Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Jesus said: “My people, in your youth you depended on Me for watching over you, and still in your later years you depend on Me, but with a greater knowledge of My place in your life. Some people learn their basic faith while they are young, but they do not work on growing their faith as they get older. This is why some fall away from their faith because they stop going to church and rely more on their own means. Your faith will grow cold if you forget your daily prayers and your Sunday Mass. Keep your love for Me vibrant every day in your prayers and consecrate everything over to Me. By seeing and recognizing your total dependence on Me, you are more able to grow in your faith beyond the faith that you had as a child. You need child-like faith, but your life’s goals need to be centered on how to serve Me the best that you can. By having an open heart to My mission for your life, then I can mold you into the Christian that I want you to be. Give praise and thanks to your God for all that I do in your life, and you will one day receive your reward in coming to heaven.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, there are many traditional Catholics that have fought to preserve the old rites of the Roman Catholic Church. This smoke that put this knight to sleep is part of the many changes in My Church that have done away with many of your old traditions. In the old Church the statues and crucifixes were covered with purple cloths during Lent. In churches of today you would be fortunate to find some traditional statues and the large crucifix on the altar. Some churches cover their statues, but only a few can be seen. Take advantage of your Lenten devotions to work on improving your spiritual life.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know that many of you had difficulty looking at a gay marriage which I abhor in My Church. I created man and woman to be joined in marriage and not same sexes. This is an open defiance of My institution of Marriage between a man and woman in the sacrament of Matrimony. I love all peoples, but relations between same sexes are as sinful as two of the opposite sex living together in fornication. This is not about rights, but it is against My Commandment. Only relations under the marriage covenant are lawful.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are signs all around you of how world globalism is trying to take over the world in the name of the new world order. Attempts to form continental unions is your most open sign of this evil trying to take over. The elitists of the world think that they know best how to lead the people of the world. Be aware to discourage this takeover because it will lead to the Antichrist’s takeover. There will be a battle over putting chips in everyone and controlling your personal information. Evil people are trying to implement global control, but as national martial law comes, you will need to go to My refuges for protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is the future by the one world people in that they want to force everyone to have a chip in the body in order to buy and sell. Refuse to take any chip in your body that could control your mind and your free will. This is why you need to come to My refuges for protection before the men in black come to your homes to try and force mandatory chips in the body on you. Should they capture you and you refuse these chips, they will then place you in the death camps to gas you and cremate your body. Call on My help so you can leave your homes before the evil ones come for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the beginning of a national health program that will computerize all of your health problems that will be available to those who want to discriminate against you. This was the Eugenics plan of the Nazis in World War II. It will be the mandatory chip in the body plan that will be enforced by your security departments as your new secret police. Avoid this health plan at all costs because it is a deception of the new world order planners.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are now seeing the ‘depression’ word being mentioned even as your politicians fought earlier to avoid the ‘recession’ word. Each month has brought more lost jobs, more calls for bailouts, and more businesses on the brink of bankruptcy. The one world people have created this crisis, but all of their money plans to fix this downturn have not worked. Their solution to deficit spend is really meant to bankrupt your government. This goal of a takeover has been their plan right along from the beginning. Bankruptcy of the government will lead to chaos and martial law which will result in the North American Union of the one world people. Prepare to come to My refuges as martial law is about to be declared.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is important that you do everything to protect your peace in your soul by My grace. Do not become worried or anxious of the current events, but do what is prudent for your physical and spiritual protection. When you have full trust in My protection, there is no cause to worry. Some will be martyred, but they will become instant saints with little pain. Others will be led to My refuges to have all of your needs provided for. So have full trust in My watching over you, and all of the tribulation will not disturb your peace.”

Source: ➥