Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Friday, May 2, 2008

Friday, May 2, 2008

(First Friday)


Jesus said: “My people, back in the time of Noah after the flood I made a covenant with man in the symbol of the rainbow that I would never destroy many people with a world flood again. This vision of a rainbow over one of My churches is a remembrance of that covenant. When I was on the earth as a man, I made another covenant with man in the Institution of My Blessed Sacrament. You have Me present in My Body and Blood in every consecrated Host. I told you: ‘Who ever eats My Body and drinks My Blood worthily will have life everlasting.’ For My Body is real food, and My Blood is real drink. I want My people to know and recognize My Real Presence in My consecrated Host, so you can give Me praise and worship in Adoration. I have told you before that those, who visit Me in Adoration, are My special admirers, and you will have special graces for being close to My Blessed Sacrament. Those, who are strong in the faith, need to promote My Adoration to everyone so they can come and keep Me company in My tabernacle. Many do not believe in My Real Presence because it has not been emphasized or taught strongly for people to understand this ongoing miracle of My grace and covenant with man. There even have been miracles of My Eucharist in Hosts that bleed My Blood so unbelievers in My Real Presence can believe in this gift of Mine to man. Give witness to My Real Presence by coming as often as you can to show Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Give reverence to My Eucharist by receiving Me on the tongue in Holy Communion, and genuflecting when you come into My Presence. Receive Me worthily in the state of grace only without mortal sin so you do not commit any sacrilege against My Blessed Sacrament.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know well of My Blessed Mother under the title of Our Mother of Sorrows. I am showing you also a vision of swords piercing the hearts of family members. You are joined at this Mass to share the gift of enthroning your homes to My Sacred Heart. This enthronement is to protect and guide your family members with My grace and love. Some of the sorrows that you may have to endure are when any of your children may fall away from their faith or join another religion. Another sorrow that you could suffer could be a divorce of these spouses. Other sorrows could involve serious sickness or the death of one of the members of the family. Some families may have to endure not being able to have children. Other sorrows could be lost jobs, loss of a house, or serious accidents. I know some of these sorrows will befall every family, so I know your trials and petitions before you ask Me. By prayer, daily consecration, and the Enthronement of your homes to My Sacred Heart, you will have strength from My graces to endure any of these sufferings. Keep your families close to Me in family prayer and I will have My angels watch over you and protect you from any evil.”

Source: ➥