Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Apparition and Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on July 2, 2023
Every Gesture of Love for God, Love for Me and for the Salvation of Souls That You Make Will Hasten the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart

JACAREÍ, JULY 02, 2023
(Marcos): "Yes, I will do everything for You, my Queen.
Yes, this week is already scheduled to do both.
Yes... Yes... Yes, I understand that part perfectly. What should I do with part 19 of the plan?
That I didn't quite understand.
Now yes, I understand it.
Yes, I have gathered everything and now I can do it."
(Blessed Mary): "My children, today I invite you again to holiness.
Every gesture of love for God, love for Me and the salvation of souls that you do will hasten the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
Just as the acts of love and almsgiving of My holy Fathers hastened the coming of the Savior into the world. So also, every Rosary, every act of love, every sacrifice made for the salvation of souls will hasten the coming, the second coming of the Savior, of My son Jesus into the world, will hasten My triumph.
Yes, My son Marcos, every picture you paint, every image you make hastens the hour of My Triumph, hastens the return of My son. Every meditated Rosary you make hastens the return of My son and My Triumph and crushes Satan.
You cannot imagine how much joy you give Me with each meditated Rosary made, with each picture you paint with so much love, so that My children can pray the Rosary before Me.
These acts of love, these works of love of yours close the wounds of My heart, of My son's heart and hasten in an hour My triumph and also My son's return each time you do these works of love.
Continue My son, continue doing these works of love to hasten the hour of My triumph and the hour of My son Jesus' triumph.
This week you saved 95,202 (Ninety-five thousand, two hundred and two) souls by offering the sacrifice of your headache to save the souls who need so much.
Yes, sacrifice is love that goes up to Heaven and this love returns to Earth in the form of super abundant graces that touch the hard hearts around the world saving these children, leading them to conversion.
Continue, My soul hunter, continue to save these souls by offering with love and generosity, as you have always done, this sacrifice for the salvation of so many souls in need.
Go ahead, you know My plans, I have already revealed them to you, you must now fulfill all the parts that have been revealed to you, for My triumph to finally happen.
Yes, you cannot imagine My son, how many merits an act of love, a work of love done by Me with true good will of the soul. Each picture of Me that you paint gives you 100 gold coins, 100 degrees of merits, with which you increase the degree of glory you will have in Heaven.
And with these merits you can also help the souls you don't have, offering for them, so that they too can attain the graces from God that they need to reach Heaven and also have great degrees of glory and accidental joy in Heaven.
So keep up the works of love, keep praying My meditated Rosary every day. Yes, the Rosary will take you to Heaven, the Rosary will give you a great degree of glory in Heaven.
May My children pray My Rosary every day, because it is the sure means of salvation. May they continue to wear My son's Scapular of the Passion so that they may have forgiveness of sins every Friday.
May you continue to spread My Messages, for they are the last hope of humanity. Now it is necessary that they truly return to love, because only love will lead them to sanctification and sanctification to salvation.
Yes, it is love, it is love for Me, it is love for My Son that gives value to the works that you do. And it is precisely in this time, when people no longer know what true love is and do not have My flame of love, that we see so many Judas traitors, so many infidels.
Yes, they will be judged for the lack of this true love, because prayers without true love are useless. It is necessary, therefore, to create in the heart the true love for Me, the true love for My Son, for the truth that we bring in our Messages, in our Apparitions, and to be willing to sacrifice and give up everything for this.
I have traveled all over the world showing My children My great love, but this love has been abandoned, despised and betrayed by many, and this will be the reason for the great punishment.
Convert yourselves without delay!
I bless you all, and especially you My little son Marcos. Keep going, keep doing everything I have told you to do, be brave like My daughter Joan of Arc to fight the good fight, to defeat the enemy and free not only a nation, but the whole world from the yoke of My enemy, the evil one.
Yes, you have this mission to free the whole world, go forward with courage, I am always with you.
Keep spreading to all My children the miracle of the candle flame* that did not burn your hand. Because this miracle is for these times, to convert the atheists, the unbelievers, to give faith to the ignorant who know nothing, and to keep the weak and vacillating souls faithful to My Heart, to give courage to the just and joy to those who truly love Me.
I am united to you and dwell in your heart as in My garden of rest.
I bless you and all My children: of Pontmain, of Lourdes and of Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives, there I will be alive carrying with Me the great graces of the Lord and of My love.
I bless everyone again so that they may be happy, especially you My dear son Mark, who has always propagated, defended the truth of My Apparitions everywhere.
May My children pray the Seventh No. 3 and give it to a person who does not have it. May they also pray the Rosary of Mercy No. 109 for two days in a row. Let them meditate on the messages therein and draw from them conclusions and lights for their souls.
Yes, you are My intrepid and faithful knight, who never exchanged Me, nor exchanged the truth for anything, for any thing, for this reason, I prefer you and love you to all the others.
I to all now leave My peace."
(Marcos): "I want to thank the Lady because My father's heart examination did not give anything. I know it is the grace I asked the Lady for and I know I have already received it.
I will fulfill the promise I made and I will give a film of the Apparition at Fatima #2 and the one of the Lacrimations #2 also every Sunday to a person who doesn't have one.
A thousand thanks to Our Lady, Heavenly Mother, are not enough for this great grace.
And I ask the Lady that the Lady continue to divert from My father all health problems, all evils, and send them to Me. Even if the new problem that appeared in Me is something that should happen for him may the Lady continue, keep it in Me and not in him.
I always ask more for his healing and never for Mine."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to the Radio "Mensageira da Paz"
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary