Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, July 7, 2022
Apparition and Message of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary The Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Happy Are Those Who Do My Will and My Mother’s Perfectly, Because They Will Have a Great Reward in Heaven

(Sacred Heart): "My beloved son Marcos, today, I come with My Blessed Mother to bless you and all My children with love.
Yes, today is the Anniversary of the sign of the Ray of Light that My Mother and I brought down upon you on the ancient hill of our Apparitions.
Yes, with that sign we showed the whole world that you are our ray of light, that shines in the midst of this great darkness of these evil times, to illuminate the path that leads to Heaven and to show souls the true path they must follow to save themselves: that of prayer, that of conversion, that of penance, that of love.
Yes, yes My children, truly it is love that I come to seek! A love similar to that of My son Marcos, so responsible and who with so much zeal always fulfilled the will of My Mother and My will in his life.
Yes, so responsible, always fulfilling the obligations and missions that My Mother and I entrusted to him with so much zeal, dedication, and ardor. Dedicating himself body and soul day and night to the execution of our will and our desires.
So responsible is My little son Marcos! Yes, fulfilling everything with love, doing everything with love, praying with love, suffering with love, working with love, studying with love, singing with love. Doing even the most humble and simple tasks with love.
Yes, so dedicated is My little son Marcos, carrying stones to build this chapel with so much love. Carrying so many, many buckets of concrete to build this house for Me and My Mother in the burning sun, tired, tired, with love.
So dedicated, so responsible, is My little son Marcos, spending so many sleepless nights watching over and guarding this Shrine for so many years.
He is so responsible, spending so much cold and hunger in this place to build this house, this Shrine, for My Mother and for Me, saving as much as possible to build our house, forgetting about himself, forgetting even to take care of his own health and wellbeing.
So responsible, spreading our messages to the whole world without rest day and night for more than 31 years.
So responsible, doing everything so that My children could know Me and know My Mother, taking our messages to them by all possible means of communication, making extreme sacrifices. And also, trying to be magnanimous and doing by the most arduous, difficult and complex means to take My message and My Mother's message to the whole world, to the souls of the whole world.
Yes, so responsible, zealous and dedicated living so many years in great penury and poverty in this place, working day and night to make our chapel, our house and to give My Mother and Me a roof over our heads.
Yes, so responsible, seeking by all means to work and work to make My Mother's monastery, so that there she can cultivate holy souls for My glory and the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart.
Yes, so responsible, zealous, because full of true love. That is why he made so many and so many meditated Rosaries, so many hundreds of meditated Rosaries, so many meditated Rosaries and Hours of Prayer, so many films to make My Mother better known and loved in her Apparitions, the Saints and My Sacred Heart with My revelations to My daughters Margaret Mary, Faustina and so many others.
Yes, so dedicated, so responsible, because so full of love, in it we accomplish wonders. That is why in him we perform the most splendid signs, like the one that is commemorated and celebrated today. To show to the whole world that our Hearts have wisely chosen the most responsible son, the most zealous and loving son who takes care of our work of salvation here, with unparalleled zeal and dedication, without equal, every day.
That is why our Hearts here accomplish and will accomplish so many, many wonders.
Rejoice My little son Marcos! Let all the just rejoice, because truly, here Our Hearts shine, they shine with great intensity, through our messages, through our graces. But also, through the life of our Ray of Light, who throughout these 31 years has dedicated himself entirely, and with so much responsibility, has accepted, fulfilled, and faithfully fulfills our will and the plans of our Sacred Hearts.
Continue praying the Rosary every day. Continue to do the will of our Sacred Hearts every day.
And as for you, dear and beloved Marcos, continue steadfastly ahead, always being as you are: very responsible in carrying out the mission and the will of My Sacred Heart and My Mother's Heart, carrying out our will day and night. And leave aside all those who have not and do not want to have: no sense of responsibility, no zeal for our work here, for our plan of salvation because they have no love.
Yes, never let the flame of your love be extinguished by the ice and the wind, by the icy breath that comes out of these souls.
Remain always burning with love for Me and My mother by doing our will because truly, My son, in Heaven you will have great crowns of grace, of glory, of blessedness. And so will all those who imitate you: in zeal, responsibility and love for everything that is Mine and My Blessed Mother's.
Happy are those who do My will and My Mother's perfectly, because they will have a great reward in Heaven. Poor are those who even obey but in their own way, because their deeds will have no merit in Heaven.
Keep spreading and spreading our messages to the whole world.
Today I want to ask again: Pray the meditated Rosary of Mercy made by My little son Marcos #48 and give it to 5 of My children who do not have it.
I bless you all with love now from Paray-Le-Monial, Dozulé and Jacareí.
Peace My children I love you all!"
(Blessed Mary): "Dear children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I love you little children of Mine, and today I call you again: to prayer, to conversion, to love God.
You see, in the beginning of Catholicism, of Christianity, the faithful were not recognized for singing well, for speaking well, for preaching well, but for loving well. Everyone said, 'Look how they love each other!'
Thus, they were recognized as true Christians. Thus, they were recognized because they really knew how to love.
If you want to be truly God's children, My children, then love! Then, you will be recognized not only by the Angels in Heaven, but also by all men as My children and the Lord's children. And this love will touch the most hardened hearts and make them understand that God is love, that I am love, and that it is the great love that has sent Me here to help and lead you to Heaven.
Pray My Rosary every day, asking for the grace to be love and to know how to love, otherwise you will not be able to enter Heaven.
My little son Marcos, what I said in the last message I repeat to you: I am very happy with you for your great sense of responsibility, of zeal, of love for Me, of love for My son, of love for the plan and the mission that we have entrusted to you.
Yes, so dedicated, so zealous, so responsible, that's why I chose you. Yes, you were responsible with everything even before My Apparitions. Responsible for school, responsible for catechism, responsible for taking care of even the smallest children in your family. Responsible also for your mother's life, you protected her when she was about to lose it.
Yes, responsible! Responsible for the mission that I gave you.
Responsible for the wonderful messages I entrusted to you.
Responsible for the souls I entrusted to you at the beginning of the apparitions, and especially for all the others I have entrusted to you over the years.
Responsible for the spreading of My messages.
So responsible, so zealous and dedicated in making My apparitions known to all My children, making the movies, the meditated chaplets, the meditated rosaries and the Hours of Prayer that you made.
Yes, so responsible in taking care of everything in this Shrine, taking care of the progress of everything, the money to do everything, providing for everything, enduring everything.
So responsible! Responsible for My Shrine, protecting and guarding it night and day without ever leaving.
Responsible, protecting My Shrine from everyone who always wanted to do harm to it.
Responsible, seeking to keep all souls in My Immaculate Heart, providing for them: cenacles ablaze with love, meditated Rosaries ablaze with love, meditated Rosaries ablaze with love, meditated Rosaries ablaze with love, Hours of Prayer ablaze with the Flame of Love from My Heart. Movies to make them understand, help them understand My messages and My will.
Yes, providing for My children every day here the good and wholesome food that makes all souls strong in faith, strong in prayer, strong in love.
Only those who want to remain in lukewarmness, in aridity, in torpor, in spiritual sleepiness, will remain, because you have given everything, you have done everything for them, and nothing more need be done. But your flame of love, your sense of responsibility and zeal moves and pushes you to do more, always more for Me and for everyone.
Yes, so responsible taking care of the broadcasting of My messages 24 hours a day through the Radio and TV that you with so much love fought and battled and gave to Me.
Yes, so responsible, zealous, trying every day to live only for Me, to think only of Me, to exist only for Me, completely forgetting about yourself, your own will and even your own well-being to think about My happiness, My joy, My triumph and to conquer souls to make My aching heart finally happy.
Yes, so responsible and zealous working without ceasing night and day so that all those who come here truly have: the best cenacle, the best meditations, the best prayers, that will keep everyone's spirit, spirituality and fervor up. So that then, the enemy cannot tempt them and seduce them and cause their nature to decay.
Yes, so zealous! Yes, so responsible, taking care of everything and everyone so that everything goes forward, progresses, so that everything goes well. And so that My Immaculate Heart here in this place truly triumphs and from here I can radiate My powerful light to all mankind.
Yes, so responsible! So responsible also for the father I gave you. That is why you sought with such zeal and love to give him the best for his place in Heaven and so many, many graces he received from Me, because you asked, you offered your merits, because you offered the sacrifice of your headache. Because you did everything, everything you could for him.
Yes, the zeal, the responsibility for the loved one is the fruit of love. Yes, so loving, therefore so zealous and so responsible for those you love.
That is why My heart feels happy, joyful My son, because truly you have not failed Me ever! And I know that you will never fail, because I have chosen the most responsible, zealous and loving of My children.
So rejoice! The sign of the ray of light that I showed to the whole world on you so many years ago is the proof that truly in you shines the light of My love, of My Immaculate Heart. And through you My Flame of Love will one day shine forth and My light, My Flame of Love united with yours will drive out all darkness from humanity. Satan will finally be blinded, paralyzed and annihilated and My Immaculate Heart will finally proclaim the greatest victory, My greatest victory.
So go forward My son, continue to be responsible, zealous and loving as you are and never let your flame of love of zeal for Me, for the mission I have entrusted to you, for this holy place that is My throne never diminish.
Never let the ice, the icy breath that comes from irresponsible souls without zeal, without love, cold and lukewarm, ever diminish the ardor of your flame of love.
Stay like this, go forward like this, so that finally My Flame of Love can triumph over all obstacles. And finally overthrowing all the works of the enemy and proclaiming the greatest victory of My son Jesus and of My Immaculate Heart.
Only the responsible, the zealous, the loving ones will understand you and help you. Because to the irresponsible, the frivolous, the lazy, the foolish and the silly... zeal, responsibility, wisdom, the Lord's have are detestable things to them.
So go ahead just the way you are, because those qualities and virtues that drew My predilection gaze upon you 31 years ago, are what make it so that continually not only I, but also My son Jesus and the Eternal Father Himself keep our predilection gazes fixed upon you in this place, in this country.
And so, attracting graces, mercy and blessings on the whole earth that ungratefully pays the Lord's favors, My favors and even his zeal and love with so many ingratitudes.
Yes My son, keep being like that, because love attracts love and produces the triumph of love for love.
Continue praying My meditated Rosary every day.
Give the meditated Rosary of Mercy #108 to three of My children. And also, the Rosary of My Flame of Love #5 for My children. I wish they love Me more and more!
Also give the Hour of My Flame of Love #1 to 8 of My children who do not know Me, so that they meditate on these messages and thus grow in the true Flame of Love for Me.
To all I bless with love from Lourdes, from Fatima and from Jacareí."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to the radio Messenger of Peace
Further reading...
The Apparation of Our Lady at Jacareí
The Apparation of Our Lady at Lourdes