Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 20, 2022
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace, communicated to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira - Jacareí, SP, Brazil
I Am the Heavenly Commander of All of You

"My children, I am the Woman clothed with the Sun. I am the heavenly commander of all of you. I appeared in Pellevoisin, terrible as an army in order of battle, to call all mankind to prayer, to penance, to conversion, to return to God, to holiness. And also, to fight with me against Satan and his army of darkness and perdition.
Satan's army is made up of all the demons that have come out of hell in these times, walking the earth to tempt you. They watch you every day, study you, and spy on you, making plans to lead you to perdition based on the defects, weaknesses, and evil inclinations that you possess.
You must fight the army of Satan and the demons with prayer, vigilance, with continuous meditation on the lives of the saints, on the word of the Lord, and on my messages. Also, fleeing and turning away from all things that lead you to evil, to sin. So that then your souls will be kept always pure in My Immaculate Heart like the most tender mystical roses of love, prayer and holiness for the greater glory of God.
Satan's army is also made up of all the people of ill will who in this world do not love the Lord. They hate Him! They persecute Him! They work to spread more and more on the earth: evil, corruption, sin, vices to lead all souls and all mankind to general perdition.
You must help Me to fight this evil army with the Rosary, opposing so much evil that is practiced on earth every day and spread by the media, opposing a powerful barrier of prayer of the Holy Rosary, to stop the avalanche of mud and sin that is spreading more and more every day.
With the prayer of the Rosary we will be able to stop this evil and even convert many of these hardened hearts that spread evil on earth, bring the poison of sin to souls through so many means of communication, and we will be able to transform them even into instruments of My Immaculate Heart for the salvation of souls and humanity.
You are My soldiers that must fight every day more and more against this evil by making the cenacles, the prayer groups that I have asked for everywhere, because these cenacles, these prayer groups, are the powerful weapon that Heavenly Mother uses to save so many children that lost, wandering through the world, do not know which path they should follow. Or they have even chosen the path of evil taking it as something good.
Through these cenacles and prayer groups, I, the heavenly commander of you all, will make the light of grace, the light of God's love and salvation shine more and more brightly for My lost children, and will lead them along the path of salvation, the path of peace, the path of true love for God.
Yes, My Immaculate Heart will then finally be able to pour upon all humanity the copious shower of graces that I showed to My little daughter Estelle in Pellevoisin, and also here, and the world will then be transformed into the great garden of beauty and grace of My Immaculate Heart.
Wield then, My children, the sword of the Holy Rosary, the shield of faith and of My messages. Arm yourselves with the armor of the love of God, of courage, of perseverance, of fidelity to the Lord, and fight with Me for the salvation of humanity. The final victory is already ours, because My time has come!
Now you must still go through the great tribulation and you will be shaken in many ways by many trials of the enemy. But in the end, those who are faithful to Me will triumph, because I promised at Fatima and I will fulfill: "In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!"
So go forward, My children! Fight with courage! Work tirelessly for Me and I will work for you too by saving your souls and the souls of those you love.
Work to save My children and I will work to save your children and the souls of your relatives.
Keep praying the Rosary every day. Through it, more and more, I will lead you, My soldiers, to victory!
My beloved little son Marcos, you are still suffering for those who do not want to listen to My words, My voice, and the voice of the Lord. Yes, in your sufferings the sins that sinners have committed against God are atoned for and redeemed. In your ears, these days, the sins of all those who close their ears to My voice, to My messages, to the word of the Lord, and turn a deaf ear to our voice, have been atoned for. But do not be discouraged! I am with you, and I will never leave you as I did not leave My Son on the way to Calvary, and also on the cross. Your sufferings are for the salvation of many, many souls. Be patient! Be strong in faith and in the end you will reap a great reward in Heaven.
Your body has been crushed, crushed like a grain of wheat in the mill these past weeks. But all this is for the salvation of many souls who will awaken to the light of grace, of faith.... They will be touched by the rays of My Flame of Love and they will become great saints, great apostles of My heart. And one day you will see them in glory and great will be your happiness to see that these souls got there by your suffering so bitter, so intense. And then your heart will rejoice!
I bless you for all that you have offered me. And also, I bless you and pour upon you copious graces today for the film of my Apparition in Pellevoisin, which you have made for so many years now, and which has made so many of My children get to know My messages given in Pellevoisin, the Scapular of the Sacred Heart, and use it to repair and remove the thorns that the world carves every day in the Heart of My Son Jesus through the outrages, lack of respect and love for Him in all the tabernacles of the Earth, in all the Churches of the Earth.
Yes, My Son, you have truly given Me and the Heart of Jesus a great consolation with this film, because My children have taken My uniform, that is, the Scapular of the Sacred Heart, and have become souls of reparation, atonement, consolation of the Heart of Jesus by wearing my Scapular of Pellevoisin.
They also learned in the messages I gave in Pellevoisin that in prayer one should not, cannot have distractions, but should pray compenetrably, fervently and with the heart so that the prayer is pleasing to the Lord and to Me. And they also understood that I am the Mother of Mercy who reigns in Heaven over the Heart of Jesus and He loves Me so much that He cannot deny Me anything.
That is why My children now come to Me with full confidence in My love, with full confidence in My power with My Son Jesus, and that is why I can obtain for them many copious graces, and the wonders of the Lord are fulfilled in them.
And all this is your merit! Therefore I give you today 728 (seven hundred and twenty-eight) blessings. To your father Carlos Tadeu, I give 1,528,000.00 (one million, five hundred and twenty-eight thousand) blessings today. And for those who are here I now give 1003 (one thousand and three) blessings that they will receive for three years in a row also on the anniversary day of My Apparition in Pellevoisin, February 14.
In this way I reward your so great effort in making Me known and loved! You published to the whole world My glory at the Apparitions of Pellevoisin and also the example of obedience and love for Me of my little daughter Estelle. And now My children, like her, also feel the desire to obey Me and to love Me, and to work to make known to the world My glory, My messages, My miracles, My apparitions, My love as a mother. And so, more and more, I can overshadow and annihilate Satan.
For all this I bless you and I now give everyone My blessing: from Pellevoisin, from Lourdes and from Jacareí."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP