Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 4, 2022
Apparition and Message of Our Lady and Saint Barbara
Pray My Rosary Every Day, Because with the Prayer of the Rosary You Will Overcome the Obstacles of These Evil and Difficult Times. And Then You Will Arrive Victorious at the Father’s House

(Blessed Mary): "My children, today, I call you again to make up your minds for holiness. Holiness is the height of love.
When you understand the true love for God, which is the love that sacrifices itself, that gives itself, that gives itself, that suffers, that works, that serves God, you will truly reach perfect holiness.
Then, all Heaven will dwell in you, and your life will be a sign, which will show everyone the way to Heaven.
Prepare yourselves, difficult days will come, only with much prayer will you be able to bear the weight of the cross.
Only with a great force of prayer will you be able to overcome the great tribulation and reach the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
When all seems lost I will be there, I will be with you. When you do not feel the light of a glorious day, of a bright day, and darkness covers all things, I will be there beside you all.
Pray My Rosary every day, because by praying the Rosary you will overcome the obstacles of these bad and difficult times. And then you will arrive victorious at the Father's house.
Only with the Rosary and the prayer of the Rosaries of Power that I have given you here, will you understand the reason for My coming, and be able to truly follow the road to holiness.
I bless you all, especially you My little son Marcos, you cannot imagine the immense joy you gave My Heart, making the film of My Apparitions in Belgium, in Banneux and in Beauraing. These two Apparitions of Mine that were so forgotten and despised by humanity.
Thanks to you, My children now understand, they understand what I truly want: I want the love that sacrifices itself, that gives itself, that gives itself completely of all My children.
Only in this way, the heart of My son Jesus and Mine will suffer less and will finally be able to triumph in this world that has now decided to die eternally and banish God from its nations and society.
Then My children will be light in the midst of darkness. And just as I sent My Dominic of Guzman into the world in a time of darkness and gloom so that he would be the light and call My children to conversion and salvation. So too, you now will be this light that will show My children the right path they must follow. And they will understand that without God, without Me they have no peace, no future.
Then they will come to Me, they will give themselves to Me, and then, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
Thank you little son, you have offered the merits of this movie all day long, for your father Carlos Tadeu and for My children who are here.
I now convert the merits of this good work into graces and I now pour over your father Carlos Tadeu 9,329,000 (Nine million, three hundred and twenty-nine thousand) blessings. And on My children who are here I now pour 8,908 blessings, which they will receive for three years in a row again on the Anniversary of My Apparitions in Beauraing and Banneux.
Thus, I transform your merits into copious graces to pour over My beloved children.
I bless you and everyone: from Banneux, from Beauraing and from Jacareí.
Peace My beloved children."
(Saint Barbara): "Beloved brothers and sisters of Mine, I, Barbara come from Heaven today to say to all of you:
Hearts on high! Lift your hearts on high every day by prayer, by meditation, by taking time to care for your souls.
Hearts on high! Get away from the dangerous pleasures and amusements of this world and dedicate yourselves more to be with God in prayer, with the Mother of God, with the Saints and we will help you to progress in holiness by growing in true love for God.
Hearts on high! Lift up your hearts every day, trying always more to understand the word of the Lord, to understand the words of our Blessed Queen, the words that we the Saints in Heaven give you here. So that you can see the path you must follow and fulfill the Father's will.
Hearts on high! Live always in God so that God may live in you!
Hearts on high! Follow My examples of love for God, of holiness, so that you can please the Father and with the holiness of your life attract for yourselves more quickly a Second World Pentecost, which will completely renew this sin-ravaged earth.
Hearts on high living continually with your eyes turned toward Heaven.
I, Barbara, bless you all now generously.
I love you and never leave you alone in tribulation."
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives there I will be alive with My daughters Barbara and Bibiana, carrying the great graces of the Lord.
I bless you all again that you may be happy and I leave you peace."
(Saint Barbara): "I, Barbara, bless you all again and especially you My most beloved Marcos.
Compose the Rosary that I have asked you in My honor, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary will grant great graces to those who pray this Rosary asking for My merits to their Hearts.
To you My most ardent devotee, who for so many, many years have loved Me, spread devotion to Me, and open the hearts of all to love Me, imitate Me, and follow Me on the path of holiness, I now bless you abundantly."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to the Radio "Mensageira da Paz"
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