Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, August 17, 2023
Apparition and Message of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on August 13, 2023
Revelation of Jesus of the 'Work of the Most Loving Souls'

Jesus' revelation of the 'Work of the Most Loving Souls'
(Our Lord): "My chosen souls, today I come again from Heaven, together with My Blessed Mother, to say to all of you:
Great, immense is My love in sending My Mother here 32 years ago, so that even today through her Apparitions you could know My love and the love of the Father.
Immense is the love of the Father, who, seeing the peace of the world threatened in 1991, seeing the approach of a war that would definitively put an end to the entire human race, sent My Mother here as the Messenger of Peace, to be able to give peace to the world, to call people back to the path of peace, which is only possible through conversion, through prayer, through love for the Father.
Immense is the love of the Father who, even seeing the accumulation of your sins at the time, which called for a great punishment from Heaven, the Father in His heart deliberated, love spoke louder. And instead of punishment, He sent My Mother here as the Messenger of Peace to give you the solution to the problem of war and to save and guarantee the peace of the world.
Yes, these infallible means to protect and preserve peace, to end all wars and guarantee peace are: Prayer, Conversion, Sacrifice and Penance.
Immense is the love of the Father, who, even seeing the sins of the world that cried out to Heaven for vengeance in 1991, did not judge harshly, but only thought of all of you with mercy and love.
He had compassion and instead of sending the punishment of war, He sent My Mother to put an end to it with Her appearances here, with Her graces and messages. And with the yes of the child we chose, who, full of goodness, love and generosity, died for himself. And he gave his whole life to the Father as a pleasing sacrifice: of love, of praise, of reparation, of atonement for the sins of the world, of obedience, of humility, of total submission to the Father.
A sacrifice, an offering that pleased the Father, moved the Father's heart, was placed by the Father on the scales of justice. And the weight of this offering of this child, of this yes, was greater than the weight of the sins of the world, so the Father had mercy, and all of this, out of love for you.
That is why, beloved children, the Father's love for you is immense. He thought of and planned this whole work of salvation to save you and this ungrateful generation, which at that time in 1992 deserved a formidable Chastisement for the accumulation of so many sins that cried out to Heaven for vengeance.
And when I talk about sins, I don't just mean addictions, impurity, alcoholism or murder. I'm talking about the lack of prayer, the lack of penance, the lack of love for God in families.
I speak of My Mother's Rosary not being said every night in Christian homes.
I'm talking about the immoral fashions and customs that have been prevalent since that time, the vicious customs that have been prevalent since that time, the atheism and communism that were already widely preached and taught inside and outside the Church.
I'm talking about all the apostasy, all the anarchy and spiritual calamity that already reigned at the time, plus violence, evil and wars.
All these sins cried out to Heaven for vengeance, especially the sins of contempt and disobedience to all My Mother's apparitions from Paris, La Salette, Lourdes and Fatima until 1990.
All these sins cried out to Heaven for vengeance and the formidable punishment was already decreed for 1992. But the yes of the child we chose weighed more heavily on the scales of Justice and the Father then forgave you, forgave the world.
Love covers a multitude of sins!
Love moves the heavens and the Father's mercy to once again manifest itself and forgive the world. That's why I call all of you to true love.
Only when you have this love, this Flame of Love, will your works become truly pleasing to the Father as an offering, a sacrifice of pleasing odor. Which will then touch the Father's heart, move the Father's heart and the Father will then have mercy on the world.
I have come here with My Mother to form the court of this type of soul, similar to the child we have chosen. So that, by forming the court of the most loving souls here, My Mother and I can truly raise a great wave of supernatural love to Heaven every day, which will counterbalance the sins of the world, touch the Father's heart and obtain His mercy from the Father.
That is why, My son Marcos, I want the 'Work of the Most Loving Souls' here. You must teach them to love like this, to have this Flame of Love, to live from love, to live for love and in love, so that a great wave of love can rise from Earth to Heaven every day.
You will have to teach souls how to be a very loving soul: living with love, working with love, praying with love, doing everything with love, praying the Rosaries with love and with your heart. And you yourself must make one, so that souls can acquire this love through prayer.
The 'Work of the Most Loving Souls' will be a work entirely of Mine and My Mother's and we will finally teach the true love that the Father expects. And finally, these souls will be born of love, they will live in love and they will know God who is love. Because whoever does not love does not know God.
Thus, these souls will be made of pure love and their love will counterbalance the sins of the world and bring peace and mercy to all nations.
I desire love, I only want love. I don't want you to fear Me, but to love Me. I want you to come to Me with the hearts of little children, because it is only to souls like this that I reveal My secrets, My mysteries.
I reveal My secrets and mysteries of love to My little son Marcos, because he is made of love, pure love. And everything he does is driven by love, is perfumed by love, is soaked in love.
That is why he has loved so much, he has My peace, he has My love, he has the key to My Sacred Heart and he knows My mysteries of love. And every soul who follows this path of perfect love will also know the mysteries of love of My Sacred Heart.
I desire this burning and pure love of souls and here in this place I truly want this love to be the greatest Law, this love to be the greatest vocation, to be the rule of life for all My souls, for all My children.
So love, love! The more you love, the more I will love you.
Live in love and you will live in Me and I will live in you and together we will live in the Father through the Spirit forever in love.
I bless you all now: from Dozulé, from Paray-le-Monial and from Jacareí.
Keep praying My Mother's Rosary every day.
Pray the Rosary of Mercy 91 twice.
Wear the medal of My Merciful Heart, also wear My Scapular of the Passion, every Friday I will give forgiveness of all sins and an increase of grace to all those who wear it with love.
Peace, My beloved children."
(Most Holy Mary): "I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I am the Queen of Love!
I came from Heaven and in 1991 I appeared in the Heaven of this generation as a great sign from God, to destroy the darkness of Satan and evil and to make the light of grace shine, showing My most beloved children the right path to follow.
I am the Woman clothed with the Sun and seeing the dragon's attack on My children, on humanity in 1991 with the War, I have come to defend them, to help them, to love them, to save them.
That's why I appeared here, but I needed more than prayers, I needed a total yes, I needed a soul who would give Me everything, a soul to whom I would ask for everything and she would give Me everything. And she would sacrifice her life for others, she would sacrifice her life so that the lives of others would not be sacrificed for the War.
I found the soul in the chosen child whom I had chosen, and he was taken by Me into the presence of the Father and placed on the scales of Justice, weighed against the sins of the whole world.
And then, the Father gave up sending the formidable Chastisement that the sins of the world demanded and cried out for vengeance and decided to send a flood of grace and mercy over all these years.
Yes, instead of the flood of blood that the War would have caused, God had mercy and sent a flood of blessings, and all this for the yes of the child I chose.
And since then, this sacrifice, perseveringly and continually renewed every day, given and redeemed every day, continues to tip the scales of justice against the sins of the world. And many other punishments are removed and canceled, and a rain of blessings and peace has descended on the world every day.
So, My children, imitate love, imitate this love of the soul I have chosen, of My chosen one. If you give Me this love, if you live by love, if you are very loving souls, then your life will also become valuable and will have great precious value in the eyes of the Father, it will also counterbalance Justice and achieve mercy.
I want you to be very loving souls, capable of loving without limits, like the child I chose, and of dedicating your lives to saving souls, as the child I chose did and has done so far throughout her life.
This love moves the Father's heart, it moves the bowels of the Father's mercy. Then the Father is touched, forgives the world and pours out a flood of grace, instead of allowing the flood of blood so that man's sin is washed away in man's own blood.
The Father is Love and only employs chastisement when the wickedness of human beings goes beyond the limit of what is bearable. He cannot allow the righteous and innocent to suffer forever and He cannot allow the wicked to make the good suffer for a long time with impunity. That's why, from time to time, the Father sends punishments to put an end to so much evil.
But the courts of the most loving souls, with their lives of love, with their sacrifices of love, with their yes and their lives dedicated and given to the Father, so often counterbalance the sins of the world and achieve mercy even for those who only deserved justice.
