Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Apparition and Message of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary - Monthly Anniversary of the Jacareí Apparitions
Until You Renounce Everything for My Love, You Cannot Be My Disciples

(Sacred Heart): "My beloved elect, My Sacred Heart comes again this night with My Blessed Mother to tell you: I love you! I love you all!
You cannot imagine, My children, how much I love you. If it were possible and necessary, I would die again on the cross for each one of you, but My death has already been enough to save not only this whole world, but a thousand worlds.
So great is My love for you that I have shed My blood to the last drop, so I ask all of you: Welcome My love, turn your hearts to My heart. Renounce all the things that until now have conflicted with My love in your hearts.
Until you renounce everything, you cannot receive everything from Me.
Until you renounce everything for My love, you cannot be My disciples, you cannot be called My true disciples.
Only when you renounce everything will My heart fill you with the best that I have kept in the safe of My heart: love, peace, happiness, joy, joy, in short, all the most precious things that the world does not and cannot give.
Only in Me will your souls have peace. So, come to My Heart, which is the source of peace, and let yourselves be soaked in this peace. For this, it is necessary that you say no to everything that the world offers you, so that I can fill you with the treasures of My love.
Until you create in yourselves a heart that is poor in earthly desires, I cannot fill you with the treasures of heaven. Therefore, come to Me and I will enrich you, I will fill you with all the greatest graces of My Sacred Heart with the treasures that I have from My Father.
Yes, I have been looking all over the world, in all the nations every day, and I can not find even 10 souls made of pure flame of love, 10 souls made of pure love. This is what pierces My Sacred Heart the most, and also pierces My Mother's Heart.
How can it be that after so many proofs of love, that after I have shed all My blood for all of you. How can it be that after all that My Mother and I have done throughout the centuries, there are not even 10 souls of pure love. What a catastrophe, what a disgrace My children! At least you who are listening to Me now. Be, become these souls of pure and perfect love by completely renouncing earthly things, renouncing your own self and your own will, and accepting My holy will.
Here My Sacred Heart will conclude the plans that I began with My Blessed Mother back there in Paray-Le-Monial until I arrived here. Yes, My Sacred Heart will triumph in a resounding, sudden and unexpected, surprising way. And from one moment to the next, My enemy who is created, who believed himself the sure victor and the ruler of all things will find himself with nothing, annihilated, defeated and ashamed before the whole Universe.
And My Sacred Heart will shine forth with great power together with My Most Holy Mother, and then My kingdom will be established throughout the whole earth.
Pray the Rosary in honor of My Sacred Heart every day, this brief but very powerful Rosary will bring you to a great union with My Sacred Heart, and then, I will accomplish in your lives My wonders.
My little son Marcos, today is the Anniversary of that Apparition where you asked Me for a great sign in Heaven, to confirm the truth of My Apparitions with My Mother to you in the distant year of 1994.
I considered you full of merit and very worthy of this. And so, I promised and did the great sign you asked for, as opposed to the sign I denied the priests, the Pharisees and even the disciples of My time.
Yes, you were already very worthy of all this My son, and of many more things still were and will be. So rejoice, rejoice, because I cannot resist you, I cannot resist anything you ask of Me.
So, have confidence in My Sacred Heart, that many of the things that you throughout your life have asked of Me, will all come true. Your faith, your patience, your virtue, has been tested over many, many years.
But I tell you, it will soon be crowned with a great victory, and you will continue to have many more up there in that dwelling where My Mother and I are waiting for you. A dwelling that every day becomes more beautiful because of the more and more merits and good works that you do and undertake for My love and for the love of My Mother.
Therefore, rejoice, rejoice irresistible, irresistible of My Sacred Heart and of My Mother's Heart. Yes, because to your voice, to your supplication My Mother and I cannot resist. We did not resist on that day, June 7th 1994, we never resisted and we will never be able to resist, because we love you immensely. And because your merits in My eyes and in My Mother's eyes are great and are very pleasing to My Sacred Heart.
So, rejoice, rejoice! You have offered Me today throughout the day the merits of the meditated Rosary #185, 229 and 331. Well, you offered for your father Carlos Tadeu, you also offered for the pilgrims of this Shrine. You also offered for three people in particular, you also offered for My dear son Marcellin.
Well, in answer to your petition, I now pour 2,756,000 (two million, seven hundred and fifty-six thousand) blessings on your father. Also, on the pilgrims and all the people for whom you offered I now pour 2729 blessings that they will receive again this year on September 17th.
You have also offered for Me the merits of the film Voices from Heaven No. 4. Very well My son, I give because of this to your father Carlos Tadeu another 2,529,000 (two million, five hundred and twenty-nine thousand) blessings. And on the pilgrims and on the other people for whom you have offered Me today I also pour now 1979 more blessings.
Thus, My Mother and I pour over all the streams of our love and satisfy the great flame of love and charity that is in your heart.
I, bless you and everyone with love from Paray-Le-Monial, from Dozule and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "Dear children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace, today, as another month of My presence here with My son Jesus and all of Heaven is completed I come again to say to you:
Peace! Only peace! But the world will only have peace if it returns to the Lord, if it returns to My Heart, which is the source, peace.
Peace! Come to My Heart, which is the source of peace, and I will fill you with My motherly peace that the world does not have, that the world cannot give.
Peace! Come to My Immaculate Heart, which is the source of peace and here My children you will all be consoled and comforted by Me.
Peace! Come to My Immaculate Heart, through the Rosary, and I will give you a peace so great that no force of this world or of hell will ever be able to take it from you and tear it from you.
Peace is threatened, so it is necessary now more than ever that you pray in these days of darkness in which Satan has come out of hell with all his fury, with the whole pack of his demons, so that he can destroy not only peace, but also the world in which you live and in this way reduce, bring all things to total destruction, to total damnation.
Help Me to neutralize him, to annihilate him, and to overcome him by praying always and more and more for peace.
Peace! Peace! Peace! Pray for peace, pray every day the rosary of peace for the peace of the world. Also pray the rosary in honor of My Immaculate Conception every day, very brief but very powerful, through it I will crush Satan's influence in the world and also in your lives.
Spread, disseminate without ceasing My medals, especially My medal of peace and the medal that I revealed to My little daughter Catherine Labouré. So that I can always crush Satan with these two medals, which are big, strong, powerful, and against which My enemy can do nothing, because they are true shields of peace that I place to defend and protect My children.
Pray the Rosary every day, spread the meditated Rosary that My son Marcos made as soon as possible, so that all My children will pray it, be converted and saved.
Pray for 4 days in a row the meditated Rosary #116 and also the meditated Rosary #13 so that the messages recorded there can also be recorded in your hearts. Give these Rosaries to 5 of My children.
Soon, My Immaculate Heart will spread My flame of love over all the nations of the earth, and they will recognize Me with one voice: as the Queen, the Co-redemptrix, the Mediatrix, the Advocate, the Lady of all peoples. Then I will shine forth with great power, and Satan will finally be cast down to the infernal depths, from where he will come out no more, and the world will have a thousand years of peace.
Live My messages! Each time you take one more step in obeying them, My flame of love becomes stronger and stronger. And then, soon it will burst over the whole world and all nations will gather around My Immaculate Heart.
Then the Kingdom of the son of the Woman clothed with the Sun will come to the whole world and that kingdom will never end as the Angel Gabriel said. So pray, pray and strive in obedience to My messages.
Here I will finish all that I began at Lourdes, La Salette, Paris, Pellevoisin and My Immaculate Heart will finally destroy all My enemies and place them at My footstool.
Then I will shine with great radiance and the whole universe will be dazzled by My shining light.
My little son Marcos I bless you today and give you My thanks once again, thank you for all you have done over all these years serving My heart.
Yes, on that night when you asked us for the sign on June 7, 1994 you were found to be very worthy of this and of many more things you will still be.
Rejoice My son, because the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart will not only be the work of My maternal love and the will of the Lord, but will also be the fruit of your merits.
Yes, all your works of love will shine with great radiance on that supernatural and apocalyptic day, when together, united, My flame of love and yours, finally, the two flames will strike the dragon right in his evil heart. And he will then finally be overthrown once and for all, and the long-dreamed-of peace will come to the world and to all nations.
Then, all mankind will finally see who was the most obedient, dedicated and hardworking servant of My Immaculate Heart, and all will give glory to God for this.
Then you will trinket together with Me, and I will take you to receive the reward, the reward that I prepare for you every day. And upon all the earth from My hands passing into your hands, at last, will come down like abundant rain, like beneficial dew the definitive peace.
Rejoice, My son, for this I give you today a special blessing.
And to you My little son Carlos Tadeu I give My message:
Beloved son of Mine, I love you with all My heart. Rejoice for the son I gave you, because he is the most obedient, fervent and ardent son I have in the whole world.
I went all over the world looking for souls of pure love and I found only My little son Marcos Tadeu. Therefore, I have poured all My predilection, all My love upon him and in this son I will fulfill all My prophecies including the one I gave at Fatima: 'At last My Immaculate Heart will triumph!'
Rejoice, then, for the son I have given you, exult with joy! And above all, strive to unite yourself more and more with him, the more you unite yourself, the stronger this union is the more also the flame of love that is in him will transmit itself to you and merge your heart with Mine into one flame of love.
And then our Three Hearts fused into one will beat in one rhythm, in one syntony, in one shout of love, and when this happens great wonders will be accomplished in your life and through you in so many souls of My little children who need so much.
Pray My son, all this month, pray deeply the burning prayer that My Louis de Montfort composed. Pray also the prayer that My son Alphonsus de Liguori composed in honor of My Assumption. My little son Marcos may very well point it out to you.
Through these two prayers your Heart will be even more inflamed, and throughout this month, tell My children about the messages I gave here in Jacareí, especially in August 1994. Explain, help them to understand My words.
And also, tell them about the messages I gave here in April 2001, explain them, so that they understand the greatness of My coming here and also the very serious times you are now living. So that then, aware of the spiritual battle, they can, together with Me, wield the sword of prayer and faith, and fight with Me against all the forces of evil, for the greater triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
I am very happy and proud of you, My child. Yes, for Me you are a child, whom I carry with love on My maternal lap, and whom I care for with love and great maternal jealousy. Persevere in the prayers I have given you and read the Book of Proverbs again so that there you will understand what I desire from you.
My son, I love you with all My heart, go on with the cenacles, there are still many of My children who have not been reached by My motherly grace.
Throughout the month of June, July and August, spread My Green Scapular more, telling My children about it and giving it to as many as you can.
I am with you and I will never leave you.
I bless you and everyone with love: from Lourdes, from Pellevoisin and from Jacareí."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to the radio Messenger of Peace
Further reading...
The Apparation of Our Lady at Jacareí
First Message from August 1994