Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
(Trinity Sunday)

God the Father said: “I AM wants to thank you for honoring Me in the Blessed Trinity. Many times you make the Sign of the Cross or pray the Glory Be to God prayer, and you are calling Our attention to your petitions. In the readings you can see My link to Moses and the Ten Commandments, as well as the first Five Books of the Old Testament. Another reading talks about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the Gospel speaks of My Only Begotten Son, Jesus, as asking His disciples to go out and evangelize souls, baptizing them in the Name of Myself, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Even though you try to separate Us in referring to our Persons, We are still Three Persons in one God. The Blessed Trinity is a mystery to man’s understanding, but accept this teaching to know that in faith all creation comes from God. Wherever you see one of Us, you have all Three Persons, because We are always as One. When you receive My Son, Jesus, in Holy Communion, you receive Me and God the Holy Spirit as well at the same time. Rejoice when you pray to God and give Us praise because you are praying to all of Us in the Blessed Trinity.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are joyful to see your friends going forward with their refuge plans, but you are sad that you may not see them very much. These are your prayer partners, and it is hard to separate. They are following My plans, so I am grateful for their obedience to give up what they have here to provide help at a refuge for others. I want each of you to pray for each other in each of your separate missions. Do not be discouraged by decreasing numbers in your prayer groups because you will be the core people to help others during the tribulation. Be faithful to your daily prayers and call on My graces to keep you strong to endure any future persecution. Give praise and glory to Me for all the people that I have chosen to prepare refuges to protect My people, and for My messengers who have prepared you for these end times.”
Source: ➥