Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, December 19, 2022
Apparition and Message of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Our Lady on December 8, 2022 - Feast of the Immaculate Conception
The Father Loved Man So Much That He Saved Man by Sacrificing His Own Son for Man

(Marcos): "Yes, I will.
Yes, I will make my Queen.
Yes, I will do Mother in Heaven! I will do..."
(Sacred Heart): "My chosen souls, today I come with My Blessed Mother to say to all of you:
I am Love and everyone who wants to find Me must find Me through love.
Yes, I am Love, and only the souls that love can find Me, know Me, and only in the souls that love can I live, I can reign.
Therefore, in the soul that loves I am present, I live in her and she lives in Me. And this soul bears much fruit, because love does not take pleasure in itself, but only takes pleasure in giving itself more and more and communicating itself to others.
Yes, it is proper to be a lover not only to love, but also to communicate love. Without the communication of love, without gestures of love, of affection, it is impossible to transmit love, it is impossible to communicate and radiate love, it is impossible to make the other feel loved.
And that is why, only in the souls that love, that know how to love, I make myself present, I live, I reign.
Only in the souls that give themselves, that communicate love, only in these souls can I live and reign. Therefore, look for Me in love and you will find Me. Yes, you will find Me!
Open your hearts to love, and then you will find Me, and I will reveal to each of you My loving face of redeemer, brother, friend, and savior. And in My face you will know the loving face of the Father, of the Father who sought to save His children in every way He could save, sending His only son into the world to die for them.
Yes, such is the love of the Father. None of you would have the courage to sacrifice your own son for the sake of others, friends, much worse enemies. My Father sacrificed the life, of His most precious possession, His own son to save man who was in sin, in His enmity because he disobeyed Him and fell into mortal sin.
The Father loved man so much that He saved man by sacrificing His own son for man.
Yes, in the face of this love none of you, no one can excuse or justify yourselves any longer for despising My Father's love and My love by preferring the love of creatures and worldly things.
If you persist in this ingratitude, your sin will be so great that it will be unforgivable in this life and in the next. If this decision of yours becomes perpetual, it will be a sin against the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, My children, I ask all of you to open your hearts to the love of the Father and to My love, and to give your yes to our love.
I have been here with My Blessed Mother for so many, many years, but you still have not understood Me, you have not understood My Mother, you have not understood our love, you have not understood our words.
Because you do not know how to love, you do not know how to understand the value, the greatness of our presence here, of our words, which are wonderful for those who know how to love, who live in love and who know Me in love, through love.
Because you do not know how to love, because you do not try to open your heart to this love and create this love in it, you do not understand what My Mother says, you do not understand the greatness of her presence, you do not understand the greatness, the greatness of the grace of My Mother's presence here for more than 30 years.
They also do not understand the gift of our hearts for all of humanity, for you, which is this place where We are day and night, which are the miraculous fountains that We have given to you here.
They do not understand the gift of love which are our medals and scapulars, which are also the Hours of Prayer and the Rosaries of Power revealed here in this place.
They also don't understand what our little son Marcos feels, what he speaks, what he suffers, what he suffers, and what he does for you. You don't know what to do, you don't know what to do with this gift, you don't know how to treat this gift, you don't know how to value this gift because you don't know how to love.
Only when you know how to love, then your eyes will open and you will see the greatness of the gift that Our hearts have given to all of you, here to all of humanity, out of love.
So, little children, open your hearts to love, only then will you also understand the greatness of My Blessed Mother, whom our beloved Marcos has just glorified so much, exalted so much, and made shine so brightly before your eyes.
Those who truly love these words can only be moved to tears, to the point of dying of love, to the point of becoming a living and unceasing flame of love for My Mother, and also for Me who made Her so beautiful, so perfect, so pure and so holy. Not only for Me, to accomplish the plan of salvation, but also for you, to be: the Mother, the co-redeemer, the advocate, the mediator of all graces, the friend, the protector, the star, the light, the moon, the luminous sun that will illuminate the steps of all of you in these times of such dense darkness that covers the whole earth, all of humanity.
Love is gone, love is dead! Mothers kill their children while not even snakes have the courage to do this, as our beloved Marcos says so well.
Fathers kill their own children and do things that even wild beasts don't have the courage to do.
Love is gone, peace is gone because they have taken Me out of their lives. When suffering comes upon you, when trouble comes upon you, when misfortune comes upon you and upon society, you ask: "Where is God?" Where am I? I am where you put Me. I am where you sent Me, out of your lives, out of your families.
You have taken prayer, the Rosary, devotion to My Sacred Heart, My Mother out of the families. They expelled Us from their families and then when problems strike they ask where I am.
I respect the freedom of each person and if they send Me away with My Mother, I respect them and I leave that house, that family.
If you want Me to remain in your homes spreading My peace, together with My Mother, ask Me to come back. Come back with the Rosary, come back with the devotion to My Sacred Heart, with the praises, with the unburdens and hours of reparation, holy hours to Me!
Put Me again at the center of your lives, together with My Mother, and then I will be present in your lives when the cross comes and I will give you the strength to go forward and always overcome.
My Sacred Heart now asks for more love, come back with the Holy Hours of prayer that My Mother has requested here. Come back with the Holy Hour on Thursdays, which I asked My daughter Margaret Mary for. Pray the meditated Rosary of Mercy that our beloved Marcos made for you.
Pray the Rosary of Mercy number 38 for four days in a row. And also, pray the taped meditated Rosary that our beloved Marcos made for you, Rosary #66 for six days in a row and live the messages taped there for your meditation.
Also, give 5 films of the Apparition of My Blessed Mother in Rue du Bac to St. Catherine Labouré, Voices from Heaven 6 to eight of our children who do not know these messages from My Mother.
So that then, understanding not only the value and power of My Mother's Miraculous Medal, as well as My Mother's supplications, asking for more prayer, penance and conversion. May our children truly return to our hearts and enter the path of holiness that leads to Heaven.
All of you I bless now with love from Paray-Le-Monial, from Dozulê and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "I am the Immaculate Conception! I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I am the Lady of the Rosary, I am the Queen of the Universe and the Co-Redemptrix of humanity!
The Lady of all Nations, who in the beginning was Mary of Nazareth, is now the Queen of Heaven and Earth, the Immaculate, the one who crushes the head of the infernal serpent.
I come from Heaven again to tell all of you My children: If Immaculate is the Mother, immaculate are the children.
Immaculate are the children, living a life of prayer, of total consecration to God, renouncing sinful things, vices, and worldly things. So that then, little children, there is nothing, nothing worldly in you, so that you can see God, that is, feel the love of God, know the mysteries of God, understand the glory of God, the greatness of God, the mercy of God, the goodness of God, and His love that no one rejects, no one leaves abandoned.
Immaculate children, living a life of total contemplation of God's love. This is why I ask you: Meditate on the lives of the saints, meditate on the word of the Lord, meditate on My word, meditate on the writings of the saints, as My little son Marcos does.
Then you will become wise, not of worldly wisdom, but of divine wisdom, and then you will feel and recognize all the beauty, all the goodness, all the greatness of God. And in comparing the world with God you will then make the right choice by preferring God, and choosing God who is the end and purpose of every man's creation.
Immaculate children, seek to live a holy life, so renounce all your vices and sin and strive every day to overcome your defects and never live in peace with them. For those who do this have fallen into lukewarmness and will die to eternal life
Strive with all your strength to become a better person, and then, you will be My true children and immaculate like Me.
Immaculate children, try in every way to live with Me and through Me, in My spirit as I told My son Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, that is, imitating My virtues, imitating My love for God, My obedience, My fidelity, My humility, My love that is also burning for the salvation of souls.
Then, you will have the same feelings of My Immaculate Heart in your hearts, and these sinful hearts that until today have been so hungry and thirsty for the goods of this world. This heart will disappear and in its place will arise a new heart, a new creature: who will desire only God, who will seek only to love God, who will seek only to love God, who will do everything only for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.
Then, this heart and soul will be a pure reflection of My own soul, and then, the children will be immaculate, as immaculate is the Mother.
Immaculate are the children, seeking every day to become mystical roses: of prayer, sacrifice and penance. In unceasing flames of love for Me, who at all times through everything and with everything seek only the glory of God, the triumph of My Heart, the salvation of souls, and the establishment of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of My son on earth.
In this way, then, through you My flame of love will act powerfully and bring salvation to the world, bring the world to God, to Heaven, and this world will be transformed into the Holy Trinity's garden of grace, beauty and holiness.
Immaculate children, try to repeat every day as I said: Yes, yes to the Father! Because this yes, similar to My yes that opened Heaven for a countless multitude of souls. Your yes will also open the door to Heaven for so many of My children, who wander in the world lost, without light, without peace, without love, without any hope.
Pray My Rosary every day, because through it, more and more of My children will become immaculate as the Mother is immaculate.
At Lourdes, to My little daughter Bernadette I revealed My name saying: I am the Immaculate Conception! I am so pure that I am purity itself.
Here also, I confirmed this dogma that previously in Lourdes I had already come from Heaven to certify and to confirm. And just as in Lourdes, here I also made My little son Marcos place his hand in the flame of the candle*, like St. Bernadette.
And the flame did not burn My little son Marcos' hand, to confirm to all My children, that here the Immaculate Conception is present, alive and loving waiting and calling all the children to the safe refuge of My Immaculate Heart.
