Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
(St. Albert the Great)

Jesus said: “My people, some areas will be seeing heavy rains, enough to cause flood warnings into the winter time. This vision of overflowing rivers is a strong suggestion for these warnings. Even as some experience flooding, others will continue to see droughts with possible fires continuing. This again is nature’s reflection of mankind where some are cold in their hearts to Me, while a few are on fire with My love. It is the mission of My strong faithful to try and lead the lukewarm back to their former fervor of faith, and reach out to convert those who have never loved Me. Wake up those who are spiritually asleep because there are many signs of the Antichrist coming before I return. Today’s Gospel is warning you also about the false christs who will come to try and deceive you that it is I, but do not follow them. Be always ready, for you do not know the day, nor the hour of My return.”Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I am pleased, as your people, to see the new stand for your personal crucifix as I had suggested. The vision also shows you how it would be good to have some protection for carrying the crucifix. It is also interesting how several attempts to make a DVD of your talk have been thwarted by poor lighting and sound. I applaud your attempts to carry out My wishes. Time indeed is growing short for your tribulation preparations, and this DVD and the index are all about getting out your message to as many as possible.” Jesus said: “My people, this local church, that had damage done to their tabernacle, has seen how vandals are becoming more bold in trying to steal My consecrated Hosts to defile them at black masses. These evil ones offer great sums of money for such Hosts, so to inspire some greedy thieves. I had just recently told you to expect more of these such incidents, and here it has happened. This is a sign to you that there needs to be adequate alarms and security to discourage such thefts.” Jesus said: “My people, it is always a good time for families to get together for this Thanksgiving Day dinner. Even though it may be a struggle to travel home over a distance, it is still worthy of the chance to be with one’s relatives to share your love in person. Along with sharing a meal, it is also appropriate to remember what you are celebrating in giving thanks to Me for everything. Make a point to mention this intention in your grace before dinner. Also think of those who are less fortunate who could use some help in providing for their Thanksgiving meal.” Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before not to start a war that you could not finish. Going into Iraq was a fabricated war as the evidence has shown, and it is even more of a reason to stop this war. You are in a battle with the one world people who want wars to make blood money. If you cannot stop this war, then they will not only get their way, they will prepare you for a takeover. Your people need to assert themselves against this war in prayer and action as your Congress is doing.” Jesus said: “My people, your mortgage banks have had to mark down many of their outstanding loans because of so many foreclosures. People could not afford their loans when higher interest was demanded of their faulty loans. It is unfortunate that these bankers would knowingly make loans for people when they knew the borrowers could not afford the full interest loan. It is greed that has caused these problems and now the bankers have to swallow their pride amidst their losses. Pray for those losing their homes and all of those investors that are losing their investments.” Jesus said: “My people, as you approach the end of the Church Year, you are going to hear many readings about the end times and preparations for the final judgment. This is your mission, as you know, so have everyone be attentive to these coming weeks of readings before Advent begins. Your soul always should be made pure by frequent Confession, so you are ready for the day of your judgment. I give you many readings of how to be wise in your preparations, even as I talked about the five foolish virgins and the five wise virgins who had enough oil in their lamps for the Wedding Feast. Take a lesson from these parables and see to your own preparations for a day when I will come that you do not know.” Jesus said: “My people, Noah had great faith in following My wishes to build a huge boat that would house his family and the animals from the great flood. At times what I ask you to do may not seem humanly possible to do, but with the faith of Noah, you must follow My plan. When you follow your mission, you will be rewarded greatly for having faith in Me, regardless of your human judgment. Trust in where I am sending you, and work to evangelize souls for My greater glory.”
Source: ➥