Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Saturday, May 29, 2010:

Jesus said: “My people, just as you maintain your house with painting, fixing roofs, cleaning, and caring for the lawn, so also My churches need to be maintained as well. Some services need to be contracted out, but some can also be done by parish volunteers. There is also a spiritual duty that needs to be maintained in the faith. Building up the faith community by evangelizing souls is a necessary function of My faithful to keep your faith vibrant, and able to be passed on to the next generation. This involves teaching the young children in religion classes and even assisting adults with Bible study and rosary groups. Assisting in sacramental preparation is also important. By having good leadership in the physical and spiritual maintenance of a parish, that church can survive in your modern world. If the people are lax in supporting a church, then that church could become another closure. Keeping a church open is therefore the responsibility of the faith community and its leaders.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who seek fame and riches as their main goal in this earthly life. Some even sell their souls to the devil to obtain fame and fortune. Remember that these things are temporary and they will be gone tomorrow. The things of this world are only here for awhile, which is why heavenly things are more valuable because they last forever. Instead of seeking earthly treasures, you should seek heavenly treasures in doing good deeds for people. Instead of doing things for show or an earthly reward, you should do everything out of love for Me and for My greater glory. Pride and greed tend to drive people to look for fame and riches, but those, who want to be humble and charitable, will be better off in their spiritual life. You may not see your reward here on earth for your good deeds, but My Father sees what you do in secret, and you will have your reward in the next life. Your best goal is to seek heaven, but you will need to struggle against your earthly weaknesses to stay on the narrow road to heaven. Call on My help in your daily prayers to stay close to Me.”

Source: ➥