Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Jesus said: “My people, at certain times in your life you need to step back and make an assessment of your spiritual life and see where you are going. Make this time like a miniature retreat to recharge your spiritual batteries. Look first at your prayer life and make sure that you are making time for Me in your life. If you cannot pray your rosaries one day, make them up on the next day. I need My faithful to pray for souls, because there is no one else to back you up. Keep checking your life’s daily plan of how you are spending your time, because you may be doing too much if you do not have time to pray. Be more honest with yourself to see if you are truly letting Me lead your daily plan or are you going ahead of Me with your own plan. If you do not consecrate everything over to Me every day, it is hard to allow Me to fulfill the mission I have for you to do. There are some worldly things that you need to care for in sustaining your life, but remember that everything that you do should be done out of love for Me. You also need to give yourself a chance for a few quiet moments with Me in contemplative prayer to guard your inner peace from the devil’s temptations. You also should see that you continue to show love to everyone without discriminating for those that you like more. Once you have analyzed where you are in your spiritual life, then you can make any needed corrections to put your life back on track with Me leading your way. Keep your focus on Me throughout your whole day, and I will be with you in the graces that you need.”

Source: ➥