Yes, My children, this miracle* confirms for you that which I myself possessed as a preternatural gift: immunity to pain, immunity to suffering.
Yes, My son Marcos, who at that moment felt no pain with the flame of the candle touching his hand, demonstrates to you that which will be given back to man after My son Jesus returns.
It will be given back to man all the preternatural gifts, and the supernatural ones too, that were asked for at the time of original sin.
So My children, strive to win Heaven, strive to be holy and save your souls, because at the end of the world, your bodies will be resurrected, united to your souls, become bright with the Sun, and be immune to pain, to suffering, to death. Then, no more tears will ever come down from your eyes.
Yes, My son Marcos, this miracle this miracle of the flame of the candle* that did not burn your hand I gave it to you to confirm to My children once and for all the truth of My Apparitions here, but also to show to all My children, that already at that tender age you possessed so many merits that you obtained from My son a resounding sign in Heaven and in your body, which was denied by My son to the men of his time.
Yes, here was given the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven, the Cross, which indicates that His return is near. And the sign of the Immaculate Conception was given, of the woman clothed with the Sun in Her body, which, when touched by the flame of the candle, suffered no harm, being as it were incorruptible at that moment.
Yes, all this, to indicate to you My children, that the time has come and now I the Woman clothed with the Sun must fight the last battle against the infernal dragon, defeat him, imprison him in hell and bring you the thousand years of peace from My Heart with the coming of the glorious Kingdom of My son on Earth.
So hope, pray, persevere! I am with you, when all seems lost I will be there beside My children and I will lead them to victory.
I bless you My little son Marcos, who has offered today throughout the day the merits of the films you have made of My Apparitions all over the world, especially Lourdes and Banneux.
I convert the merits of these holy works that you did for Me into graces. You offered them to your father, to My son Jonny in a special way, to three other people, and to My sons who are here.
On My son Carlos Tadeu I now pour 13,548,000 (Thirteen million, five hundred and forty-eight thousand) graces. On My son Jonny I pour 3,780,000 (three million, seven hundred and eighty thousand) blessings.
And over all My children who are here I now pour 38,624 (Thirty-eight thousand, six hundred and twenty-four blessings. For the three people that you asked Me too, I now give 200 special graces that you will receive again on the Anniversary of My Apparitions here.
In this way, I transform the gold coins of your merits into graces for My children, and thus satisfy the unquenchable hunger of charity to benefit everyone from your heart.
I thank you My little son Carlos Tadeu for coming here once again.
Continue to make the prayer cenacles, speak even more about My Immaculate Conception to My children, speak of this privilege because My children unfortunately do not love Me as much yet because they do not understand the greatness of the works that the Lord has done in Me.
You only love those who know yourself, so it is your mission to help them understand not only what I say in My messages, but also understand My person, understand the feelings of My heart, what I want and what the Lord has accomplished in Me.
You should also now pray with them for two months in a row the meditated Rosary of Peace, the last one that My son Marcos did. And also, the Rosary of My Flame of Love #1 so that My children will understand My feelings and My desires and give the yes that I expect from all of them.
Also, you should meditate with them even more deeply on My messages, the messages that I gave to My children in San Damiano. For this, use the recordings of the son that I gave you that will be very useful, especially, also, in the meditated Rosaries where My messages are recorded.
And love the son that I have given you more and more, because just as iron heated in fire melts and takes a new form and melts, there becoming a new thing. So too, by uniting more and more with My flame of unceasing love, with My ray of light that is My son Marcos, you will merge with him. And the two of you will become a new thing, a new being, a new unceasing flame of love, which together will lead all My children to be ablaze with love for the Lord, for My Heart. Then, it will be the triumph of My Immaculate Heart!
You have removed 52,000 thorns that were stuck in My heart with your visit here.
I now pour My blessing on you, Mama loves you very much and is happy and proud of you!
I also bless you, My beloved son Jonny, your voice touches the most intimate fiber of My heart, it moves Me, and makes Me exult with joy. I will still accomplish great things in you and through you in many souls.
Have confidence, wait, that little by little I will do everything, I will move everything and accomplish everything, and little by little I will show you what I want, what I desire from you.
And then new creatures, new renewed souls will arise in the place of sinful hearts. And then, a new generation will rise to give glory to the eternal, to the almighty through his voice that I have blessed, chosen, and elected from My mother's womb.
I bless you all now with love: from Lourdes, from Pontmain, and from Jacareí."
Note: Seer Marcos Tadeu prays the Our Father and Gloria with Our Lady.
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives there I will be alive carrying the graces of the Lord.
All of you I bless again that you may be happy and I leave My peace."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to the Radio "Mensageira da Paz"
See also...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
The Apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes