Final Preparations

Important Appeal from God The Father to All!

Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)

Red Alert

The END of our Freedom, of our Existence

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)


Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Monday, January 4, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

(St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)


Jesus said: “My people, when My public ministry began, it was too difficult for the people of My day to comprehend the possibility of God becoming a man. They listened to My words and they sought to be healed by My healing power. But when I talked of My Divinity and two natures, they wanted to stone Me as a blasphemer. Throughout history there have been various heresies that denied My Divinity. My becoming a man is a mystery for man to understand, but it is true that I took on two natures-human and the Divine. Understanding the Blessed Trinity of Three Persons in One God is also a mystery of faith. At all times whenever you see Me, you also see God the Father and God the Holy Spirit because We are always One and inseparable. Another mystery of faith is accepting My Real Presence in every consecrated Host and the consecrated Wine. This mystery is shared every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion since you receive God the Father and God the Holy Spirit all at the same time. Give praise and glory to all Three Persons of God that We are joined intimately with you in spirit and in the physical substance of bread and wine.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been saying your Santo Nino Novena for your conference funding, and now you have seen an answer to your prayer. You knew that this was a powerful prayer, so now you have another confirmation. As with all answered prayers, it is only fitting that you continue with your thanksgiving Novena of Santo Nino. You gave Me, as an Infant King, all of your prayers and petitions, and now your conference is ready. Continue your prayers in faith and persistence for all of your other intentions. You know when it is according to My Will that I will answer those prayers where many souls will be helped. This is another reason to see the importance of gathering all of your Betania groups together in spreading the message of repentance with My Blessed Mother. Repentance is the theme of St. John the Baptist, and this Christmas Season fits the message of your conference. Give praise and glory to God for answering your intention.”

Source: ➥