Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
(St. James)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast day of St. James is about the two sons of Zebedee who were fishermen when I called St. James and St. John to be My apostles. The vision about taking care of their fishing nets adds to My comment to them. Now they will be fishers of men instead of catching fish. I called them and all of you to a life of true love of God and neighbor without any exceptions. An unconditional love means you do not discriminate by only loving those whom you like, but you are to love everyone, even your enemies. My ways are different from man’s ways because man looks for revenge and desires earthly things. I desire peace and harmony as well as only the things of heaven. I know man’s nature is flawed by Adam’s sin, and you are in a weakened state to sin. This is why I became a man and died for your sins so you could be freed from your bonds of sin. My death on the cross has brought everyone salvation and an opportunity to be saved in heaven from hell. To choose heaven you must follow My Commandments in seeking the forgiveness of your sins, and give your will over to Me as Master over your life. By surrendering yourself and all that you have over to Me, you will have eternal life in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision you are seeing how people act out their lives on the stage of life. You may not realize it, but all of heaven and the souls in purgatory are watching and encouraging you in your prayer life. It is important to see whether I am leading your life by your consecration, or if you are leading it alone. By your prayer life, Masses, Adoration, and your good deeds, I can see how sincere you are in being obedient to My Will and My Commandments. When you help evangelize souls to the faith, all of heaven is rejoicing. Keep your focus on Me always, and keep close to Me in your faith. I love all of you so much, and I want you to love Me, and love Me in your neighbor. Do whatever you can to bring love and harmony to all the people that you encounter on this earth. You may be the only person to invite someone to know and love Me. Never give up on praying to save souls in your family, as you may be their salvation with My help. As you go through life, be conscious that many are watching your actions, and you want to be a good example to win souls over to heaven. Call on Our help in your dark moments, and call on the Holy Spirit to give you the right words needed to help save souls. When you come home to Me and your life’s performance is over, all of heaven will greet you when you receive your crown of sainthood.”
Source: ➥