Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Apparition and Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on October 13, 2024 - Anniversary of the Last Apparition of Fatima
Prayer, Sacrifice and Penance Are the Only Things That Can Save Humanity and Their Families

(Most Holy Mary): “My dear children, I am the Lady of the Rosary! Today you are contemplating the anniversary of My last Apparition in Fatima, in the Cova da Iria, confirmed by the Miracle of the Sun.
Yes, that marvelous miracle, that resounding, thundering sign confirms for everyone that I am the Woman clothed in the Sun and that in the Heaven of humanity the great sign of the Woman clothed in the Sun who fights against the dragon has appeared.
This war now continues and is going into its final phase, as I said, Satan is now going to attempt his last three attacks on humanity.
Pray, pray, pray!
I have a mission to fight him, but I need the strength of your prayers to fight him, not because I am weak, but because the Father has conditioned Satan's defeat on the merit of the efforts of good souls, of the court of the most famous and sacrificed souls, who want to fight with Me for the salvation of humanity.
If the Lord sees the merits of your efforts, at least in prayer, then He will give the grace of Satan's definitive defeat and the frustration of his last three attacks on humanity.
Prayer, Sacrifice, Penance! Even if I have to repeat it a million times, I will. And now in these times when so many want to ban Me from saying this and ban My messages that said this. I must repeat it here in this place that My son Marcos bought for Me, where I have complete freedom to say whatever I want, to proclaim the truth to My children without anyone censoring or forbidding Me...
Here I will repeat every day: Prayer, Sacrifice, Penance!
Do all this if you want to save yourself, if you want to be saved.
Prayer, Sacrifice and Penance are the only weapons to defeat My infernal enemy.
Prayer, Sacrifice and Penance are the only things that can save humanity and its families.
Prayer, Sacrifice and Penance are the only way to sanctification and the salvation of the world. Above all, Sacrifice, first of the will, of one's own will, of one's own self, then of all things in order to belong and have only Me.
Do as My son Marcos did, who sacrificed everything, lost everyone's love and gained everyone's hatred and dislike because he preferred only Me. Yes, anyone who prefers Me will be despised and hated by all, but that is the price to pay to have My love and My predilection.
And My son Marcos happily paid this price and preferred Me, so I also prefer him over everyone. And as long as he continues to prefer Me, he will never lose My preference and he will never lose it because he will never prefer anything or anyone in My place.
Yes, son Marcos, the rose miracle* in your house with which I confirmed to you that you didn't imagine you could see Me, that I wasn't a hallucination of yours and that you weren't ill, but that it was Me in the flesh who was talking to you. That miracle* must be better known and publicized, so that My children can truly understand that I am here, that I am no one's imagination and that I am alive and will live on in the hearts and lives of the children who give Me their total yes.
Whoever prefers Me will have My predilection, whoever does not prefer Me will not have My predilection, and so I will do justice.
Pray the Rosary every day, so that I can truly chain My proud and haughty enemy to the bottom of the abyss and truly free the world from all the evil he causes.
Yes, march My soldiers, apostles of light, carrying My secret of La Salette united to My Secret of Fatima so that My children may understand the end times in which they are living and truly fight the good fight with Me, fight courageously alongside Me in order to win gloriously alongside Me too.
The Three Days of Darkness will come, what My son Jesus and I told Marie Julie Jahenny will be fulfilled to the letter. But those who preferred Me, those who preferred My messages, those who lost everything and everyone's love for Me, in those three days they will see all their sacrifices and renunciations for Me crowned with glory.
More pleasing to Me than fasting from food is fasting from attachment to the things and people of this world. More pleasing to Me than any bodily penance is sacrifice, fasting from attachment and love for earthly things, people and everything else.
You will be called to ever greater sacrifices and if you don't have My Flame of Love you won't be able to win. So pray, pray, pray to have My Flame of Love.
And above all, create this Flame of Love in your hearts, as My son Marcos did, by having a true love for Me, a true consecration of love, of heart, of will and of thought to Me. So that you can truly be united with Me and our minds and hearts can beat in unison so that you can truly walk the road of true happiness and joy that will lead you to true peace.
The message of Fatima is not known, which is why so many souls are lost.
The Secret of La Salette is being fulfilled, there is no one worthy of offering the victim to the Eternal Father for the world. This is why earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, the punishments of nature, burnings and fires have spread throughout the world, because there is no longer the offering of the victim to appease the Divine Justice inflamed by the sins of humanity.
That is why, My children, only those who remain solidly fixed and united with Me will resist and overcome the harsh trials that are yet to come. Only the sign of My Son, the Cross and My Rosary, will remain. Those who put their complete trust in Me and pray My Rosary will be saved.
There is no personal, family, national or international problem that I will not overcome through the power of My Rosary.
Imitate the city that asked for My help against an army marching against it and I appeared in Heaven with a sword in My hand and drove away all those enemies and they were defeated.
If you trust in Me as those children of Mine did, I will also save you as I saved them.
Attack My enemy by praying the meditated Rosary no. 53 twice and give it to two of My children who don't have it. In this way, the power of the enemy will be broken and diminished, and then many souls will be freed.
What the enemy said through the mouth of the mule that carried him about My son Marcos is true. He is hated by hell, which has tried to take his life many times, but has never succeeded because he is Mine, only Mine, and I will always defend him with My maternal love.
And everything is true, My son Marcos is entirely Mine, he lives in My heart and this place where he lives is the refuge of My Immaculate Heart and whoever comes here comes to Me, comes to My Heart, comes to peace, comes to love, comes to God who is love.
And everyone who comes close to My son Marcos comes close to My Flame of Love and if they are docile and assimilate this Flame of Love, they will receive the streams of graces from My Immaculate Heart.
Prayer, Sacrifice and Penance! Remain, My children, with the truth that I announce to you in My messages and you will remain in the love that is God and He will remain in you.
I bless you all with love. I bless you, My son Marcos, and I welcome your offering this morning of the merits of the film Fatima No. 2. Yes, I now transform these merits into graces and pour them out, as you asked, on your father Carlos Tadeu, on those who are here, My beloved children.
And I also bless you, My son Carlos Tadeu, to continue doing the cenacles of My Immaculate Heart and taking My messages to My children.
You must now pass on to My children the film La Salette no. 2 and meditate on it with My children little by little so that they understand the urgency of My maternal call: to return to God and to live the path of prayer, sacrifice and penance that will lead them to Heaven.
I also want you to meditate with My children on the messages of April this year, meditate with them so that they can understand how much I love them, with how much love I have chosen them out of billions and billions and how much My Immaculate Heart wants to work wonders in them.
I will continue to bring graces and victories into their lives.
I bless you all with love now: from Fatima, Pontmain and Jacareí.
As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives, I will be alive, carrying with Me the Lord's great graces.
I leave you all My peace.
In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!”
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
The Miracle of the Sun and of the Candle
Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei
Holy Hours given by Our Lady in Jacarei
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Apparition of Our Lady at Fatima