That's why, little children, you are very loving souls, who with your yes and your life help Me not only to protect and save the peace of the world, but to save so many souls who only deserve Hell for their souls. But with your love, a multitude of sins will be annulled and erased, and mercy and salvation, the grace of the Lord, will be achieved for these souls.
Keep praying My Rosary every day, I repeat: With the yes that My little son Marcos gave Me in 1991, the Chastisement of the Third War was removed in 1992.
And just as God sent the Angel Gabriel to ask for My consent to His plan of love, so that all of humanity would be obliged to thank and love Me for their salvation and redemption.
In the same way, I asked My little son Marcos for his consent to My plan of love, so that this whole generation would be obliged to thank him and love him, because he has removed a great scourge and achieved mercy for this whole generation and also for future ones.
So, little children, be grateful and have My Flame of Love, because only with it will you be able to understand the greatness of this mystery of love. And you will know how to bear the fruits of gratitude and love to My Heart, to the Heart of My son Jesus, to the Father. And you will truly feel the need to dedicate your lives to our Hearts for the salvation of all humanity by being the most loving souls of Our Hearts.
Keep praying the Rosary of Tears every day.
Pray the Rosary meditated 361 three times. Also, pray the Hour of Saints 13 twice this month."
(Most Holy Mary): "My little son Carlos Tadeu, you have removed the most painful thorns from My Heart during these days that you have been here.
Your yes given on this very altar, on that night when My son Marcos asked you to be his spiritual father, as was My wish too, is precious in the eyes of the Father. And this yes, which I have also said so many times to the Father, has won forgiveness and mercy for so many souls who are in the darkness of evil.
Continue, little son, to be a soul of love. Be a most loving soul of My Heart, because this love, united with the love of the son I gave you, will form a great mystical power with Me that will blind and paralyze Satan, freeing many souls who are in his power. And so, for these souls, the day of grace and salvation will dawn.
You must unite yourself ever more closely to the son I have given you in order to assimilate this Flame of Love and become a most loving soul, like him, so that through the two of you I and My son Jesus can show all the power, all the brilliance of our Flame of Love.
Through you I will also bring many lost sheep from My flock back into the fold and through you Satan will be publicly humiliated before the peoples and nations. And then the name of the Lord will be glorified and praised.
Continue, My son, doing the Cenacles I have asked of you.
Now you must also teach souls to be very loving souls, explaining to them about My Flame of Love. So that souls will feel the need to have this Flame of Love, so that with this love they can be very loving souls who will raise a wave of love to Heaven with Me every day.
You must also now read to My children all the messages I gave them last year, so that they understand the path they must follow.
As for you, My little son, re-read all the messages I have given you over the years, especially the messages I gave you from July last year until the beginning of this year. So that, by feeding on My word, My Flame of Love may grow in you more and more.
When you were ill, My love for you grew more and more with each day of suffering. And the more you suffered, the more I loved you. It will always be like this: the more you suffer, the more I will love you.
Your suffering was shortened by the promise made by My little son Marcos and also by the love agreement made between him and Me. So, son, rejoice your heart because you have a son who loves you more than his own life and who has always been willing to stretch himself on the cross in your place.
Now, go and bring all My children My love, teach them to be the most loving souls of My Heart. To do this: pray, meditate on My messages, ask for My Flame of Love so that you can radiate it and ask it of all My children.
You should also read the meditations of My son Francis de Sales, so that you too can understand divine love in pure transformation and give it to My children.
Also read the meditations of My son John of the Cross, because it is by the same path that I want to lead you to supreme love.
I bless you abundantly now and all My children: of Lourdes, Pontmain and Jacareí."
(Most Holy Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives, I will be alive there, carrying with Me the great graces of the Lord.
I am also now touching all these pictures and this image of My sorrows with My veil, and wherever they go, there I will be pouring out the abundant graces of the love of My Immaculate Heart.
I bless you all again to be happy and I leave you My peace.
Stay in the Lord's peace."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to the Radio "Mensageira da Paz"
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Apparition of Our Lord at Paray-le-Monial