Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010


Monday, June 7, 2010:

Jesus said: “My people, why is it that man continues to seek comforts even at Mass and Confession? Some are reluctant to attend Sunday Mass if it is raining, snowing, windy, or too hot without air conditioning. I suffered much more for you on My cross in My crucifixion. I am asking you to come and give Me praise and glory on Sunday at Mass. Those, who come to Sunday Mass, have an opportunity to receive Me in Holy Communion which is the food that you need to have eternal life. Experiencing My Real Presence worthily gives you My grace to strengthen you against sin. My faithful need to encourage your family members to attend Sunday Mass regularly for the benefit of their souls, and to avoid sin against My Third Commandment for those who knowingly refuse to attend. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you should be free of any mortal sin by going to Confession at least once a month. My sacraments are available to nourish your soul with My graces. Take advantage of these opportunities now that may be difficult to find as more churches are closing.”

Jesus said: “My people, ever since Abraham was led into the promised land, the Hebrews, Jews, or Israelites have had to fight for their land. In recent news the Jewish people have been taking criticism for their raid that killed people when they were enforcing their ship blockade of Gaza. It is not clear if those killed were done out of self-defense. A terrorist element has taken over Gaza with a purpose to eliminate Israel which is why Israel is trying to stop rockets from entering Gaza. Many nations have been outspoken against Israel and even some media people. Just as the Jews, Christians have also been criticized and persecuted throughout history, especially by Muslims. This criticism of Christians has become more open recently. Many other religions would take more offense at such treatment if they were persecuted as the Christians. I have asked My people not to fight with weapons, except for self-defense, and not to make a defense of living your faith. As the tribulation comes, your life will be more in danger as Christians will be targeted for killing. Some of you will be martyred, while the rest will find safety at My refuges of protection. My angels will make you invisible, and you will be healed of your health problems by looking on My luminous cross. Have no fear of these evil ones who are trying to kill you, since you will see My protection and how I will have all of these evil ones thrown into hell.”

Source: ➥