Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008


Our Lady said: “My dear son, St. John the Evangelist is honoring me in the first reading, as you know that he looked after me. I am your Blessed Mother, and I will answer your request to watch over you with my mantle as you go out speaking. You are approaching Thanksgiving Day, and it is a nice touch that you are thanking me as well for watching over my children. Wherever you see my Son, Jesus, I am there also, as our hearts are joined as one. Continue to pray your rosaries every day for my intentions. I love all of you, and heaven rejoices over even one soul that is converted to the faith.”

Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I thank you for praying my rosary, and my Jesus is very happy with your prayers. This rose that was given to you represents the symbol for those working for the Right to Life for the unborn. You should be prepared, my children, that those in favor of abortion will be lording their will over your good intentions. Even if it appears that your efforts to stop abortion are being thwarted, do not give up this fight and continue to pray for the end of abortion in America. I want you to pray for the people of California because their recent fires are an answer to those desiring homosexual marriages and legalized prostitution. They are testing my Son, Jesus’ hand of justice in their sinful lifestyles. Continue to pray for all of America because you are being tested with financial troubles that will eventually lead up to a takeover of your country. Just as you see this cave in the vision, pray for all of your places of refuge that will protect you during the coming tribulation. You are seeing a great battle of good and evil, so keep close to my Son’s sacraments in Confession and Holy Communion because you will need my Son’s graces to protect you from the evil ones who will be trying to kill you.”

Source: ➥