Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in this Gospel reading of today I want you to imagine yourself as being present with My apostles in the Upper Room when I appeared to them in My resurrected Body. Picture yourself examining My wounds in My hands, feet, and My side. I want My faithful not only to believe in My words, but I want you to believe with your whole heart, your whole mind, and your whole self. Having faith in My death and Resurrection is the core of your faith because you believe that by following Me, you will one day also be resurrected in your glorified body. This life is only temporary, and eternal life with Me should be your life’s goal. As you continue reading the Easter accounts in the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles, see how I was helping My apostles to believe without any doubt. Then I breathed on them with the Holy Spirit so His gifts could empower them with spiritual courage to go out and spread My Good News to all the nations. It is My hope that all of My faithful will also be empowered by Me and the Holy Spirit to spread My Easter message to everyone that you meet. Trust in Me for everything and I will see to all of your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother and I are grateful for your rosary prayers in all of your intentions which we are hearing. This sunny day represents Me as the Greater Light in the sun and My Blessed Mother as the Lesser Light in the moon. We thank all of you for celebrating the 62nd Anniversary of this Shrine under My title of ‘Christ the King’. You have just celebrated My Resurrection in your Easter services that acknowledge My victory over sin and death, and I am truly King of this world and all creatures, including the devil. Give praise and glory to Me in My Kingship. Bring Me the gift of your daily consecration so I can be Master of your life and your Savior in bringing everyone salvation through My death on the cross. I thank the people here at this Shrine for also erecting this beautiful crucifix on these grounds so you will always remember how I suffered and died to pay the ransom for your sins. Repent in Confession and come to Me so I can forgive your sins and keep your souls pure for the day of your judgment.”
Source: ➥