Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

(St. Joseph Calasanz)


Jesus said: “My people, I love the little children and I did not want My apostles keeping them from Me. I ask all of My faithful to become like little children in their faith. Trust in Me and be obedient to Me as a child is to their parents. It is not easy to raise children in this sinful society, but the parents are responsible for the souls of their children. Bring them up in the faith so that you give them a good example in using My sacraments. Teach them to have a good prayer life so they can deal with the trials of life. Even once they leave your house, you should encourage their faith and pray for the salvation of their souls. The children are responsible as adults, but you can still give them spiritual guidance. Stay close to Me every day, and do not let the distractions of the world mislead you from Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is a warning of a coming devastating storm that people will need to be warned to evacuate to save their lives. Property damage can be cleared and rebuilt, but you cannot bring back the dead in this life. This warning of a disaster should be heeded, or many could lose their lives. In some storms people think that they can ride them out, but severe storms leave only a small window to evacuate, or it could be too late to be saved. Be on the alert for any severe weather, because you may want to have plans on how to quickly evacuate. Pray for these people along the water that are vulnerable to this destruction.”

Source: ➥