Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, October 16, 2023
Apparition and Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on October 12, 2023 - 306th Anniversary of the Apparition of Our Lady of Aparecida
So Pray for Peace and Pray for the Grace to Be Able to Pray, so That the World Can Have Peace and Thus Be Saved

With Our Lady appeared Saint Joaquim of Mount Carmel and the Slave Zacarias
(Marcos): "Yes my Queen, yes I will.
I'll make as many films of your Apparitions as you want, all of them!"
(Most Holy Mary): "I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace, I am the Immaculate Conception, I am the Virgin Aparecida on the River Paraíba, I am the Woman dressed as the Sun crowned with stars with the Moon under her feet.
I am the great sign that appeared in the sky of Brazil and the world 300 years ago and that reappeared again in the sky of the world in 1991 here in Jacareí, to illuminate the path of My children and show them the road they must follow.
I am the luminous sign that appears in the Heaven of humanity in these times of dense darkness, to show everyone the true path that leads to Heaven: which is that of prayer, sacrifice, holiness, penance and love for God.
I am the great sign that appears in Heaven of this humanity, completely rebellious against the Lord, which has built a world without God and now doesn't know what to do with the deadly fruits it has produced through its disobedience and rebellion to God: the fruits of war, violence and death.
This poor humanity can only be saved if it converts, if it returns to God, and until it converts, it will never have peace.
For this reason, I ask all My children who love Me, My most loving souls: to pray the Rosary without ceasing for the conversion of all those who have helped to create this world without God, so that they may convert and finally the world can be blessed with peace.
Only when there are many, many loving souls in the world, billions of souls burning with love for God and for Me, will the world have peace. So, My children, pray, pray without rest for the conversion of sinners, because only with their conversion and their transformation can the world have peace.
I am the great sign that appears in Heaven of this poor, stricken humanity, victimized by its own rebellion and disobedience to God, which is now entering a terminal phase and is speeding towards eternal death.
Only I can heal this poor humanity, and the remedy I give is My little son Marcos with My messages. If humanity accepts this remedy, it will be saved; if it rejects it, it will be lost and will die to eternal life.
Today, I look at this country that has fallen into the deepest abyss of sin, rebellion against God and darkness. Only a miracle from My merciful and loving Heart, My Maternal Heart, can save it.
The remedy I give to this country is My son Marcos with My messages. If humanity, if this country takes this medicine, if at least 30 million families pray the complete Rosary every day, this country will be saved, otherwise it is doomed.
So: pray, pray, pray, so that people pray, pray, pray!
Only with a great force of prayer can this country be saved from the very strong, terrible evil forces that exist here. And they dominate the air of this nation, seducing souls onto the path of evil and death, rebellion against God and damnation.
So, children: pray, pray without rest! Pray, because only prayer can change the destiny of humanity and of this country. Only through prayer can graces be attained. So pray for peace and pray for the grace to be able to pray, so that the world can have peace and thus be saved.
My little son Marcos, knight of My Rosary, knight of My Apparitions of La Salette, of Lourdes, of Fatima, defender of all My Apparitions and Messages... You defender of My Tears, defender of My Immaculate Heart, of My honor and My glory.
To you, My son, I give many, many special graces today. I know that you are burdened with a very heavy cross, but I know that you will not lose heart or fail because I know and understand very well the warrior I have chosen.
I know that you will go to the end for Me and all these sufferings you are carrying will be rewarded by Me and My Son with a great reward in heaven.
Be encouraged by the thought that all these sufferings, far from weakening you, increase the Flame of Love in your soul even more, increase your moral strength even more and also greatly increase the degree of glory you will have in Heaven. So, with this thought, cheer up for the fight.
Today, I strengthen your hands and feet for the fight and your fingers for the battle. Go on, My son, keep taking My messages to all My children.
Fight, fight to make My messages known through all modern means of communication, so that salvation can reach all My children.
Now, you must do more every night, you must make My Messages, My Apparitions on My TV available to My children, do you understand?
In this way, My grace will reach My children faster and faster and more and more of My children will be enveloped and touched by My light.
I am with you and I will never leave you, I repeat again: Thanks to your yes given to Me in 1991, the world was saved from a great War that would exterminate everything, the whole world in 1992.
Thanks to your yes the Three Days of Darkness did not come in 1994 and thanks to you the great punishment of Astro Eros has been delayed. Thanks to your yes, My children have also been freed from the persecution of the antichrist who was to appear three years before the passage into the new century, the new millennium.
Thanks to you, so many goods have been given to humanity. And just as the Father asked for My consent so that all of humanity would be obliged to thank Me and love Me for giving the yes that brought the Savior to everyone. In the same way, I asked for your yes, so that this whole generation would have to recognize that it is thanks to My intervention here and your yes that humanity has so far had: grace, mercy and time to convert.
If everyone has life, if everyone still has the possibility of existing, living, working, eating and sleeping, they owe it to My manifestation here and to your yes.
And I repeat once again what My daughter Mother Inez said about you: Never, never has there been so much love for God, so much love for Me, so much love for My meditated Rosary, for My Apparitions and for the Holy Spirit as your love, My little son Marcos. So always continue to be love, always Marcos!
Your love song will echo through the centuries until the end of the world and all generations will know Me, love Me and praise Me by singing your love song to Me.
Yes, many souls hearing your song, seeing your love for Me and for God will follow you. Remember, therefore, that you open the way, others will follow you and for centuries to come this song of love will continue. Your song will continue to be sung - by the holy souls of good will, by the most loving souls.
Thanks to you, punishments have been delayed and many more will be canceled, thanks to your yes and your works of love.
Today, the Almighty canceled two chastisements that were to come, one for Brazil and the other for Italy, thanks to the merits of the meditated Rosary No. 363 that you recorded. And another punishment that was due to come to Mexico was also canceled thanks to the merits of your work of love, the Rosary of Mercy no. 129.
Keep going, My son, keep saving souls and the world with your works of love. You don't need to pray all day, because your works of love are prayer and love that goes up to Heaven and consoles My Heart.
Once you have finished the tasks and work that I have entrusted to you, pray the Rosary, pray the prayers that I have asked of you.
To you who have saved 62,000 souls this week with the sacrifice of your headache, I now bless you with love.
I also bless you, My son Carlos Tadeu, thank you for having come and removed the thorns from My Heart that mankind sticks in all the time.
Keep doing the cenacles that I have asked you to do. Through them, I will pour My great light into the souls and spirits of My children to show them the path that leads to Heaven: that of prayer, conversion, holiness and love.
Also continue with the readings and prayers that I have asked of you. Meditate on the messages I gave you in June this year all over again. And pray the Rosary of Peace meditation no. 7 three times with My children in the cenacle so that they may see My glory and entrust themselves confidently into My maternal hands.
I cover you with My mantle and bless you now.
And I also bless especially My postulant and consecrated children, who have helped My little son Marcos to make My images with love.
As I have said many times: Every image you make takes many thorns from My Immaculate Heart. With each image you make, a mystical rose of gold rises to Heaven and with its pleasant smell, it appeases the Justice of the Lord's Wrath.
With every image you make with love, I let a ray of grace from My Heart fall upon you.
To all of you, to all My children, I bless you now: from Aparecida, from Lourdes and from Jacareí."
The seer Marcos Tadeu prayed the Our Father and the Glory be with Our Lady.
As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives, I will be there alive with My son Joachim of Mount Carmel and also with My son Simon Stock, bringing the Lord's great graces to everyone.
I bless you all again to be happy, I shower 71 blessings on you all now.
I leave you My peace, stay in the peace of the Lord."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei