Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, the events of natural disasters are occurring one after another and many people will be displaced from their homes all over the world. The world is full of evil going on in various places, and My justice is being called down to get your attention. You are seeing the people praying a vigil of prayer for the sins of the world. Much reparation for sin is needed and I will multiply your prayers because only a few see the need for constant prayer. These events are signs of the end times drawing near. You are about to see the evil increase in the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. Fear not for I will grant you My graces to endure this trial. Remain faithful to Me no matter how much the evil ones will try to test your faith, even with threats of martyrdom. Have patience but a moment and I will soon come to vanquish this evil lot and cast them into hell. I will then renew the earth and establish My Era of Peace on earth. Those, who are faithful through this trial, will witness My true love and your reward in the new heavens and new earth.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen your advertisers on TV use various means to draw people to buy their products. They used to run ads for 5 to 10 minutes per hour, and now they are using 15 to 20 minutes per hour. Because ads are expensive to make, they are repeated many times as well. The devil uses similar deceptions in his temptations to get you to sin. He exploits all of your earthly desires and pleasures to excessive levels. Taking a few alcoholic drinks may be sociable, but in excess they can cause drunkenness with damage to your body. He causes you to overindulge in TV watching, gambling, and sexual pleasures, as well as with other partners. He also encourages you to overeat, especially things that are not healthy for your body. Man has appetites for the senses, but you need to control the desires of the body in order to avoid sinning. Ask My help and your angels to restrain yourself in your likes and dislikes, and you can improve your holiness. Many times man needs to develop self-control over his body, and train the senses not to violate My Commandments. By knowing your limits before something becomes sinful, you can avoid these near occasions of sin. Your fasting and prayers can help the soul keep the body in check in obedience to My ways for your life.”
Source: ➥