Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010: (Second Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, this cry in the desert by St. John the Baptist was his exclamation, ‘Repent’, which he repeated often. He was asking those who came to repent of their sins and ask God’s forgiveness. He even asked them to be baptized by immersion in the Jordan River. He ate locusts and wild honey, and wore simple clothing in the desert. His mission was to prepare the people for My coming, but not just at My birth. He was preparing the people to hear My Good News that is read now in My Gospels. He was preparing the people for the coming of the Kingdom. Many beautiful images are given in Isaiah which even describes My Era of Peace on My return. The early readings of Advent are talking of My beginning ministry when St. John is mentioned. In the later weeks of Advent you will be reading of My birth at Bethlehem. Many of your shoppers need to keep focused on Me in wishing each other a ‘Merry Christmas’ because My coming on earth is the reason for your celebration. This is not just Season’s Greetings, but it is My greeting to all of you that I love you enough to become a man on earth, and die for the sins of everyone, no matter what your faith is. So repent and rejoice as you share the season of My birth at Christmas.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you prepare your Christmas decorations, be sure to have at least one presentation of a Nativity Scene so people remember the most important part of Christmas. This vision is beautiful because you are seeing a family praying the rosary together in front of a Nativity Scene. Some of you have been fortunate to visit Bethlehem in Israel and have brought home some keepsakes of My Nativity. In this Christmas Season many people are focused on shopping for gifts, but the best gift that you could give Me is yourselves in prayer. When you are gathered around your tree and decorations, you could try to get you family to pray at least one decade of the rosary before you hand out your gifts. If your family is stronger in faith, maybe even a whole rosary could be said with the intentions for the souls of your family. By putting prayer more in focus around your gift giving, you can keep love of Me more in focus on My feast day.”
Source: ➥