvests, I bless the companies and the works of my children, I bless their families, I bless this land that I love so much, I bless all mankind. I bless France, where I appeared to my little daughter Bernardette, I bless Portugal, Italy and all the countries of the world, for love of you.
Be happy and don't let anything or anyone take your joy away, because the merit of having done this good work is all yours. And precisely because of these merits I give you 88 special blessings today, for My children who are here, I now give 277 blessings that they will receive on November 27th, the anniversary of the revelation of My Medal to My little daughter Catherine, and also on February 27th and May 27th, for 3 years in a row.
And for your father Carlos Tadeu, I now give 622 thousand blessings that he will receive also on the same dates. You offered the merits of this good holy work to Me, asking that I convert it into graces for My children. So I did, so I fulfill your desire and satisfy your charity, so I respond to the burning flame of charity that you have for souls.
And I say: onward, My son, you are My last hope! Continue to bring all My children the truth and show them My great and immense love as a Mother.
To you and to all My beloved children, I now give My motherly blessing and say: My daughter Catarina Labouré met you and your father Carlos Tadeu, in the first apparition I made to her revealing many secrets about the future and she offered her final illness, so painful and terrible, for you, for your father and also for the pilgrims in this holy place.
I bless you all: from Paris, from Lourdes and from Jacareí.
Peace, My beloved children, keep praying My Rosary every day.
Give 20 meditated Rosaries No. 222 to My children who do not know it, so they can meditate My Messages and save their souls.
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries arrives, there I will be alive, taking with Me the great graces of the Lord.
I bless you all again that you may be happy and I leave you peace!"