Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, February 20, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
(Mass of Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple)

Our Lady said: “My dear children, I want to welcome all of my pilgrims and prayer warriors as you come to celebrate your Eighth Anniversary of the Gospa Prayer house mission. As you come to Mass you are being strengthened by my Son, Jesus, in Holy Communion. You pray my rosaries in asking my Son for your petitions. I depend on my dear children for your prayers and good works to bring souls to my Son, Jesus. I love all of you as your spiritual mother, and I protect my children with my mantle of protection. You are gathered to listen to your conference speakers, and I want you to take what you learn back to share this with your people at home. Be attentive to their words so you can teach others how to come closer to my Son and me. Our hearts are joined as one, and we want all of you to love us as we love you. You are beginning another Lent next week, so take advantage of this opportunity for graces to improve your spiritual life. Keep close to us every day in your prayers.”
Source: ➥